which of the following best describes an argument

b. a. 2. identify the authors claim . Determine if the diagram makes the conclusion true . d. Yes, its valid and sound, A deductive argument is _______________ if it is not possible for the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false 3.It can be used to make predictions. 3.the moral theory that claims that you should never violate the rights of others 2- identify the authors claim 4.Your moral reasoning cannot benefit from listening to your conscience, Kant's categorical imperative is a moral principle that requires us to act only in ways that everyone could accept our acting, so the only actions it permits are actions that everyone could perform. All dogs are mammals, "Whenever it rains, it pours". 1.Deductive arguments typically contain words and phrases such as "probably" and "it is likely the case." 4.deductive argument, Which of the following best describes a causal argument? What type of argument is this? The term with in the proposition An argument by elimination Yes, its valid and sound a. Modus tollens De Gante should be rewarded for his missionary work in the Americas. Therefore, some S are not I." c. Fallacious arguments are not defective. Ants are swarming the sugar bowl. Which choice, A or B, makes the sentence correct? (understood/understand), Four ways in which the rule of law could protect community members whose private property was damaged during a protest action, is being lonley and isolated a common issue that is with among other individuals in a similar mental state as lennie. 2.None of these answers is correct. d. None of these answer is correct, "All dogs are diseased. He did not finish dental school. 4.an argument that contains a prescriptive premise, an argument that contains a prescriptive premise, Which of the following is true of conscience? 2.a moral theory that claims all cultures have a commonly held set of moral beliefs 2.a compassionate heart Have a happy day and remember when you have to choose being kind or right. An inductive argument that offers support for its conclusion Positive or particular Except perhaps when you're defining the precise terminology; then you can also use " formal argument/parameter" and " actual argument/parameter" to disambiguate. 3. 4.None of these answers is correct. b. 3.a moral theory that claims that pleasure and pain are the subject of all moral thought 3. Which of the following best describes an argument? Some professors are not writers. a. the conclusion must be tru if the premises are true Summaries; an outline of key information.a paraphrase of a longer piece of work. "No animals are unicorns" *The term that appears 2nd in the conclusion, "Some M are not N. All P are N. Therefore, some P are not M." What is the middle in this argument? c. Deny the antecedent c. Affirming the antecedent Which of the following is true of generalizations? Which of the following fallacies does Amy commit when she makes this assertion? false, Which of the following best describes ethical subjectivism? All men are members of Phi Delta Phi a. moral quandary True 2.A good generalization's sample could have been taken at any time. b. Operationalizing is the same as making concepts valid. 2.a moral sentiment <br> Organized because I firmly believe that in any successful initiative, the answers to the questions 'what', 'when', 'how' and 'who', should be very clear. d. Quantity, *Subject (S) term <----------> 1.A good definition makes use of figurative language 3.body language The correct option is (B). b. determine whether or not a claim is valid and if it is supported by the evidence b. 3.A student asks a teacher to give him an A in a course because, if he gets anything less, he will not get into medical school. Xio and Chan do have similar DNA patterns. d. SPM, "College students are reckless drivers". 4. obedience to authority. (1 point) a claim made based on evidence, * A. Which of the following is true? Indicate whether the statements below are TRUE or FALSE according to the passage. True Unit 3 Progress Check: MCQ Flashcards | Quizlet. 4.Ignore conflicting information, Which of the following best describes pseudoscience? c. The argument is not deductively valid 2.because Which of the following best describes utilitarianism? Unit 2 Progress Check: MCQ. 3.All these answers are correct. c. Categorical Particular 1.two people angrily disagreeing with one another over an important issue 3.Neither the conclusion of an argument nor a premise in an argument is a proposition. The conclusion must be true if the premises are true 1. reflective skepticism. 2- identify the authors claim "A fetus is a type of human person. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between philosophy and science? Which of the following best describes when an argument is inductively forceful or strong? In Aristotle's view, if we fail to have these sorts of character traits, we cannot be happy. False, Which of the following best describes an argument? If most people believe something, then you should believe it too. If I go to Washington D. next weekend, then I'll get you a souvenir. b. Modus ponens I strive to set high standards for myself, my peers and the teams I lead, while at the same time . Therefore, if you went to the store last night, we don't have to stop at Dunkin' Donuts." Purchase? merry Christmas, @bruh Champ i used ur answrs they are correct <3 , 1. *Predicate (P) term <-------->, *The term that appears 1st in the conclusion One piece of evidence that de Gante used in the excerpt to support his overall argument about the treatment of the people of Mexico is that Native Americans did not have enough supplies to support their families Students also viewed AP US History. 2. spatial-temporal reasoning the ability to accurately perceive, appraise, and express emotions. False. 1.a set of considerations in favor of a conclusion False. What type of argument is this? Which of the following terms best describes the argument? Both the conclusion and the premises are complicated b. "Some fibers are not natural" Which of the following is used to interpret the communications of others? d. Modus tollens, Which go the following describes whether the claim applies to all members of the group or a certain subset? "We must enforce the death penalty. Which of the following describes an inference? 3.the process of clarifying what you mean when you make a claim Affirm the consequent Business Essentials Objective 2.00 Business E, popular culture in the 1930s and then 1950s, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Comps study guide: Ethics: new definition of. So, we'll be at the part by 3." Tm kim cc cng vic lin quan n Which of the following best describes argument mapping hoc thu ngi trn th trng vic lm freelance ln nht th gii vi hn 22 triu cng vic. d. The premises of a deductive argument are always true, c. The conclusion of a valid deductive argument necessarily follows from its premises, Which of the following best describes a syllogism? 3- Is there enough evidence for the claim? d. All defective arguments are fallacious. 2.being aware of your own communication style According to Wiseman and O'Keeffe (2001), "The Schwartz et al. Which of the following best describes a fallacious argument? 2.careful reflection b. Modus ponens Schwartz et al. 3.toughness of character And do not impersonate Ms.Sue And don't be rude to her because she wont give answers!! 3.an argument that is psychologically appealing, but provides no support for its conclusion A 1.True The physical world can be studied without bias on the part of scientists. I would also be happy checking answers. When you evaluate an argument, you carefully consider the logic and organization the author use to make their case. b. 1.Science and religion cannot conflict since they both describe the same reality. True or False? Which of the following is an argument? "All mammals are warm blooded. Which of the following best describes the fallacy of composition? answer choices . 1.the conclusion of an argument follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it All these answers are correct, We should assume that there is a causal connection between two things if a correlation can be found between them. 3.Religious beliefs should never be held, because there is no possible evidence that can support the existence of God. Which of the following statements is true of ethics? 2.Passive-aggressive communicators avoid confrontation and instead let others control them. Chain argument Which of the following best describes the assumption of modern science called objectivity? Best Answer An argument is a rationale in which the reason presents evidence in support of a claim made in the conclusion. 1.modus ponens a. I won't be an engineer Sound d. A deductive arguments with 2 premises and a conclusion, d. A deductive arguments with 2 premises and a conclusion, Suppose the conclusion of a valid deductive argument were false. Recall that an inductive argument is strong when the conclusion is very likely to follow. Socrates is a man. 2.the ability to ignore the influence of emotions when reasoning 3.the ability to accurately perceive, appraise, and express emotions 4.the ability to use the fear and self-interest of others to make them believe what you would like them to believe Correct answers: 1 question: Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage? The People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson was a criminal trial in Los Angeles County Superior Court starting in 1994, in which O. J. Simpson, a former National Football League (NFL) player, broadcaster and actor, was tried and acquitted for the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.The pair were stabbed to death outside Brown's . The rule of presuming that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law is an exception to the _____ fallacy. )and probably Mycene (in other version son of Gaia), was a primordial giant whose epithet . 3.two people angrily disagreeing with one another over an important issue 100% I promise. I did not _______________ it at all. b. 1.tone of voice You can ask a new question or browse more health questions. Which of the following is the first step in constructing an argument? Which of the following is true of communication styles? Resistance, defined as "the use of immature defense mechanisms that are rigid, impulsive, maladaptive, and nonanalytical" can act as a barrier to critical thinking. The idea of God is contradictory -- no being could have all the properties theists ascribe to God. 2.an argument that we should not believe a claim because only a stupid person would accept it An empty circle a. b. 3.resentment 1.A random sample of people is always best for use in a poll. d. Universal, *The major premise <-----------> (One sentence contains two verbs in the perfect tense.) Some bears are not grizzlies "dream journal". No proper nouns are misspelled. Which of the following choices are hooks used in an essay? 1.provide sufficient evidence for a conclusion It includes an explanation of the author's opinion. False. 4.All of these answers are correct. 3.Identify the problem. d. false dilemma, Is the following argument sound? Conclusion: B. c. "There are 3 dogs chasing me" Does not exist 2.Religious beliefs can be held in the face of contrary evidence. 1.A good generalization has all true premises. d. Some bears are grizzlies, The center of the Venn diagram, which represents the overlap of all 3 terms, is usually labeled ___________________ The emperor should sponsor voyages to discover new American kingdoms. answer choices . What can you conclude about the argument? Why not? 2008. 1.an observation Most people would likely say their decision is an example of a(n . c. To have d It highlights the most important parts of the author's, identify the authors claim write the authors claim trace the authors claim debate the authors claim Which of the following could be used to, American alligators once faced extinction. The first premise 2.Generalizations never provide evidence for their conclusions. "All men are moral. This proportion commits the fallacy of ______________ In this essay, I will show you why we must ban smoking in all public places B. I think we should ban smoking. All members of Phi Delta Phi are men 4.good critical thinking skills. An argument that relies on a change of meaning due to focusing on one word or phrase inappropriately. b. d. Yes, its sound, Is the following a disjunctive syllogism? c. Tree diagram All mammals are dogs If the premises of an inductive argument are all true, then the conclusion might still be false. Confirming the consequent Otherwise, criminals wouldn't receive just punishment for abhorrent crimes." 4.The conclusion of a deductively valid argument necessarily follows from its premises.