This led to the development of a 2C and a well-below 2C pathway. Join our mailing list to receive our newsletters and stay up-to-date Of this, around 3 Gt CO2e are direct emissions; a further 9.8 Gt CO2e are indirect emissions from electricity and heat consumption; and a further 3.5 Gt CO2e from materials. The G20s largest and highest-emitting companies must urgently increase climate action to align with 1.5C, and the G7 must lead from the front in driving climate action on science-based net-zero targets. Near-term science-based target submission + Net-zero target submission Package Rate: $14,500Companies who wish to align with the Net-Zero Standard and are submitting new near-term and net-zero targets to the SBTi for the first time have the option to submit together at a discounted rate. From March 16 to April 15 the SBTi held a one month-long public consultation for the Cement Science Based Target Setting Guidance and Tool to ensure the criteria and guidance to support cement companies in their decarbonization journey are robust, clear, and practical.The development of this project took over eleven months from the kick-off date, with completion in September 2022. The Cement Science Based Target Setting Guidance launches today to enable companies in the cement and concrete industry to set near-and long-term science-based targets in line with 1.5C for the first time. In 2015, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) developed the Sectoral Decarbonisation Approach (SDA). Join our mailing list to receive our newsletters and stay up-to-date Accountability Framework initiative (AFi), Read more on how this guidance accounts for land-use change emissions here, Download the SBTi FLAG Target Setting Tool, Read the summary of the SBTi FLAG Guidance public consultation feedback, Watch the FLAG guidance consultation webinar, View the FLAG guidance consultation webinar slides, Watch the webinar on March 3 2021: Project Updates: Science-based Targets for Forest, Land and Agriculture & Greenhouse Gas Protocol, Email us for more information or to join the mailing list. Both submissions undergo a separate, robust technical review conducted by our team of experts as detailed above and results are delivered within 60 business days of contract signature. Indian company Wipro faces a unique challenge with its electricity footprint - discover how the company is reaching its target of 100% renewable energy by 2030. The SBTi is has also launched the world's first Corporate Net-Zero Standard, to ensure that companies net-zero targets translate into action that is consistent with achieving a net-zero world by no later than 2050. The future of our planet depends on this. More than 3,000 businesses around the world are already working with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). It represents nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - the largest emitting sector after energy. Race to Zero. Start taking ambitious climate action with science-based emissions reduction targets. The power of supply chains. This framework has also been designed for those companies that purchase cement, the emissions from which will fall within their scope 3 inventory. To socialize the resources developed as part of this project, we envision joint capacity building activities, including webinars and/or workshops. Companies in this sector have a crucial role to play in limiting global warming to 1.5C. However, the Paris Agreement and the recent IPCC 6th Assessment Report highlighted the need to keep warming within a 1.5C temperature rise. The launch of the SBTi Net-Zero Standard ahead of COP26 was a milestone, providing the worlds first framework for corporate net-zero target setting. Highlight the collective efforts and achievements of the sector and of individual firms taking the most ambitious climate actions. Join the companies leading the way to a net-zero economy. Anchored in climate science and 1.5C pathways, the Standard requires companies to make rapid and deep emission cuts, through both near- and long-term science-based targets. All Rights Reserved, 3 Gt CO2e are direct emissions; a further 9.8 Gt CO2e are indirect emissions from electricity and heat consumption; and a further 3.5 Gt CO2e from materials, Establish a global pathway for buildings in-use emissions aligned with 1.5C, Establish a global pathway for buildings embodied emissions aligned with 1.5C, Issue guidance on emissions accounting and reporting as well as target setting and validation, Council on Energy, Environment, and Water (CEEW), Environmental Coalition on Standards (ECOS), Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF), The European Network of Construction Companies for Research and Development (ENCORD), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Update of target-setting pathways and tool, Development of sector-specific criteria and target-validation protocol, Integration of requirements on accountability and tracking progress. Many companies with land-intensive operations have committed or set targets through the SBTi. We are facing a turning point in history: unless the world immediately and dramatically cuts emissions in the next eight years, we will not prevent a climate catastrophe. Indian company Wipro faces a unique challenge with its electricity footprint - discover how the company is reaching its target of 100% renewable energy by 2030. Buildings account for 37% of today's global CO2 emissions when both operational emissions and embodied emissions of materials are taken into account. The whole economy needs to act If your sector is not listed here, you can still set a science-based target using our methods and resources. Browse our FAQs. Please see our cookie policy and privacy policies for details. The SBTi FLAG Guidance offers a common, robust, science-based understanding on how much and how quickly a company needs to cut its land-related emissions in line with the Paris Agreements goal to limit global warming to 1.5C. How can I join the SBTi? The next few years are critical in the fight against climate change. Join our mailing list to receive our newsletters and stay up-to-date In particular, the Buildings project aims to achieve three objectives: By setting emission reduction targets in line with this goal and defining appropriate decarbonization strategies, companies in the building sector can help accelerate the transition to a net-zero economy and prevent the worst effects of climate change. The SBTi launches the worlds first standard method to cover land-related emissions and removals, SBTi launches world first 1.5C science-based framework to decarbonize the cement industry, The SBTi is partnering with Mott MacDonald to progress the Oil and Gas Sector Project, Confirmation: add me to general mailing list, Do not add me to the SBTi general mailing list, Science Based Targets. The SBTi, with support from WWF, developed the SBTi FLAG Project to address an important methodology gap. Thomas Guillot, CEO of the Global Cement and Concrete Association - GCCA said: It is great that we now have a 1.5C standard for cement and proud we are among the first sectors to have one. Press Release: 9 December 2020; SBTi Blog: 7 December 2020; SBTi Blog: 21 September 2020; SBTi Blog: 4 June 2020; E-learning Course: Setting Science-Based Targets to Achieve Net-Zero; News; Events; Our work with the Global Solutions Initiative (GSI) and T20 continues to address long term global issues high on the G20 agenda, including climate action. Businesses who sign the SBTi commitment letter are immediately recognized as Committed on our website, as well as the CDP, UN Global Compact and We Mean Business websites. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi): The change has already begun and action is gaining pace. Whilst there are still a number of points to clarify to ensure that all decarbonisation levers are recognised, it is a good step forward. AVEVAs presence at COP27 will be led by some of its most prominent climate advocates: Amish Sabharwal, Executive Vice-President Engineering and Simulation and member of AVEVAs Executive Leadership In 2017, we became the first company globally to set new, science-based targets in line with the 1.5 degree trajectory recommended in the Paris Climate Accord. If your company is interested in leading the way to a net-zero future for the industry, get in touch or join the SBTi mailing list. Holcim was a key supporter in the development of this framework. The SBTi provides clarity and guidance on these journeys, including for the forest, land and agriculture and finance sectors. The Cement Science Based Target Setting Guidance is the worlds first framework for companies in the cement sector and other potential users of cement such as construction businesses, to set near- and long-term science-based targets in line with 1.5C.It provides a detailed understanding on how to set targets and deal with processes that are specific to the cement and concrete sector, greenhouse gas accounting criteria and recommendations, as well as examples on how different types of companies can use the tools and guidance to submit a target for validation.Read the SBTi Cement Guidance. It will do this by providing a clear and standardized mechanism to assess, verify and enhance corporate accountability on progress towards science-based targets. Provides technical assistance and expert resources to companies who set science-based targets in line with the latest climate science. Already, more than 1,200 companies have committed to cut their carbon footprints through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and 593 have had their targets approved. The forest, land and agriculture sector is one of the industries at highest risk from the impact of climate change. This will empower peers, suppliers and customers to follow suit and drive governments to take bolder action. Our aim is to help companies to understand and implement the level of climate ambition required to meet the 1.5C goal of the Paris Agreement. 1.5C-aligned targets are now the most common choice for businesses representing 68% of all SBTi-approved targets in 2022. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) the cement sector must scale up climate action and cut its CO2 emissions by 3% per year by 2030 to get on track with the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 scenario. The latest climate science sends a clear warning that we must dramatically curb temperature rise to avoid the catastrophic impacts of climate change. Invitations for participation in the EAG consider the need for a balance of stakeholder categories, geographical diversity and gender balance. How will the SBTi support companies to align with 1.5C? By continuing to use our site you accept our use of cookies. A public consultation on the draft began on 10 November 2021. After sending a commitment letter, organizations have 24 months to submit their target. Many of our members already joined the Race to Zero, and we encourage all our members to do so. Questions about the FLAG project? By continuing to use our site you accept our use of cookies. The SBTis FLAG Guidance provides the worlds first standard method for companies in land-intensive sectors to set science-based targets that include land-based emission reductions and removals. Cement companies must urgently act on the clear warnings from climate science, show leadership to achieve a net-zero economy and build a sustainable and resilient future by setting science-based targets and continue monitoring and reporting their own progress. Interim Benchmark assessments have been published for all focus companies. For further information on the project please contact: Senior Technical Manager, Science Based Targets. Each year around 4.4 Gt of cement are produced. The SBTi FLAG Guidance gives companies the opportunity to cut emissions and enhance sinks at the pace required to keep the 1.5C goal within reach. It addresses sector-specific methodological questions and makes the target development and validation process easier for companies, clarifying the definitions to be used for target setting (e.g. Join the companies taking action and meeting their sustainability targets with CDP Supply Chain membership. For every ton of cement manufactured, approximately 0.6 tonnes of CO2 is released. It offers a streamlined version of our services with results delivered within 60 business days of contract signature. Reducing GHG emissions in line with climate science is good for the planet and for companies. SBTi is the project lead, manager and convening agent. The project has been built on the previously developed SDA methodology for cement to develop 1.5C-aligned resources, delivering the following guidelines and tools: Integration of new pathways in SBTis target setting tool to help cement companies model GHG emission-reduction targets consistent with the ambition required to limit warming to 1.5C; Guidance for setting 1.5C-aligned science-based GHG emission reduction targets for the production of cement; Incorporation of 1.5C-aligned sector-specific benchmarks into the SBTi Target Validation Protocol to enable third-party validation of 1.5C-aligned targets for cement production. We have developed science-based target setting methodologies, tools and guidance for cement companies and other stakeholders. Action is needed in key sectors, many of which require tailored approaches to setting targets. We have published guidance for ICT companies (specifically mobile network operators, fixed networks operators and data center operators) to set science-based emissions reduction targets. In 2021, the SBTi entered a period of exponential growth and increasing corporate ambition - doubling the number of new companies setting and committing to set targets, and tripling the rate at which new targets were validated. The SBTi launches the worlds first standard method to cover land-related emissions and removals, SBTi launches world first 1.5C science-based framework to decarbonize the cement industry, The SBTi is partnering with Mott MacDonald to progress the Oil and Gas Sector Project, Confirmation: add me to general mailing list, Do not add me to the SBTi general mailing list, Science Based Targets. I already have an emissions reduction target. Hence the 1.5C trajectory is a challenging task, one that will not be able to achieve without significant commitment and ambitious action. Applying best practice in the cement industry. Our guidance supports companies in the apparel and footwear value chain with case studies on best practice, as well as strategies to reduce emissions. Join them today. Were developing science-based target setting methodologies, tools and guidance for companies in the building sector and other stakeholders. We saw over 1,600 comments from more than 165 organizations. In 2015, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) developed the Sectoral Decarbonisation Approach (SDA), a scientifically-informed method for companies to set GHG reduction targets necessary to stay within a 2C temperature rise above pre-industrial levels. as the SBTi drives ambitious corporate climate action. Business action paired with clear policies and targets result in positively reinforcing ambition loops that will accelerate the full decarbonization of every system of the economy. All Rights Reserved. General stakeholder consultation: Both industry and non-industry representatives provided feedback on the project through webinars and written consultation. However, few account for land-based emissions or removals in their targets or disclosures. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organizations to set science-based emissions reduction targets. This Guidance is designed for clinker, cement and concrete manufacturers; as well as producers of novel binders and cement substitutes. The SBTi is especially keen to welcome companies in the highest-emitting sectors, who play a crucial role in ensuring the transition to a zero-carbon economy. The cement sector is the third-largest industrial energy consumer and the second-largest industrial CO2 emitter. Science-based targets show companies and financial institutions how much and how quickly businesses need to reduce their GHG emissions to prevent the worst impacts of climate change - leading them on a clear path towards decarbonization. On February 1 2022, a new fee structure for validations came into effect. Join our mailing list to receive our newsletters and stay up-to-date By guiding companies in science-based target setting, we enable them to tackle global warming while seizing the benefits and boosting their competitiveness in the transition to a net-zero economy. At the end of 2021, more than 2,200 companies covering over a third of the global economys market capitalization, were working with the SBTi - a rate of more than 110 new companies per month. The clean energy future is being built now; companies are taking action to ensure it is even cleaner: Avangrid, a leading sustainable energy company, has committed to procuring, specifying or stocking 100% net zero steel by 2050 with an interim commitment of 50% by 2030. This sector is the second-largest industrial CO2 emitter, representing about 7% of CO2 emissions globally. The day successfully showcased far-reaching and significant corporate support for bold 1.5C-aligned climate action ahead of COP26. For the first time, the SBTi Net-Zero Standard offers companies robust certification to demonstrate to consumers, investors and regulators that their net-zero targets are reducing emissions at the pace and scale required to keep global warming to 1.5C. This effort was focused on the development of methods and guidance to enable companies within the food, agriculture, and forest sectors to set science-based targets that include land-related emissions and removals. We joined the U.N.s Business Ambition for 1.5C group of companies, as well as America is All In, a consortium committed to execute against the Paris Agreements goal to limit global warming to 1.5C.For a full list of organizations with which we Funding for this project has been provided by the Laudes Foundation. We continue to partner with our suppliers to make progress, and we are seeing an increase in the number of our suppliers setting climate targets Near-term science-based target update + Net-zero target submission Package Rate: $12,750Companies with previously-approved near-term targets who wish to align with the Net-Zero Standard can resubmit their near-term science-based targets and a net-zero target for validation at the same time for a discounted rate.