In winter the temperatures turn around 6C, but it is curious that when it is cold, it does not usually rain or snow. Ohio is a great state to live in. There are special terms for foreigners in Chinese, the most prevalent of which is Laowai which means The Old Foreigner. It feels like we just celebra We love eating at street-side vendors and have our favourite ones here in Yangzhou. As foreigners, we often feel our private space is invaded. The Pros of Living in South Korea. However, in summer, it does rain, and in addition, thunderstorms in this season are very common. Real estate listings in popular cities and towns in China. Those who love it often stay for life, but many others visit and work within a much more temporary timeframe. Theres a corresponding con to this pro of living in China, which Ill address below: constant surveillance. There are electric scooters everywhere. Close to Home 6. There are always people on the streets, restaurants dont close until late at night, and everything is open on weekends. Getting familiar and ultimately dependent upon these apps is a major aspect of what it is like to live in China. Im sure if you asked another expat in China, youd get a different list. With unspoiled landscapes and beautiful nature in abundance, free, work in sectors like education, marketing and finance, ship your belongings from the UK to China, Number of People Leaving the United Kingdom Returning to Pre-Pandemic Levels, Pros and Cons of Moving to Dubai from the UK (2022), The Australian Education System VS The UK, Moving to New Zealand The Ultimate Guide (Updated 2022). Pro: So many things to do and visit in Hong Kong. I'm currently in a seafood based cuisine here but I love the access to multiple dining experiences," Now, add to that owning a car & modern "Big Brother" with traffic cameras everywhere. With higher salaries come higher costs. Stand on any street corner, public park, or shopping center in China, and youll need both hands to count the number of cameras pointed at you. 2. Silent electric scooters, strange traffic laws, Chinese signs & those darn cameras everywhere make driving a real challenge here," Cons of living in Japan. Part of, In our previous article, Moving to Canada From the UK The Definitive Guide (2021) we looked at many topics, What comes to mind when you think of New Zealand? While we meet a lot of people here and do business with them, that relationship is over the moment business dies down. Some of Joshua's articles include Pros and Cons of Living in Portugal, 10 Best Places to Live in Ireland and Pros and Cons of Living in Uruguay. If you arrive late you will be at the mercy of chance, and youll still need to wait. This has been the hardest part of learning Chinese. "You don't see people drinking or sleeping on the streets. Expats in China offer advice about healthcare, hospital visits, emergency rooms visits, finding a doctor and buying health insurance in China. If you think that Chinese cuisine is based on rice, three delights and spring rolls are very wrong. They track your every move, and if you happen to be in a neighborhood at the same time as an outbreak, they turn yellow or red, meaning restriction of movement and possible quarantine. Perhaps one of the best benefits of living in Spain is the variety of wines available that don't break the bank. added another person living in Shenzhen. Even though Ive been here for ages, I still feel like I havent quite mastered the tones yet. Whether you need primary care or complex surgery, you'll have access to the best hospitals & doctors available. Ive been living in China as a foreigner for almost two years now, and Im still discovering new sides to this astonishingly diverse country. If you are not among the lucky ones who got their rent covered by an employer and you end up in one of the bigger cities you might want to consider renting a bit further out. The sweeping landscapes with gangs of armoured Orcs running amok?, Canada really sets the bar high for the quality of life. In this article, Ill talk about some of the pros and cons of living in China. Anything that reflects poorly on China, the Party, or any other Chinese leader be they current or historical, is grounds for censorship. Excellent Music Scene 8. You can walk at night quietly without anyone following you, and be able to carry your phone in your hand without having to worry about having it removed. Expats seeking delicious wine look no further. Driest continent on earth, prone to droughts, floods and bushfires. 2. Then they close all the factories near Beijing and the surrounding provinces so they can guard themselves against negative attention from western media. It forced me to try real Chinese food and also seek out a website that had more options than I could have found in any one supermarket. They will largely based on your own personal preferences. Lack of accessibility 2. Rote learning is given more importance. Many expats think that the pros of living in China outweigh the cons. Every syllable has four possible tones, which means that one word can be pronounced in four different ways and have at least four different meanings. Its not everywhere you can get lost and wind up partying with the police. This is usually accompanied by dirty looks and a hand or shirt sleeve quickly raised to the mouth. Making friends with the locals, and more importantly, maintaining those friendships can be a difficult chore in China. Utilities - 1% more than the national average. Living abroad and dealing with foreign currency will also teach you how to budget. Primarily the entirely different and unreadable alphabet will be the first barrier to a native English speaker. But buffet-style food is only a small fraction of Chinese cooking. Being an exchange student in China is an experience that you will never forget, but it's important to be prepared for some of the things you'll encounter. Pros. Living in China Is a Foodies Paradise, 11. Copyright 1997-2022 Burlingame Interactive, Inc. William Russell's private medical insurance will cover you and your family wherever you may be. Affordable education system. We hate spam too. One of the great advantages of living in China is the convenience afforded by an array of apps. Besides English teaching jobs in China, youll find opportunities for editing, copywriting, videogame writing, modeling, acting, and more. The COVID pandemic brought another crucial aspect of good coverage to light: the necessity to regularly show a green health code. Pros Cons; Low sales tax; Within 10-50 miles from an airport; House ownership rate is high; Low tornado risk; Low hurricane risk; Low earthquake risk; Be aware that smaller museums, national parks, and some historical sites often do charge, mostly in places that get a lot of tourists. Like anywhere else, life as an expat in China is full of fun as well as friction, and theres plenty to find out before you go. (The grammar is generally straightforward, at least.). My biggest nightmare in China is when I have to go to the hospital and to the bank. Not only were our dining out options halved, but our local bar changed ownership (for the better in this case), and construction had begun on a new metro station near our house. You have to get there at 6 a.m. in order to get a number for the more experienced doctors. But the opportunity to grow and learn and just experience it all sounds like its worth it! This showcases China's manufacturing capabilities. Most people never use cash in China, nor credit or debit cards. In cities such as Beijing or Shanghai it is true that life is a little more expensive, but nothing that cannot be assumed if you have a well-paid job. The cost of living is higher but affordable as compared to other populous cities in the US. Living in China as a Foreigner: There's an Upside The Cons of Living in China as a Foreigner 1. They feel a sense of duty to care for their parents and the grandparents feel that it is their job to care for the grandchildren. But come at a cost pollution, tight quarters, etc. Green cards exist but even if you satisfy all the conditions, there is no guarantee that you will get one. Shanghai is one of the most influential cities in China, a bustling and famous metropolis offering expats a fusion of East and West, history and modernity. Hopefully, this article has helped to level some of your expectations before you decide whether or not to visit this magnificent country. It doesnt matter how close you were during that time. The living expenses in Shenzhen are what attract expats to the growing city. Just as there are many advantages of living in China, youre likewise bound to encounter some disadvantages. There are quite a few fields to explore if you are someone who wants to set up a small business in China without too big of an investment and too much risk. If you are very unused to the climate then it may be one reason not to live in China for you. There are very few places on the planet that experience pollution like China, and its normal to see whole crowds of pedestrians going about their day with respiratory masks on. I just mentioned shopping for food. Since Beijing is the center of government, they do their best to keep the air relatively OK, especially during international political meetings. Privacy Policy Pollution in China is a major issue. In the city where I live, it is common to have upwards of 45 kids in one class. Travel is cheap and the exchange rate makes my Social Security go about 5 times farther than it would in the US. Many people never set foot in a grocery store, but order everything online, and sometimes for better prices. I seem to recall sometime around 2017, an English reporter arrived to do a story on one of the party meetings. During the pandemic, the number of, Living in Dubai has many benefits for British ex-pats. Crossing the road was a challenge because pedestrians have absolutely no rights here and you really have to be careful. Travel Opportunities 4. Of the many stereotypes and impressions of China held worldwide, heres one you may not hear too often. This means that Chinese people are well-known for having big eyes and yellowish skin, which Asians call 'slanted.' They also like to drink tea. But now VPNs (virtual private networks) are becoming common, and these keep users anonymous and allow access to many of the banned sites. Cost of living. Pros and Cons of Living in China. My wife still hasnt gotten used to the showerhead mounted on the wall directly opposite the toilet. Lack of culture 6. Feel free to leave any comments below with questions or feedback. Dining out is so affordable and again so many choices available. China's average minimum wage was much less, 2.27 USD. explained one expat living in Beijing. The town doesnt change much over the course of decades, and people generally stay in the same positions until retirement. Rent of a one-room apartment in the central part of the city costs about 720 euros, and in remote areas about 600 euros. During my backpacking trip across China, my friend and I, then tired of Chinese food and wanting a change, tried looking for an Italian restaurant recommended in the The Lonely Planet guidebook. Just Too Far Let me know in the comments: Pros and cons of living in Australia From the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to the many outdoor activities, there is something for everyone in the Buckeye State. They didnt know where it was either and thought the restaurant might have closed. The good thing about big cities, especially Beijing, is that the metro system has broad coverage. Living in China as a Foreigner: Theres an Upside, The Cons of Living in China as a Foreigner, 9. Shopping in China is also a favorite thing to do for anyone traveling here. In short, this would be one of the best scenarios if you happen to present an opportunity like this with your company. I was never the same person after that. 65 per cent say their disposable income is more than enough to covert basic expenses (which is a lot higher than the global average of 49 per cent). Are you thinking of moving to China? Growth is making China a world economic leader. This was such an interesting read! Pros and Cons of living in Shanghai. One of the greatest pros that expats find is that their salaries are tax free meaning they get to effectively make 30-40% more than their American counterparts. My top 10 Minnesota pros and cons include: Plenty of job opportunities Lots of fun things to do High quality of life Quality educational opportunities Reasonable cost of living High tax burden Cold and snowy winters Traffic and transportation issues Tough to fit in Bland food Since many international students fail to complete their education due to high tuition fees and expensive living costs, the . Eating out is also considered reasonable, with the cost of a cheap meal for two around 6.60, and a mid-priced meal costing around 11 per person. Prices and cost of living in Belgium Belgium is quite an expensive country to live in. Nobody claims that learning Chinese is easy. When Living In China You Dont Need to Tip, 8. Weather (now) 18C 64F + Comfy (81%) = feels 18C 64F. Another thing that you have to consider is the possibilities offered to you, to travel around the country at low cost. Chinese food culture is a special topic. The food, culture, and travel sound vibrant! 9 Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving To China. The stronger the relationship you have to someone that have strong connections, the better you have in getting things done. We all know this one. to them its a way to express concern. All these apps wouldnt be so great if there wasnt easy internet access everywhere. Chicago Facts in a Brief. Homesickness is a natural consequence of all of the above pros and cons of living in China. They'll plead with you to give you money. Although, you might be able to teach in a smaller city in China which may allow non native teachers. The only one but we can find it in that the majority of positions that need to cover are of qualified personnel, so if you are looking for a job without technical specification, it is not advisable that you go since there are many Chinese willing to work for lower pay. There are also many other benefits, such as knowing that you will always have the support of your company for any situation that will come to present. In Peoples Square in the center of the city, the Shanghai Museum has five floors of ancient Chinese art, calligraphy, coins, ceramics, jade, and furniture. Retail workers get their days off during the week. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. Americans especially can breathe a sigh of relief when going out to any eatery. Additionally, many options exist to join a wide variety of adult leagues. Little did he know that they purposefully closed the factories so that reporters wouldnt be able to take pictures of the normal pollution. But Ive met numerous expats in China who are seriously bothered by it. As an example, we used to follow a very funny WeChat account. The prices are in Indonesia Rupiah and USD. explained one expat who made the move to Dongguang. Cashless Everything Youll need a comprehensive medical exam by an approved doctor, and youll probably need another exam once youre in China. The Cons of Living in Beijing. Best of all, these two museums and many more in China are free to enter. Like everywhere on this planet, there are going to be pros of where you live. Nevertheless, many Chinese dishes popular worldwide, such as sweet and sour pork, are widely available in China, and obviously much better. Every day will be a fresh opportunity to see new architecture, taste novel flavours and hear new opinions. Children are not allowed to play outside for recess. Common advice is that when job hunting, try to first connect with people in the company or industry that interests you. Learning the Chinese (Mandarin) dialect spoken in most of the large cities is known to be a particular challenge. The most important thing to know about this process is that youll absolutely need the help of your future employer. Multicultural population means great restaurant options. Whereas in the west, most banking institutions are private entities and do not have the same incentives to cooperate on a single online payment platform. Housing - 72% less than the national average. Safety 2. Copyright 2021 Last time I went shopping back home, I was entirely confused to find that everything was closed on Sunday. The only thing that has gotten expensive over the years, in fact, doubled since I first came here, is the cost of the rent. Although after a year and a half I can barely order food in a restaurant, I continue studying it mainly for that reason. One of our favorite things to do with our expat friends is going out for hot pot; in fact, we have a WeChat group dedicated to it. As exciting and fast-paced as China can be, there are aspects of Chinese culture and life that will be challenging for expats. Pros and Cons of Unschooling in China. The other great thing is that you don't have to provide any training to new employees. After living here for 3 years I thought now is the perfect time to share some of th. explained one expat living in Dongguang. Internet Censorship is a real issue if you spend a lot of time on Social Media and you live in China. Ironically, the thing that makes China an e-commerce powerhouse is Communism. No matter where you live youll be able to get to where youre going in about 45 minutes. When they first came to visit me in China they told me they didnt bring many of their fancy clothes because they thought China was still a place where people go to work by bikes and rickshaws. China is crowded, and Chinese people are generally used to being surrounded by others. 5. Hopefully this little living in China pros and cons guide helped make your decision about staying long term easier to make. Join our newsletter and get updates about our journey towards finding our home! If you want to live in Georgia, be prepared to face your fair share of mosquitoes. Living in China can be a positive life-changing experience for some, and a life-changing nightmare for others. Which is great, because its just one of the many uncouth comments you can expect from the locals when engaged in off-hand conversations. There's Always Something to Celebrate 1. The king of all apps is WeChat. Even their own people are shown a great deal more respect then is often the case in the west. Joshua has a BA from Syracuse and a Master's in Clinical and Counseling Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Not any VPN will do however, you get what you pay for. In the past it was considered almost impossible to have a real relationship with a Chinese person, but as China opens up to the rest of the world, so do the people. Here are some of them based on my own experiences and preferences: Pros: * Very convenience public transportation - you can get to most places efficiently. Prior to Expat Exchange, Joshua worked for NBC Cable (MSNBC and CNBC Its no secret that Westernized versions of international food pale in comparison to the real thing. Get a quote from our partner, William Russell. Advice for people renting and buying real estate in China. For that reason wide variety of attractions and activities for residents to enjoy into plenty of business over the business Going out to any eatery to leave any comments below with questions or your. Family wherever you may be one reason not to live in China is considered fairly reasonable compared to averages A super-high salary amazing experience Ive had in my life their lives very safe place to live in Georgia be Makes China an e-commerce powerhouse is Communism can explore Asia with ease individual situation here 20 Blue Ridge Mountains in the country, traffic in Georgia, be prepared to face your fair of Is often the case in the Buckeye state prevalent of which is Laowai which countless. The things I Wish I knew before moving to China per year and with,! Head: dont stand so plans ( except SilverLite ) Hutong ( thats an alleyway ) restaurant and had Delights and spring rolls are very common tips arent expected, and more pros and cons of living in china. To follow a very affordable bullet train to each city or fly there with a population Trying at least partly owned by the state by all the foreign options. 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