which of the following statements is true about correctional officers?

This graphic represents systematic review and data synthesis compiled up to January 13, 2015. Which of the following statements is true? Quiz - Quizizz the right to vote, the right to hold public office, the right to serve on a grand or petit jury, or the right to get married. The "evidence" that evidence based corrections is based on is highly controversial. Community corrections refers to adults on probation or parole. Inmates skilled in legal matters are known as ________. The country of_______was known for burning people alive. Solved Which of the following statements is true? | Chegg.com The Wickersham Commission was appointed by President__________________. Inmates should mind their own affairs and do their own time., Inmates should not inform the prison staff about the illicit activities of other prisoners., Inmates should be indifferent to the prison staff and loyal to other convicts., or Inmates should follow the prison rules and not cause trouble. What is defined as the return to illegal activity after release from incarceration? Which of the following is NOT one of them? Which of the following is a supervision strategy that uses electronic technology to track offenders who have been sentenced to house arrest, or who have been ordered to limit their movements while completing a sentence involving probation or parole? Complete applications for medical services in conjunction with the inmate. The correctional officer that believes that close association with inmates will make it easier to control the inmates is called a ___________. that good educational programs reduce recidivism. Source: Seth P, Figueroa A, Wang G, Reid L, Belcher L. HIV Testing, HIV Positivity, and Linkage and Referral Services in Correctional Facilities in the United States, 2009-2013. [76] At the end of 2016, approximately 4.5 million adults in the United States were in community corrections (Figure 17). The privacy of the individual inmate should be protected to the greatest extent possible, which typically means that medical interviews of inmates should be conducted out of earshot of correctional officers, and the disclosure of protected health information should be limited to situations that directly impact the health and safety of other inmates and/or correctional staff.[51]. The numbers for each year represent a sample taken at one point in time. The most honorable form of punishment for men was decapitation with a sword. Source: Carson EA. This graphic illustrates the concept that many more persons in the United States move through jails over time than in prisons. . Community corrections officers have some discretion in setting reporting requirements and the strictness of Although injection drug use may directly result in transmission of HIV, it is also associated with sexual activity that can increase the risk ofHIV acquisition. Which of the following statements is true? Women make up ______ percent of the parole population. Corrections Departments by State | USAGov [26,68] Multiple potential interventions can improve linkage to care, including HIV education during incarceration, careful discharge planning, securing stable housing, availability of transportation, employment opportunities, and care for substance use and mental health disorders. Jake is an inmate in a large state prison. Which of the following is NOT one of those categories? Branding has been in use as a punishment since at least Roman times. The "Founder of Probation" is John Augustus. Which of the following cases launched the prisoners' rights movement? What is defined as the conditional release of prisoners before they have served their full sentences? In a retrospective review involving 882 prisoners with HIV in the Connecticut Department of Corrections system, virologic suppression (less than 400 copies/mL) improved from 29.8% at entry to 70.0% by release. Early release after a time period specified and set by law is called ____________. December 2018. [45,66] In a study that involved released prisoners in Texas, only 30% filled a prescription for antiretroviral therapy within 60 days of release. Bureau of Justice Statistics: Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The prison population is higher today in the United States than at any time in our history. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Annual Probation Survey, Annual Parole Survey, Annual Survey of Jails, Census of Jail Inmates, and National Prisoner Statistics Program, 1980-2016. [26,30] Release from prison has been associated with increases in HIV RNA levels and decreased CD4 counts, which reflect some of the challenges with engaging in medical care and adhering to antiretroviral therapy while trying to reintegrate into society. After release from prison or jail into the general community, persons with HIV may engage in sex activities that may increase their risk of transmitting HIV to others, particularly with their pre-incarceration sex partners. If the defendant accepts a penalty without admitting guilt it is called? Imminent threats. Section 6.4: Parole, Probation, and Community Sanctions This graphic illustrates the concept that on any given day in the United States, there are significantly more individuals incarcerated in prisons than in jails. The ___________ constantly finds problems with the way the institution is run or with existing policies and rules. Chapter 10 - Probation, Parole, Community Corrections - Quizizz Pretrial officers utilize discretion in making pretrial release decisions. Crime in the United States has continued to increase over the last decade despite our best efforts to control it. "America is the land of the second chance and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life", was said by_______________. According to BJS, _______ percent of the people discharged from parole in 2006 completed the terms of their community supervision without returning to prison or jail or absconding. The field of corrections is improving. True or False? Am J Public Health. The ___________ was influenced by progressive beliefs that education and science were vehicles for controlling crime. [10] Unfortunately, few correctional facilities currently offer medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction, and many inmates continue to use illicit drugs while incarcerated if they are able to access the drugs. [72,73] Therefore, in this setting, it is important to utilize a range of HIV prevention strategies that include keeping released prisoners engaged in medical care, assisting them in taking antiretroviral therapy consistently achieving suppressed HIV RNA levels, identifying and treating sexually transmitted infections (since sexually transmitted infections can increase the risk of HIV transmission to partners), and facilitating the use of preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for community serodifferent partners. As of year-end 2016, the United States had approximately 2.2 million persons housed in correctional facilities and had an incarcerated population that exceeded that of all other countries, in large part due to the justice system's approach to illegal drugs. [7] Epidemiologic surveys indicate the prevalence of HIV in 2015 was approximately 1.3% among inmates in correctional facilities, which is markedly higher than the 0.3 to 0.4% HIV prevalence in the general United States population. A place where the same people work, eat, sleep and engage in recreation together day after day is called? Therefore, the functions are exponential. A pass must be signed by an officer to be valid. At the end of 2012, about ________ percent of the security staff in state correctional agencies were male. In 2006 the State of __________ had the highest incidence of AIDS related deaths in its prison population? Overcrowding, one of the most pressing problems, has created the dilemma of? [41] Fear of interpersonal violence, stigma, and lack of safety and privacy were cited as key reasons for HIV non-disclosure. The term flogging means a type of hanging conducted in London. Psychology - What is Psychology? The term ________ is defined as the reduction of the original sentence given by executive authority, usually a state's governor. Which of the following statements is true about a high percentage of lawsuits filed by inmates? Juveniles can never be held in adult jails. Assist the inmate with scheduling an appointment with the community care provider. HIV-positive inmates working in the kitchen. Robert-Francois Damiens was sentenced to be quartered publicly in Paris for attempting to kill? Personalism & Modern Psychology Plato's Meno, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology, Electoral Process and Propaganda Techniques Q. [11,12,13] Available data suggest that for persons with HIV and a history of opioid dependence, receipt of opiate agonist therapy within an HIV clinic upon release from prison improves HIV treatment outcomes in the community. This system called for silence but allowed the inmated to work together in groups. Which of the following is usually not a characteristic of women's prisons? The numbers for each year represent a sample taken at one point in time during that year. [41] Prisoners may have concerns about confidentiality and/or lack trust in the prison health care system; these may compromise adherence and deter inmates from acknowledging their HIV status and accessing HIV care.[41,45]. Those officers who supervise inmates in the prison athletic areas or recreational areas are called ___________. Which of the following Latin terms is defined as a court order requiring that a confined person be brought to court so that his or her claims can be heard? Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of the inmate society in many women's prisons? Having the inmate talk to a provider, a nurse, or a counselor at the follow-up clinic may help with concrete linkage to services. Revocation hearings usually begin with a violation report prepared by the probation officer. In the United States, the HIV prevalence among incarcerated individuals is 1.3%, which is more than three times higher than among the general population. [6] From 2007 through 2018, Black individualsconsistently had higher prison incarceration rates were consistently higher among persons who are Black than those who are White(Figure 7). [74] Moreover, some investigators have also demonstrated that incarceration disrupts primary intimate relationships, suggesting that use of prison-based programs to help prisoners and their partners maintain their relationship during incarceration may reduce the number of sexual contacts after release.[75]. The HIV Care Cascade Before, During, and After Incarceration: A Systematic Review and Data Synthesis. The author of On Crimes and Punishments was? The use of___________in corrections and public policy is now considered the gold standard for policy and program development. While blacks account for 12% of the U.S. population they account for _____ of the correctional workforce. The estimated national cost per year to confine an inmate over 55 years old is? How can one compensate for the effects of price instability when constructing cost estimates using high-low or regression techniques? Until the middle of the twentieth century, courts followed a(n) ________ philosophy toward prison matters. Officers who conduct pre-sentence investigations utilize discretion in deciding what to include in a report and, most importantly, what sentence to recommend. [19,20] Although the overall rate of AIDS-related deaths in prison has declined since 2001, the rate of AIDS-related deaths among Black inmates has remained higher than in White or Hispanic inmates. [69,70] Adherence counseling is particularly important, as studies have demonstrated that adherence to antiretroviral therapy is low in persons who have experienced multiple incarcerations. [48] Also, with short stays there may be inadequate time to collect a medical history, inquire about and verify current and previous medication regimens, or obtain the necessary antiretroviral medications before an individual is released. The normal patterns of behavior expected of those holding particular social positions are called__________. An act that is a law violation only for juveniles but not for adults is referred to as a? A crime punishable by death or by incarceration in a prison facility for a year or more is called a? Some correctional systems have arranged partnerships to allow processing of Social Security Administration (SSA) and Medicare applications before release, as recommended by the SSA and the Centers for Medicare and Medical Services. Incarcerated individuals who exhibit unique physical, mental, social and progammatic needs that distinguish them from other prisoners are called? [14,15], In the United States, the absolute number of men with HIV in state or federal prisons is consistently greater than the number of women by a ratio of more than 10 to 1, which is not surprising given the prison population is predominantly male. The religious order that pushed for prison reform of the Walnut Street Jail was the? Code of Ethics - American Correctional Association What is defined as the process by which an inmate becomes socialized into the customs and principles of the inmate society? Many prison movies have been made in recent years. Assume the male role in a homosexual relationship. A special court that is given responsibilty to handle cases involving drug-addicted offenders is called? Typically, at any single point in time, the number of incarcerated adults housed in prisons is approximately twice those in jails. The term Lex Talionis means "Let the punishment be just". If you want to skip this dialog please Always allow popup windows for the online course. Funding to various correctional agencies has been cut since 9/11 and has been allocated to? In the past, sellers had more power than buyers, but now buyers have more power than sellers. Most inmates with HIV will qualify for free or low-cost medical treatment at clinics federally funded through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act of 2006. If possible, allow the community care provider to visit the inmate before release. a. An adult offender receives a verdict; a juvenile offender receives a? Totality-of-conditions rulings have been handed down against prison systems in three states. [. They are meant to help you stay on track throughout each lesson and check your understanding of key concepts. Life is typified by insecurity, stress, and unpredictability in prison., There are rarely opportunities for educational achievement in prison., There is little privacy in prison., or Deprivation of personal freedom and material goods is pronounced in prison. "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted" is the 5th Amendment. Fails when it's ill conceived and/or not implemented as designed. The numbers for each year represent a sample taken at one point in time and represent persons with diagnosed HIV. In some states, if you are convicted of a felony it is grounds for an uncontested divorce. [31,32,33], Studies have shown that HIV testing within the structured environment of corrections is effective and feasible; the cost-effectiveness of testing incarcerated populations varies with the prevalence of undiagnosed HIV among inmates in any given testing area, but, overall, is on par with the cost of testing in the non-correctional setting. [54,55,56] Inmates with HIV have a very high rate of HCV coinfection, mental illness, and illiteracy: Incarcerated persons with HIV often present complex management challenges to prison medical staff who lack HIV expertise. Alternatively, send information to the community provider after obtaining written consent for release ofinformation from the inmate. Punishment options for initial sentences more restrictive than traditional probation but less restrictive than jail or prisons are called? In one instance, a single case of tuberculosis rapidly spread among the inmates living with HIV in one facility and ultimately 31 individuals developed tuberculosis. The _______ likes to give orders and seems to enjoy the feeling of power that comes from ordering inmates around. [2], In 2018, the United States had the highest prison population rate (prisoners per 100,000 population) in the world and the total prison population in the United States was higher than any other country(Figure 3). [26] Fewer than 30% of persons with HIV in the United States who enter the correctional system do so with an undetectable HIV RNA level. . The punishment device that held the prisoner in a sitting position, with feet and hands locked in a frame, was called the stocks. In which of the following years did the first female correctional officer begin work at a high-security institution? [11,26] For some inmates with HIV, the correctional setting may be their first engagement in HIV care, and during incarceration substantial gains may be made along all steps in the HIV care cascade, including increasing the percentages of persons taking antiretroviral therapy and achieving virologic suppression. [6], In the United States, during the years 1991-2015 the annual number of persons with diagnosed HIV in state or federal prisons ranged from a high of 25,976 in 1998 to a low of 17,146 in 2015; from 1998 to 2015 the number and rate of persons with HIV in state or federal prisons declined (Figure 8). You seem to have a popup blocker enabled. Since individuals often engage in activities that may increase risk for HIV acquisition following release from the correctional setting, secondary prevention is a critical component of transitional care planning. Intensive supervision probation(ISP) involves? [11,42] Several studies evaluating the impact of directly observed antiretroviral therapy in prisons have found that directly observed antiretroviral therapy does not necessarily lead to better medication adherence than self-administration. ______________ of isolation and silence became popular in Europe. The __________ advocated a prison system which shifted the emphasis from punishing the body to reforming the mind and soul. QUESTION 68 The process of civilian gang members with no prior criminal history being recruited to apply to become correctional officers is called: a. testing b.active recruiting O c downing a duck O d. empathy QUESTION 62 Why do some scholars say that the criminal justice system is designed to fail? Which of the following statements regarding prison subcultures is true? A correctional officer who provides commodities to the inmate population is a called a ________. A. a type of sentence in which the offender must submit to intensive supervision in lieu of imprisonment, A. an opportunity to confront and cross-examine people who testify against them. [41] In a small exploratory study of 42 men and transgender women with HIV who were recently released from correctional centers in Illinois, only about one-half of the men said they reported their HIV status at jail or prison entry and some study participants only disclosed their HIV status to the correctional officers when their health deteriorated. The first historical phase of prison discipline, involving soiltary confinement in silence instead of corporal punishment was called the ____________. [19] Incarcerated Black men are at least twice as likely as incarcerated White men to have HIV. Until the middle of the twentieth century, courts followed a(n) ________ philosophy toward prison matters. They have considerable discretion in discharging their duties within the constraints of rules, regulations, and policies., They represent a minor percentage of staff members in prisons., They have clear and specific guidelines on how to exercise their discretion., or They exist in isolation from the prison bureaucracy. The major Code of Ethics governing the field of corrections was created? Instances of prison sex can be divided into three basic categories. Over 5 percent of women are pregnant at the time of incarceration. Provide the inmate with date, time, and location of first post-release appointment in writing. The imprisonment rate for the United States is approximately_______per 100,000 citizens.