Apache uses.htaccessfiles to set specific rules for how it handles incoming requests. It became popular in 1996, when Apache played important role in the initial growth of the World Wide Web and overtook NCSA HTTPd as a dominant HTTP server. Sometimes developers say that both web servers, Apache and Nginx, can be configured easily to be insecure. Nginx is a free and open source web server created back in 2002 in response to the C10K challenge which set out to handle 10,000+ concurrent connections on a single server. Or will I have to go through some configuration like removing .httaccess files you mentioned? Although NGINXs module library and documentation are growing at a steady pace, they still cant match Apache in terms of volume. By now, you understand the core differences between Apache and NGINX. Nginx has decreased the burden of web server administration and maintenance, and we are spending less time on server issues than when we were using Apache. Clearly, NGINX serves static content much faster than Apache. They are great for boosting user experience and for navigating long-form copy. 00:22 Apache Basic Overview01:20 NGINX Basic Overview02:09 Performance02:53 Static vs dynamic content03:32 Operating system support03:59 Security04:28 Flexibility04:55 Modules05:53 Outro Apache vs Nginx - Pros and ConsLinks: Apache vs Nginx - Which Web Server is Better ? Apache performs better when hosting sites that receive lower levels of traffic ie. Apache also has a larger community / user base providing beginners with more readily available information and support. Though,there is only one listener thread created by event model. It can scale projects even when the resources are limited.Every new request should not be processed by server and this is good for computers memory and CPU. On the other hand, Nginx does not have htaccess support and can be used only with PHP-FPM. In many cases, the decision wont be up to you since your web host will decide what software to use. First, if you want to make the right choice between Nginx and Apache, lets talk about differences in Nginx and Apache web servers. The back end server health check process covers only port detection and not URL detection. It does not have to rely on external help. That is why Nginx is so popular among developers who has a large project or running a website with high number of visitors. NGINX is open source software and one of the fastest web servers beating Apache and more. Apache vs Nginx - Whats the Difference ? More lightweight requires fewer resources / memory, Able to handle 10k+ simultaneous connections with a low memory footprint, Spawns new processes for each request making things less efficient, Allows for configuration of .htaccess file, It can act as a reverse proxy server for TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols, It can act as a load balancer and an HTTP cache. Instead of directly-level configuration files, you have one main file that governs the entire thing. Whats more, NGINX deals with incoming requests asynchronously. platges de calvia binissalem. So serving the static content 2.5 times faster than Apache and consumes less memory. When we compare Nginx with Apache for dynamic content, these two web servers are similar. Chris Lea, successful designer, politician and political activist in Canada said that Apache has a million option while you need only six, Nginx does those six things, and it does five of them 50 times faster than Apache. Today, many developers like using Nginx and Apache together, because Nginx sort all the information and manage every request. Get advice and discover the pros and cons from experienced users. Dynamic Content Apache processes dynamic content within the server. Load balancing is the distribution of incoming network traffic and data resources across different servers. Moreover, Apache is compatible with app-specific modules. NGINX does not support exportable metrics (paid edition only). Extensible with third-party modules. Sell products and design your own website. Twitter, GitHub, Instagram, Yelp, Imgur, Reddit, Vimeo, StackOverflow, Tumblr, etc. With this setup, Nginx will handle all client requests. The software has a better load balancing speed. (Pros and Cons) Features of Nginx Reverse proxy with caching. 3.5 out of 5. This is a problem rooted in designunder the hood, Apache must create a new process thread for every connection. Apache vs Nginx Whats the Difference ? It has a more detailed and user friendly status page compared to Nginx. Squid Proxy vs HAProxy - What's the Difference ? Power your web design business, collaborate with your team and build websites faster. In this case you need to consider all the pluses and minuses or both web servers. Hi Prateek If you check out the W3Tech article linked in the post, you can see more details on the popularity of both Apache and NGINX. Operating Systems Support Apache is available on all operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and UNIX. Nginx can use htaccess files if you must and its config can be split into multiple files with conditional includes, Use apache if you dont know better other wise use nginx Php-fpm works a lot better and also this is a real kicker you use a lot less less resources serving tls (ssl) content compared to the apache mpm method. NGINX is said to have a tremendous speed advantage over the Apache HTTP server when it comes to delivering static web content. Sometimes it is difficult to choose when you have already worked with Apache and at the same time heard a lot of good things about Nginx. Apache Web Server pros and cons. So, answering the question which is better Nginx or Apache, we can say that Nginx is faster than Apache. Moreover, Apache enables you to install, enable, and disable modules at will, providing you with a high degree of flexibility. NGINX acts as the master process that controls various subprocesses. It offers a number of features that are not available in Apache. Nginx can also be used in various of scenarios including: It can act as a reverse proxy server for TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols Though, Nginx code base is smaller and this is a big advantage of Nginx in security battle. It is also used as a reverse proxy server which revices the request from client and send the request to proxy server. Nginx can simultaneously run thousands of connections of static content two times faster than Apache and uses little less memory. If you are still thinking about a perfect web server software for your Java based project, Nginx will help you to solve this problem. Load balancer, High performance, Reverse Proxy, very fast, A high-performance HTTP server, a proxy server for email, reverse proxy, and easy to configure, Flexible on health checks and failover situations, The software maintains a detailed status page to keep track of active requests and servers status. Another Nginxs worker advantage is that it can work by itself, but when the event is triggered, it requires a connection. By default, Apache uses the mpm-preforkmodule, which works great for low numbers of concurrent connections. Nginx provides excellent performance and scalability. Follow this post below to learn HAProxy vs Nginx Whats the Difference? This deals with optimizing a network to be able to handle up to 10K concurrent connections. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links that support our team and keep the free blog content flowing. Some developers think Nginx is not suitable for Python based websites, but this is not true. Nginx is a simple, lightweight and fast web server. Throughout the next few sections, well break down what makes each software unique. It seeks to improve upon the performance of Apache by capitalizing on its weaknesses. HAProxy supports virtual hosts and multiple network segments (layers 4 and 7). apache superset pros and cons. November 4 . When it comes to web servers, Linuxs prevalence made Apache the de-facto choice for years. 3. Do you have any questions about how to choose between Apache and NGINX? But not everything runs on nginx. Load balancing. These days, it takes a lot to engage users to take action on a website. Another benchmark running with 512 concurrent connections, showed that NGINX is about two times faster and consumed a bit less memory (4%). To be more specific, NGINX is better when it comes to: This last part is why so many people choose to use NGINX as a reverse proxy solution. Thats why it is essential to divide static to instruct Nginx and static from Java into different directories. Web server architecture research started because of large number of concurrent request and C10k problem. Nginx is a web server but also acts as a load balancer and plays a key role in improving performance. Choosing between Apache vs NGINX is not as clear-cut as it might seem. 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On a practical level, youll need to do your research and find out which option a web host uses before committing to them. Those files include everything from redirection rules to memory limits, and more. In contrast, NGINX uses what it calls an event-driven approach. (Blog Post)https://cloudinfrastructureservices.co.uk/apache-vs-nginx/You can deploy Apache or Nginx in any of the cloud platforms using our ready to use images: Nginx Web Server on Azure/AWS/GCPhttps://cloudinfrastructureservices.co.uk/how-to-setup-nginx-on-ubuntu-in-azure-aws-gcp/ Apache Web Server on Azure/AWS/GCPhttps://cloudinfrastructureservices.co.uk/how-to-setup-apache-web-server-mysql-server-on-linux-in-azure-aws-gcp/ If you have learned Anything New Leave a like and subscribe to the channel. (Pros and Cons), How to Setup Docker Swarm Load Balancing using Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04, How to Connect Linux Remote Desktop (RDP) from Windows 10 / 11, Wireless Access Point vs Router Whats the Difference ? Copyright 2008-2022 KeyUA Ltd. All Rights Reserved. MySQL is a database management system for relational databases. In this article, well talk about what web servers are and how they work and introduce both Apache and NGINX. Overview. Find answers, guides, and tutorials to supercharge your content delivery. This article will discuss the differences that exist between both popular web servers to help you get a better understanding of where each one excels. 568 Followers. Take the first step towards a better website. (Pros and Cons), How to Setup Hyper-V Nested Virtualization on Azure, Most Common Apache Security Vulnerabilities and Fixes, How to Check Windows Server Logs (Windows Event Log Types), Top 10 Best SQLite Alternatives (Pros and Cons), Redis vs PostgreSQL Whats the Difference ? First, Nginx was created to save server resources. Modules are add-ons that you can use alongside your server software of choice to extend its default functionality. Nginx works differently from Apache, specially how it handles threads. If you have to use Apache, use Apache. The Apache web server has progressed vastly since its inception. In load balancing the requests are distributed among different servers, instead of going to a particular server. Nginx was created to solve the so-called c10k problem, meaning that a web server that uses threads to handle user requests is unable to manage more than 10,000 connections at the same time. Additionally, Nginx also comes ahead in terms of scalability, media streaming, VPS hosting, and reverse proxying. Pros and Cons. If youre looking for a hosting company that supports both Apache and NGINX, check out Pressable, Cloudways, SiteGround, and Flywheel. If you find it difficult to choose between Nginx and Apache, and need professional help, we are always glad to help you. We will point out the differences between HAProxy and Nginx with their own respective features, pros and cons. These are: Main feature of this model is a single control process. The pros and cons section above can also help determine which web server is best suited for your use-case. Another feature of NGINX is it has a scalable underlying architecture and the ability to handle a high volume of connections and incoming traffic. Almost 0 benefit to running NGINX in front of Apache as a reverse proxy these days. IPv6 support. Using Apache, you can set up individual.htaccessfiles for every directory in your server tree. It is one of the most commonly used database management systems. The performance of Apache for static content is lower than Nginx. Main advantage of this model is quality, because it is easier to manage long-running connections on a single thread. That is why we can say without no doubts that Apache as well as Nginx are strong competitors. Easily switch from dynamic content to static content with the help of Nginx. 98 . Allows detection of the internal failure using the port features. Nginx can also be used in various of scenarios including: Apache is currently at the "top of the food chain" when is comes to web servers. Will Morris is a staff writer at WordCandy. Lets now give a brief breakdown of each softwares pros and cons. Round Robin, IP Hashand Least Connections are the 3 popular load balancing techniques. Fixed price approach: how you can benefit with it? Simple installation and configuration features, NGINX is a stable web server and can high load pressure. nginx proxy vs reverse proxy. Most experienced developers know that they need to write modules in order to get customizations to the web server. Hi Will, thanks for your clear and informative article! The answer is simple! Though, if you think that moving from Apache to Nginx will be a magic solution, you are not right. Besides, if you have a simple website, both web servers work for you. Like Nginx, Apache has a strong community that is done through Stack Overflow, mailing list and IRC. You need a web server that would save your memory, because raising memory is quite expensive, especially on VPS. If the request is for static content, then Nginx will deliver that content. The Apache name is so ingrained with Linux that the Operating System (OS) uses thehttpdcommand for its server process (something found within Apache itself). To scale this high volume traffic and lighten the load of requests across servers, the load balancing technique is used. Another advantage of using Nginx and Apache together is that Nginx work with static content and serves files right to a client in no time, while dynamic content will be sent to Apache, and after processing the data all the files will be returned to Nginx. Also, the software is best suitable for a platform with high traffic services (Twitter, GitHub, Instagram). If you are familiar with Nginx, you might find it simple to use its load balancing feature. Then Nginx send the files back to the client. Cons of Nginx Nginx doesn't have any ability to process dynamic content. It's something like 50% better performing. Moreover, you cant disable modules once theyre compiled, making it much more difficult to swap options. It is difficult to believe that Nginx memory usage is so static and does not change even with 3000 concurrent connections, while Apache does not show a satisfied result. In this way developers can save their precious time they spend for processing information through Apache web server as Nginx manages everything much faster. Documentation - Apache is the #1 web server in the world, so there is a huge amount of documentation for support. This allows nginx to be manage resources more efficiently compared to thread-based models (like Apache). HAProxy community velocity didn't seem very high. Moreover, Apache has full support for Windows. This is dependent on the Multi-Processing Module (MPM) used. Apache uses what it calls Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs) to handle connections. Are you ready to explore?Lets move on! As you can see from our graph, Apache has a big difference with Nginx. Puesto de manera simple, Apache usa una solucin apuntalada, o de mantener vivo, la cul mantiene una conexin abierta para cada usuario. (Pros and Cons), Apache vs Nginx - Whats the Difference ? This model has a lot of common features with worker model. The software has been around since 1995 when Robert McCool introduced the Apache HTTP Server. Posted by . Another disadvantage of this model is that it takes a lot of RAM and sometimes reject connections when the load is high. It is important to mention that Apache runs on Linux, Minix, BSD and other Unix-like systems. To be more specific, NGINX is better when it comes to: Handling massive numbers of concurrent requests Getting better performance with fewer hardware resources