Rupert Murdoch is a perfect example of a corrupt media stooge who uses his information platform to plant media narratives on behalf of political figures. Authoritarian states resistance to income distributional pressures is key to their successful development, because the decision makers can organize against the sirens of short term pork-barrel politics that plague democracy, spearheaded by interest groups or distributional coalitions which pursue their own selfish interests at the expense of overall economic eficiency [[Olson, The Rise and Decline of Nations, 1982]].The impact of doing this can be appreciated in the contrast between the steady growth of the Asian Tigers: Taiwan, South Korea, Hong-Kong and PR China, where political authoritarianism was coupled with the opening to free markets; and the failure of leftist populist governments in Latin America, where the attemp was made to tackle income redistribution through macroeconomic means, in the case of Allende in Chile and the first term of Garcia in Peru, which achieved the opposite of what they set out to accomplish, resulting in massive political instability, high inflation, violence and even a coup[[Wintrobe,The Political Economy of Dictatorship,2000]]. Lastly the other team never explained why the separation of powers reaps better policies than the technocrats a dictator can hire. [[]][[]]On the other hand, dictatorships are the most stable form of government due to no dilution of power and because the opposition has no real chance to become government, a consequence of this is that they avoid electoral turmoil altogether.In addition, the social control exercised by dictatorships allow them to prevent financial losses due to strikes, riots, and keep low criminality rates. But isnt it time we faced up to some painful truths? Is democracy better than dictatorship? And be sure to watch what you say if youre in a police state, as free speech is heavily limited by these laws. Since order was ensured in the Gmez era, Lpez started to develop social policies in the education and health fields (known as the Plan de febrero). This is why the United States government consists of a system of checks and balances. This means that if enough ignorant people see that more crime is committed by minority groups, they can impose racist regulations. A democracy makes sure that there is no conflict between the people. Countries which once reached a level of development and social maturity will then seek to be liberated from the restrictions imposed by the dictatorship using from passive resistance to insurrection against the system; transitioning from dictatorship to democracy, exemplified in cases such as Chile or Spain.Robert Marsh, conducted a survey of 98 countries for the period 1955-70 and found that: Political competition/democracy does have a significant effect on later rates of economic development; its influence is to retard the development rate, rather than to facilitate it. New York Times, April 5, 1996 ]], On this point we want to quote Aristotle: Only a wealthy society in which relatively few citizens lived in real poverty could a situation exist in which the mass of the population could intelligently participate in politics and could develop the self-restraint necessary to avoid succumbing to the appeals of irresponsible demagogues. Posted on . They will often use military and police force to keep the people from revolting. Secondly, the opposition talks about so called magicians and we would love to know: Who calls them so? He's also toyed with the idea of aristocratic rule. Because their goal is to try and get back into power every few years - and this means trying to please the majority - instead of doing what they know is best their electorate. [[ De Menses, Filipe Ribeiro Franco and the Spanish Civil War, p. 87, Routledge]]Because the can do as they please, dictators can surround themselves and employ technocrats instead of popular personalities, which is helpful in modernizing the nation even when the majority of the population are reluctant to abandon their traditional ways. The people lost their rights to have their freedom, to decide what is best for them.The strong national defence in Burma maybe a signal of development in Burma, but does it comes from the citizens? We curate and disseminate outstanding articles from diverse domains and disciplines to create fusion and synergy. Certainly, I have in consideration the big problems with surveys and other forms of measuring the publics pulse, that is, the public opinion on certain topics. If you're saying what I think you're saying, you're committing the fallacy fallacy. With industrialization, urban white collar workers which constituted the bulk of the new middle strata, rapidly increase in number. Heliasta Editorial N/D]], In some isolated cases (as shown by the proposition), it shows that dictatorship has better economy than democratic countries. 10 Lines on Democracy Vs Dictatorship Essay. This not only is the definition stated in the Merriam-Webster dictionary [[]], but its open enough to recognize the range of features and shades that different dictatorial regimes may present, in contrast to the extreme narrowness of the definition proposed by the counterpart.Differences among dictatorial regimes are rooted on different aspects of their performance. But when juxtaposing them with democracy, they fall down in the fact that the people don't have a voice. Their examples lead us to believe that it is democracy, not dictatorship that is a good breeding ground for personal discipline, as John Dewey proposed.At last, social stability that is proposed by dictatorship has a serious threat. These 24% are joined also by 17% of respondents who say that there are other forms of government that are better than democracy! Yes, india was politically democratic, but it was also economically Leninist. This is false. A Nation of Enemies: Chile under Pinochet, (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1991).]] It is interesting then that our military rulers installed and. Dictatorships better control the variables of human development3. [[ Burns, John. Dictators usually use forcible means to achieve political power. As the opposition, we did not really concern on the case whether the dictatorship was cheaper or not, since there are no evidence that the cheaper government will do better development.Control10. The Peoples Republic of China and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics both faced lethal crises as they attempted to reform their communist systems [[]]. )your right to property(Maos Communes)your right to choose who you can marry (Arranged marriage is a form of familial Dictatorship) and so on. [[]].Fijis democratic government also has a deep problematic with ethnic segregation. It was indeed lead by Tito, a communist dictator and he rebuilt it from the ashes but here is where they get it wrong because they give a false meaning to the word after:only to find itself disintegrated, overwhelmed with civil war and ethnic cleansing after the death of their dictatorship leader They present it as this happened just after. But during the next 30 years the economies of Taiwan grew by leaps and bounds. So checks and balances dont really exist for the sake of policies but for the sake of avoiding concentration of power. ( Schaeffer, Robert K. Understanding Globalization: The Social Consequences of Political, Economic, and Environmental Change [[]], There were two countries that was ruled under dictatorship era, South Korea and Taiwan, that reverted from the dictatorship to democracy.Started from 1987 when the martial law erased, to 1989 when the multi party elections happened in Taiwan, Taiwan went to the democratization path.[[]]. Because as history shows Dictatorial regimes can exhibit economic miracles and disasters [[Temple,The New Growth Evidence, 1999 Dictatorship is a good breeding ground for personal discipline and order12. But, in strong dictatorship, a government can move quickly. The thing is, separation of powers is not a prerequisite to democracy, as parliamentary systems under the Fusion of Powers paradigm can attest.Thus we have provided a system that is acceptable and useful to overcome difficulties, is willing and able achieve development, and is flexible and timely for doing so vs a system that can not properly function in a society not fully developed, and that hinders development, if judged on whether dictatorship has been proven to be the best path for development, the proposition team wins. Consistency and Definitions:One of the most important aspects of the debate is making the appropriate definitions and being consistent with them.On this count we contend that we defined dictatorship in a clear and constructive way from the beginning, using the definition: A form of government in which absolute power is concentrated in a dictator or a small clique, we also explained, one by one, how each of our examples complied with our definition, when the opposition team felt the need to challenge our definition.However, the opposition team defined dictatorship in a extremely narrow and nonconstructive way, as we stated in our response to their first argument, stating that A Dictatorship is a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.). The main argument against democracy (other than people are stupid) is that people are selfish, and will only select a ruler who meets their own needs. To proceed, the country needs a more reliable system that can maintain the growth, put the government into an accountable position (where check and balances can be performed), and prevent the government from abusing its power.Only then, when the momentum is strong enough for change, after the people has witnessed the flaw of dictatorship that its people will revert to a more sustainable mechanism; Democracy. Dictators however take quick decision leading to better time management. Hence huge amount of time is wasted in decision-making. China went on with large and increasing economic liberties, but established no political rights or liberties. But ask yourself this: Do you think they just knock on the door politely? As for the comparison with the Soviet Union, in which we established that for a given dictatorship in crisis it was better to liberalize the economy than to democratize, seeing as how China had a better growth rate than its neighbor, and also how its neighbor collapsed and dissolved, unable to; the opposition did not refute this. Dictatorship has no planned succession period. Certainly the readers can see through those faade, though there is no wrong in assuming the worst has happened. There is a tautology in the premise of this argument that if validated would render this debate barren. Informal logical deals with probalility, not mathematical certainty. "Anarchy is order." If a civil war has two side of an opposing government (e.g. The difference between democracy and dictatorship is that in democracy people get to choose their leaders while in dictatorship single individual or political entity rules the country. As such, many are voted on, not because of particular stances on specific issues, but based on a more generic ideology or philosophy. This means that the ignorant and foolish that exist in every society are going to be drags on the potential of democracy. We are sold the idea that dictatorships are inherently corrupt, but they arent. Since its indepence in 1965 it has been governed by the same party (a small clique), the PAP. So if the power was in fact the Chairman plus up to 9 other people its still means power was vested on 10 people which indeed classifies as a very small clique.Chile was ruled by dictator Augusto Pinochet from 1973 till 1990. Therefore, even though the dictator maintains its power, having or not elections is not relevant, and even more incongruous with the argument. Deng Xiao Ping is famous for the quote It doesnt matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice.By this point, it is clear that the proposition is trying to contest between the black cat with the white cat, but bending it to become A black and white cat that is smart in catching mouse to win the case.EVEN IF we put ourselves in their shoes and follow their dictatorship model, their deduction is still unclear. This is because it seems so easy to manipulate an electorate that is often woefully undereducated, apathetic, and lazy about researching serious issues. Pros of having a dictatorship include: No elections, imagine not having to deal with all the political rhetoric, you already have your leader for life. Economic suffers badly in dictatorship as no country wants to make relationship with a country ruled by dictator while in democracy every country strives to make the favorable relationships. And on 19 July 1979 the Sandinista guerrillas overthrew the dictatorship and implemented a leftist revolutionary government overthrowing the Somoza Dictatorship. This process led to the nationalization of the industry in 1976, which left the country without the capital (Both human and financial) to exploit and refine our extra heavy oil reserves. Singapore has been tagged as a de facto one-party state and several foreign analysts and internal political parties have accused the PAP of taking harsh action against opposition parties to discourage and impede their success. Dictatorship does not hear the aspiration of the people; it only relies on their wisdom. As we must all know dictatorial governments such as Cuba [[]], China, North Korea [[]], Myanmar [[]], among others, have held, are holding and continue to hold elections and referendums for the popular opinion on constitutionals changes, but taking into account the budgets, so no income for education, health, security or personal development be modified. In one case the dictatorship was in the social sphere, in another in the work sphere. The main argument against democracy (other than people are stupid) is that people are selfish, and will only select a ruler who meets their own needs. We cannot say that they are having development, because we do not know whether they enjoy their freedom or not. In modern democracies, most of the political parties are not well-formed. We can show in this argument that, being developing nations, China did much better than India, by staying as a one party dictatorship, rather than establishing a multi-party democracy; and then that, as a centrally planned economy with a one-party dictatorship in crisis, China was better off than the (now extinct) Soviet Union, and its successor states by transitioning into a free market one party dictatorship, rather than transitioning into a planned economy democracy. The people has to approve a person or a small group of people who wants to govern. Not all dictators are evil oppression machines. On South Korea: During 1987 popular opposition to South Koreas military dictatorship again burst into the streets of South Korean cities and into the U.S. news media. [[]]On Taiwan: from 1927 to 1949 the KMT ruled over all of China in a one party system, and from then on only in Taiwan, staying as a one party system throughout the Taiwan Miracle[[]] during the 1960s and 1970s, and it wasnt until 1986 when the first opposition party was allowed to exist, and until 1989 that multiparty elections were held[[]]We also found this quote: Taiwan is evidence that a developing society can move peacefully from dictatorship to democracy and thrive. [[]]The Peoples Republic of China is a strong example not only in times of Maos rule but also today, because they are ruled by the Chinese Comunist Party (small clique). Though Democracy is widely popular all around the world, I will give you seven reasons why dictatorship is better than democracy. For the last argument, the evidence show how the civil war was ended by dictatorship, but no evidence directs it to a better development. liberal democracies around the world are facing a serious risk of decline, Palmer: Accelerating N. Macedonias EU accession is key. By a greater average volume of GNP than democratic countries, GNP per capita of dictatorship country was surprisingly lower than democratic country. Military or police junta? Having timocrat dictator leader, Joseph Broz Tito, who successfully lead Yugoslavia cannot helps the country to escape from succession failure, which lead to the end of Yugoslavia country [[]].Singapore is popular as a democratic country who implement repressive action, which is claimed is done based on the consent of its citizen. A country that was lead by a communist dictator after the second world war, Josip Broz Tito, under his command Yugoslavia managed to rebuilt itself from the ashes of war only to find itself disintegrated, overwhelmed with civil war and ethnic cleansing after the death of their dictatorship leader. We cite about Singapore Singapores dictatorship has delivered such riches that popular opposition is half-hearted [[]].South Korea had a pro development dictatorship for almost twenty years only to be followed by another dictatorship that ended in a democratic election where the winning candidate was aligned with the previously ruling clique. Levitsky, an expert on Latin America, and Way, an expert on the countries of the former Soviet Union, bring together their immense regional and theoretical expertise in their new book, Revolution and Dictatorship. Contrary to Mexico, Yugoslavia dictatorship stability was shaken, even though it is in a good management. For example, the success factors of Singapores economy is unclear, whether it is because of the dominant party system (which is promoted as dictatorship by the proposition), or because of the liberalization of the economic system.We should see that the economy of China on its classical age had slow growth. If ya think this was alright, sign up for my free newsletter. [[]]Another example of a dictatorial government with a succession where not a drop of blood was shed is Cuba. It is legal for those prison companies to pay prisoners less than a dollar an hour to produce government items such as military equipment and items for other private corporations such as Mcdonalds, Wendys, Starbucks, Walmart. Joe: Just listen, you posh bastard. A dictatorship breeds order and its a needed step for both development and liberal democracy.Maybe the only person that is happy for these arguments is Brad Pitt. During the process, South Korea even doubled the GNP per capita [[]], which shows, there were no significance of a dictatorship to the economic growth, since the same, and even better growth, happened in another system Democracy. Spain was a dictatorship that wasnt fully modern when the miracle happened. Its perfectly possible to know the economic, health, education, income and productivity indicators and they can evaluate their policies using (performance indexes.Of course if they were to need it, dictatorships are specially apt to extract information from people because they dont have to care about privacy. A dictator would not have this concern and could plan for the longer term. the cultural determinants of democracy and dictatorship. Boris: (interrupting) Ooh, yos, yos, well call it AUKUS. Democracy is as corrupt as any dictatorship you will find. Its a 50/50 shot. Dictatorship outperforms democracy in growth and economic developmentIf a sparrow always appears in the funerals, can we conclude that the sparrow is the grim reaper? Dewey put discipline as A person who is trained to consider his actions, to undertake them deliberately, is in so far forth disciplined. This put the significance of dictatorship to the economic miracles questionable.For example; Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe happened under a dictatorship era [[]].The miracles that happened seems fail to serve the ends of the development, including the freedom of the citizens. When considering what is "best" (by each of our subjective opinions), "most popular" is almost always considered to be way down the list, and as such, democracy should logically be way down the list as well. Indeed, some media, like Murdoch owned media, has actively sought to muddy the debate and steer readers/viewers to doubt the scientists claims. We have given the benefits of dictatorships from the very introduction of the debate. A dictatorship relies on the wisdom of the authoritarian leaders to lead the country and perform Miracles.Such a perfect example is of the Burmese military junta (that the opposition never defends); whom in their history produces policies such as:The demonetization of their currency (kyat) [[]]The movement of their capital [[]]The ban of motorcycles from the old capital (Yangoon) [[]].These unpopular policies are an example of decisions that are made possible in a Dictatorship based on the pure wisdom of the authoritarian leader.It is in the spirit of the motion that the proposition has to show that even if these dictators apply un-accountable and irregular decisions, it is permissible for the sake of development.They would also have to show the benefits of a dictatorship AS A SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT so that we should allow the blind faith of these people be put upon the so called magicians that are expected to perform miracles of development at the price of a more democratic and stable government. free living and have the best. So those that may not enjoy it today, can live knowing that their children or their childrens children will one day enjoy freedom under a developed democratic state. We propose that dictatorships can make unpopular and necessary decisions that democracies cannot, as explained in our Chiles Pinochet vs Venezuelas Carlos Andrs Prez example.If we indeed sinned on sin #3 well never know: its not written clearly enough to answer.On this point: A countrys economic success can be accredited to their liberalization of the economy but definitely not because of their single party system we say that when you have the total control of the country you can enact liberalization by decree, while in democracy there is usually opposition from interest groups.They claim we conceded dictatorships cannot can be defended yet we have defended dictatorships from all the spectrum, without any ideological or geographical bias. We argued that being two neighboring states, comparable both in age and in population size, differentiated only in that China turned to a one party system, and India to a multi party democracy; China had a more promising future on the base that they had a better bureaucracy, better state institutions and state services than India, who only had a better private sector, but that strengthening its private sector would be easier for China than it would be for India to build a proper public sector. The Oxford handbook of comparative politics. First, the goal of the dictatorships stated by proposition where based on the first definition, aiming to the achievement of development as well as the guaranteeing of Social. No strangers to sinning, the opposition has conceded as dictatorship various one-party systems (North korea, Yugoslavia, Cuba) and a defacto one party system (Venezuela), but rejected countries that have it like China and Singapore, without really explaining the difference between both groups.On sin no.2 they misrepresent our assertion. [[]] Meanwhile, the most radical changes and the longer lasting happened in Chile during Pinochet dictatorial rule, which is still buoyant and the Asian tigers, where three of the four were o are dictatorships.The radical dimension of this growth is shown in the following quote: In 1950 South Korea was the economic equal of Kenya or Nigeria, while Taiwan was comparable to Egypt. the cultural determinants of democracy and dictatorship. Under the self-described Duterte dictatorship administration in the Philippines, between FY 2016 and FY 2017, the number of violent crimes decreased dramatically. Politicians get drunk on the job (alcohol is provided 24/7 even during critical decision making) and vote according to the. To learn more about the CreateDebate scoring system, check out the, When you are ready to voice your opinion, use the. Arguments with the highest score are displayed first. If Burma banned motorcycles and it was a bad idea its the same as the banning in Colorado and Iowa (US) of bicycles is bad (in the eyes of cyclists). However, the debate of which is best for Pakistan is still on fire. Because dictatorship rules without the peoples consent, there is no urgency for them to hear their citizen.On other words, being bad or good is only determined by the dictator itself, no form of control that can guide the dictators policies or enlightened the dictators about current and future conditions. Post Your Opinion. I apologize, I assumed representative democracy without explicitly stating it. While on the other hand, dictatorship is a form of government in which the entire power resides in the hand of a single person that is the dictator. Who knows.Yugoslavia merits more time as here the interpretation of the events by the opposition is completely wrong. Home > Opinions > Society > Is a democracy better than a dictatorship? Sure, but throughout history, whenever a good dictator dies, most of his good policies and laws are overturned by the next dictator. Dictatorships have great incentives to achieve greater inter-group equality: In most unequal societies (e.g., South Africa prior to 1994), the citizens have a great reason to be unhappy and try to rise up against the authority of non-democracy. [[]]Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson make the point on Economic origins of dictatorship and democracy [[]] that this equality might explain the fact that democracy was slow to arrive to South Korea and Taiwan, that were at the time growing rapidly, and hasnt arrived yet to Singapore. I don't think we actually disagree on anything here. There is a need to arrive to a balance between predation (taxation of subjects) and the repression necessary to avoid the risk of insurrection. Dictatorship? Because dictatorship rules without the peoples consent, there is no urgency for them to hear their citizen. the try to say that because there is a dictatorship, the ruler cannot know what the people need. Now there is a peculiar feature one has to notice about democratic estimations. and the mixed evidence has spawned numerous debates between scholars reporting diverging findings. A State of emergency was declared in France due to the 2005 civil unrest[[]], and in 2005 in the US state of Louisiana due to hurricane Katrina. Khadaffi in Libya tried to distribute oil revenues directly and the tribal liders didnt aprove. Dictatorship helps achieve social stabilityThe last aspect of the dictators is that they have bigger control. Now we can look at the ideal for each form. The inability of democracy to provide higher economic rates worries economists all over the world. Have explained how development is conditioned by succession see that different issues arrise the comes Country depends solely on the living conditions and economic welfare government and a record! 'M for a dictator or monarch broad strokes ): education, health economic Decision leading to better time management here that dictatorships are inherently corrupt, Slobodan. Society triggering the continues economic growth of Nations < /a > List of state Give you seven reasons why dictatorship is superior saying what I think categorically rejecting what the theoretical possibilities with! 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