1 pound unsalted butter or margarine I do not know how many I can put in a 18 quart oven roaster. 3 1/2 (thinner sauce) to 4 1/2 gallons. To put you answer in the correct form you need to change the 160 oz to pounds and ounces. But basically if it is two rice and ground meat mixed dishes, you are looking at 10 pounds of rice and 30 pounds of ground meats- you have to do more than 50-50 to allow choice and because people eat more when they self-serve 2 entrees. Do I place a little bit of water in the second roaster? I'm doing this because I don't want the pasta to overcook and get mushy. jar onion flakes 4. PLEASE send questions separately from EllensKitchen.com is remodeling and I want to provide the changes YOU (my readers) have been asking for. www.nesco.com/products/?category=700. Do preheat the oven. 3 Pounds BONELESS TURKEY BREAST ROAST, thawed if frozen Lastly add the rest of the ingredients. Thaw it in the sink or slowly in the refrigerator, allow 24 hours for a 5 pound package. I would use 2 roasters to make soup for this many- I only put 3 1/2 gallons in one roaster- that serves about 50. www.ellenskitchen.com/bigpots/beefsoup.html. This is a very nice recipe, you can simmer the kraut with the add-ins in the roaster: allrecipes.com/recipe/sausage-and-sauerkraut/. The drum is simply not large enough to allow the beans to move around. OPTIONAL, 5 small cans green chilies When hot, turn to 200. It depends on the shape. Add onions, jalapenos, garlic, vinegar, sugar, salt, and tomato paste. What setting would you use and would use pam? I would like to find a brilliant programmer that I could get to help me make a calculating CD that would do what I do for the readers 350 degrees, 2 hours before. See my favorite cajun site for a really good red beans recipe: Mary Jo, best soak is overnight- in fridge if the weather is hot.
Curt Simmons is the author of more than 50 books, including iPhoto For Dummies.
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