Clearly, when clinicians truly understand and recognize the shapes of ventilator graphics, they can use that knowledge as a noninvasive bedside tool to monitor patient response to ventilatory support. Purpose of Review Knowledge of ventilator waveforms is important for clinicians working with children requiring mechanical ventilation. To understand cardiac physiology, clinicians study electrocardiograms and blood pressure waveforms; in a similar manner, clinicians must understand ventilator graphics to assess respiratory mechanics. Summary Ventilator waveforms are graphical descriptions of how a breath is delivered to a patient. Choice of ventilator mode and settings are factors that affect patientventilator asynchrony.13 Optimum patientventilator interaction should be guided by choosing the ventilator mode and settings that increase the patients control of ventilation. Time is the x-axis. Tom [Piraino], I completely agree with you. From Reference 37. And I want to re-emphasize a point Tom made that I think is really important, which is that people throw their hands up in the air and say you cant get Pplat during pressure-targeted forms of ventilation. Thus, pertinent information is available on the ventilator screen, and clinicians pay little attention beyond the digital displays. PEEP titrated according to the oxygenation protocol involved a stepwise reduction approach consisting of PEEP decrements of 2 cm H2O every 15 min.49-50 For subjects randomized to the static pulmonary compliance group, PEEP was reduced in decrements of 2 cm H2O until the lowest PEEP level providing maximum static pulmonary compliance was achieved.49 After identification of the lower inflection point with quasi-static P-V plots, PEEP was titrated in the last subject group according to the lower inflection point, determined as optimum PEEP = lower inflection point + 2 cm H2O. CCM Tutorials A System for Analysing Ventilator Waveforms. What is the shape of a Pressure waveform in pressure modes? CCC Dynamic Pressure-Volume Loops. Pressure-time scalars presenting various stress indices: minimal stress (stress index = 1) indicates optimum (normal) ventilation; high-volume stress (stress index > 1) specifies alveolar overdistention; low-volume stress (stress index < 1) shows continuing recruitment. Clinicians responsible for ventilator setup and patient management must have a comprehensive understanding of the different ventilator scalar graphics, or waveforms, to recognize mechanical and clinical abnormalities. In conditions of flow starvation, the measurement of plateau pressure is also limited. Thus, if the patient makes a spontaneous effort, defined as an increase in muscle pressure, ventilator pressure (Pvent) must decrease to keep the sum of the terms on the left side of the equation constant. hb```nvO cg`a1C\|, `x4D@+sYY}{V=:j+/`fepd!>K#!f{ .M.'yCT1g5:ter~L#VrX^VjmgHcf)aX==^_:18b0p86C"`33Aaf &fF6C#c3BA&@!`dP@a# Introducing Cram Folders! Although ventilator plots and inflection point measurements are important for assessing disease status as well as for selecting suitable ventilator parameters, several key questions remain unanswered. You certainly can as Tom pointed out because most modern machines allow inspiratory pauses during pressure control. The first is resistance, defined as the ratio of pressure change to flow change, and the second is elastance, defined as the ratio of pressure change to volume change.5,6,10,11. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. 11).38 The typical pattern of increased airway resistance is reflected on a flow-volume plot as a decreased peak expiratory flow and a scooped out pattern on the expiratory tracing (Fig. Dual-control modes have gained popularity because of the advantageous combination of concepts from volume control ventilation and pressure control ventilation. As such, clinicians need to find ways to simplify ventilator graphics and explain its use as a bedside tool for better assessment of patient status and therapeutic evaluation, and as guidance for the management of a patients condition.27 Dhaliwal et al27 suggested a stepwise approach for rapid interpretation of ventilator graphics. Visual inspection of pressure-time scalar and stress index into 3 categories: a linear shape indicating optimum ventilation, a downward concavity showing alveolar overdistention, and an upward convexity denoting continued recruitment. Although huge efforts have been made to improve technical issues of ventilators, increasing complexity may actually result in design errors. Although ventilator graphics and respiratory mechanics measurements are provided by all modern ventilators, this information is not yet commonly incorporated into everyday ICU practice. And a lot of it comes down to fear of the peak pressure rather than understanding the fact that peak pressure is a resistive force which if you start implementing pause (0.2-0.3 s) maneuvers you realize the pressure being felt by the lung is actually 20 cm H2O, not 28 or 30 cm H2O when you actually distinguish the two pressures. CCC Patient-Ventilator Dyssynchrony. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Results indicated that graphic analysis was associated with a higher rate of pH normalization and that graphic analysis may have a more positive effect on physiological and patient-centered outcomes.79 In another study, Longhini et al80 assessed the ability of clinicians to identify asynchronies during NIV through ventilator graphic analysis. The stress index appeared to be a useful alternative bedside tool for optimizing VT during lung-protective ventilation in situations of reduced chest wall compliance. Ill chime in. I ask the question, are these advancements actually causing more misuse at the bedside than helping to improve patient care? Despite its clinical applicability, limitations of the stress index, including the need for dedicated instruments or specific ventilators, have encumbered its implementation in the ICU environment. On a flow-volume plot, air trapping may be the culprit if the expiratory curve doesnt return to the starting point to complete the loop. A 50-year-old man was admitted to the ICU with dyspnea, runny nose, sore A 55-year-old female patient was admitted to the emergency room about 8 hours A 65-year-old patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is on pressure support A 77 year-old woman, requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation (Servo S - Maquet) A 16-year-old boy was admitted at the emergency room with asthma exacerbation. Figure 1 represents the complex system of airways and lung units in a simpler format that is easier to understand. Today, the 3 most common methods used to measure P-V plots are the use of a supersyringe, inflation with a constant slow flow (ie, the constant-flow method), and Pplat measurements at various inflation volumes (ie, the multiple-occlusion method).67-68 The supersyringe method involves the use of a large syringe with up to 2 L of volume. First of all Amanda, very nice job. Ideally, new technology would continuously analyze ventilator graphics, identify any patient respiratory activity, and instantaneously trigger according to the patients effort. From Reference 38. Id like to follow what Brady [Scott] mentioned, I trained in the same decade as he did where we didnt have ventilator graphics and so our clinical assessment skills are perhaps superior than todays clinicians being trained, because theyre being taught the graphics and not necessarily the patient assessment skills. Innumerable changes can be detected in the scalars to facilitate the management of the mechanical ventilator. Anesthetized rats were randomly categorized into 1 of 3 groups with minimal stress, low-volume stress, or high-volume stress (Fig. The ability of bedside clinicians to adequately interpret and manage patients on the basis of ventilator graphics has received much attention due to the associated increase in morbidity and mortality among mechanically ventilated patients. From Reference 38. Technological advances and sophisticated capabilities often outpace what many clinicians can fully understand and use. P-V plots were obtained for each subject using the traditional CPAP technique and an automated software program on a modern ventilator.69 Results indicated that the automated bedside tool was a valid alternative for tracing P-V plots and avoided the drawbacks of other techniques.69 Although the modern software requires no additional training or equipment, there are still limitations to its use. Paw = airway pressure. The evidence indicated that the inflammatory cascade in ARDS was reduced when ventilation was based on information provided by the inflation P-V plot. Despite being a valuable asset in providing high-quality patient care, many bedside clinicians do not have a thorough understanding of ventilator graphics. The graphic displays provided clues well beyond that of mere numbers. For example, delayed or missed triggering can cause excessive muscle loading leading to discomfort, increased WOB, and dyspnea.14-15 In 2006, Thille et al16 assessed the incidence of patientventilator asynchrony during continuous mandatory ventilation in 62 subjects. Amanda, you covered a lot of ground but Id like to go back to a concept that Ive become increasingly intrigued with - the stress index (SI) and its second cousin, driving pressure, as a way of looking at mechanics during tidal breath delivery. Ventilator Graphics: Scalars, Loops, & Secondary Measures, DOI:, Management of critically ill patients receiving noninvasive and invasive mechanical ventilation in the emergency department, Applied respiratory physiology: use of ventilator waveforms and mechanics in the management of critically ill patients (forward), Applied respiratory physiology: use of ventilator waveforms and mechanics in the management of critically ill patients, Using ventilator graphics to identify patient-ventilator asynchrony, Parameters for simulation of adult subjects during mechanical ventilation, Fifty years of research in ARDS: respiratory mechanics in acute respiratory distress syndrome, Zen and the art of nomenclature maintenance: a revised approach to respiratory symbols and terminology, Lung mechanics at the bedside: make it simple, Clinical review: respiratory monitoring in the ICU - a consensus of 16. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We routinely set between 50 and 60 L/min of inspiratory flow in our patients, but the maneuver requires it to be closer to 40 or 50. Through manual and automated re-analysis of data acquired from previously mechanically subjects, patientventilator interactions were evaluated by comparing EAdi waveforms and ventilator pressures.83 Manual and automated algorithms detected the timing of the EAdi as well as the ventilator pressure waveform for each respiratory cycle and quantified the error between them; the authors called this the NeuroSync Index.83 The comparison resulted in high interrater reliability scores and increased sensitivity to the automated algorithm in detecting ventilator asynchrony.83. {"cdnAssetsUrl":"","site_dot_caption":"","premium_user":false,"premium_set":false,"payreferer":"clone_set","payreferer_set_title":"Wavefrom quiz study","payreferer_url":"\/flashcards\/copy\/wavefrom-quiz-study-1737911","isGuest":true,"ga_id":"UA-272909-1","facebook":{"clientId":"363499237066029","version":"v12.0","language":"en_US"}}. Another difficulty with modern ventilator designs is the lack of standardized vocabulary and added definitions of novel ventilator modes without disclosed algorithms, which can lead to ambiguity and confusion.26 Therefore, equipment-specific training is necessary to ensure clinical competency and to avoid inappropriate generalizations. If patient is triggering is it pressure supported, SIMV or VAC? The monitoring of ventilator graphics presents the opportunity to apply respiratory physiology at the bedside and to use science to improve patient care. Should we put more emphasis on the education, or on the value, or on both? The use of histograms, or overlapping ventilator or hemodynamic information, is the way of the future. A P-V plot traces changes in pressures and corresponding changes in volume. Weiner et al62 reported in 2016 that abnormal flow-volume plots were reproducible and could be used as a metric to measure disease severity. Although mechanical ventilation technology continues to progress, such advancements do not always equate to optimized patient care. Inadequate monitoring of ventilator graphics may pose a significant danger to patient safety, leading to complications such as asynchrony and increased WOB, as well as detrimental outcomes.1 Training for the entire patient care team in the ongoing management of patients on invasive and noninvasive ventilation is generally limited; in addition, most clinicians have little, if any, formal education on the interpretation of ventilator waveforms. Analysis of ventilator graphics may play a significant role in the optimization of patientventilator interaction. The expiratory part of the curve looks like a scoop. As the complexity of modern ventilators continues to increase, advanced development and design strategies must be carried out through an interdisciplinary approach. The innovative concept of closed-loop control systems allows for the automatic adjustment of ventilation and oxygenation parameters. Tha shape of the pressure wave will be square shape. PIP and delivered VT can readily be obtained from the P-V plot.35 A few of the common abnormalities seen in P-V plots include changes in airway resistance (ie, associated with an abnormal widening of the P-V plot, which is known as increased hysteresis); the classic sign of alveolar overdistention, known as beak effect or duckbill, showing an increase in airway pressure without an appreciable increase in volume; and a significant clockwise deflection prior to the initiation of a breath, indicating increased patient effort (Fig. In volume control continuous mandatory ventilation, if either elastance or airway resistance increases, peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) increases. How do you identify Compliance changes on the graphics? Ramp. How do you fix Airway resistance changes? If your patient is complaining about comfort, theyre probably not ideal to be in a mode where the clinician control aspects of the flow to get the respiratory mechanics information. The loop will not meet at the starting point where inhalation starts and exhalation ends. Govoni et al23 conducted a multi-center quality-control study on the performance of ICU ventilators. The fifth step is to interpret the inspiratory and expiratory graphics, which are informative in assessing the adequacy of ventilatory support provided. Providing an SI, providing driving pressure? What are the three basic shapes of waveforms? An observation Ive made is that a lot of nurses, RTs, and physicians like the descending ramp because the peak pressures are lower. As previously stated, one approach for setting PEEP is based on P-V plot inflection points. Excellence in teaching mechanical ventilation. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. I know there are people around this table who are quite experienced in this and Id be curious to know, is there a future for this being automated? In addition, a high incidence of patientventilator asynchrony was related to a longer duration of mechanical ventilation. He coordinates the Alfred ICUs education and simulation programmes and runs the units educationwebsite,INTENSIVE. Square. Add to folder Today, ICU ventilators are expected to provide information in a convenient format. Patients needs are changing, and optimum ventilation management is required to support the instabilities of contemporary respiratory disorders. The predominant focus on providing ventilatory support began to shift with the increased physiologic understanding of gas exchange, which ushered in a new era of invasive positive-pressure ventilators in the ICU.17 Over the past 60y, the evolution of ventilator design has dramatically improved from providing only machine-triggered, volume control ventilation to modern advances of microprocessor-controlled systems designed to increase the patients control of ventilation through improved patient triggering, flow delivery, and modes of ventilation that can automatically adjust ventilatory parameters in response to varying patient conditions.17,19, In 2011, Kacmarek18 suggested that various factors could be used to determine the usefulness of new design features such as improved safety, decreased risk of lung injury, more effective oxygenation and ventilation, more efficient patient weaning, and improved patientventilator synchrony. It always surprises me that the ventilator companies have been so reluctant to put short pauses in. The shape of the pressure wave will be a ramp for mandatory breaths. %PDF-1.5 % Furthermore, the equation of motion helps clinicians interpret bedside observations of ventilator graphics. A System for AnalysingVentilator Waveforms, Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University, Australia and New Zealand Clinician Educator Network, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Trends in mechanical ventilation: are we ventilating our patients in the best possible way? These cookies do not store any personal information. When equipment dysfunction is suspected, clinicians should have the knowledge and skills to troubleshoot the cause. CCC Pressure vs Volume Loop. Since the ARDS Network trial of low VT, clinical guidelines have recommended maintenance of Pplat at < 30 cm H2O.39-42 At the same time, laboratory studies began investigating an alternative ventilatory measurement that was thought to assist in selecting lung-protective settings. Gutierrez et al82 compared an automatic, noninvasive method for patientventilator asynchrony monitoring to the asynchrony index. In contrast, volume control continuous mandatory ventilation means that the clinician controls the right side of the equation. Negative-pressure ventilation became the predominant means of providing ventilatory assistance by using subatmospheric pressure delivered around the body.17-18 The use of negative-pressure ventilation peaked during the poliomyelitis epidemic in the mid-20th century with the development of the iron lung. 3).35-37 Recognition of common abnormalities, such as a bronchospasm or accumulation of secretions, is obtained from a decreased peak expiratory flow or prolonged expiratory time.34,37 The presence of air trapping is detected if the expiratory flow curve does not return to zero and the following breath begins below baseline. I find it amazing that one of the cornerstones of lung protective ventilation is something the ventilator companies will not help us with.