I too find it welcoming, the physical affection of my shield brothers be it erotic or not. He turns to Steve, and suddenly looks really serious. He looks a little green around the edges, but mostly okay, so Clint nods at him. But you can say something you have done like, 'never have I ever eaten a cheeseburger' it just means that you have to drink, like everyone else who has done that particular thing.. OH COME ON! Tony cried in protest, once again the only one to drink. Never have I ever had a building fall on me" Natasha said. She has a huge crush on a boy named Peter and hopes he likes her back, shes gets bullied by Liz who keeps it suttle so she doesnt get yelled at. He gets one; a low, quiet moan and a shift of the body pressed against him. "Shit babe sorry." Actually fist-bump. Tony's face is still flushed, his chest pink with exertion against the Tesseract-blue of his arc reactor. Clint and Natasha drink, and Clint's a little confused until he sees that both Cap and Bruce have relaxed a fraction, their smiles looser when they each raise their drinks. I WAS BORED SO DON'T KILL ME FOR THE RANDOMNESS PLEASE "So," asked Natasha. he said grinning. "Never ever have I gotten shot," Aunt May says and everyone but her, Shuri, T'chall, and Scott takes a drink. Respect, they said in unison, toasting each other. Then I got beaten half to death by Toomes, then I had to save him from getting blown up. This story is complete. No! Tony snorts. Okay! Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. Nat's gorgeous, and people always notice but Clint knows she finds it easier to trust people that don't want to get in her pants. Really, Barton? Natasha mutters and drinks with him. There's nothing bad or wrong about it, Steve, Bruce says, ever the reasonable parent of them (when he's not giant and green, that is). I mean, ask anyone. Mmm. It's your choice., Yeah, but Tony makes an annoyed sound and rolls over so he's facing Clint. She grins back, not entirely unprotected, but close. It doesn't even bother him much, now that he's back home and out of Medical. Shuri Bucky had no idea that he was a werewolf until he escaped hydra with the help of Sam and the avengers, he thought he was alone with being what he was since no one on the team knew what he was until he turned one night and ran to the woods, accept what will happen when someone new to the team is like Includes: Clint rolls his eyes and tugs Tony's shirt off. Everything's floaty and his mouth tastes like what Jim Beam smells like, and Nat's let him snuggle up against her for the better part of an hour. ', But he did anyway. Then you get to be the one to tell everyone why we're not fucking each other.. As expected, Natasha, Clint, Steve, Bucky, Sam and Tony drank, but yet again Peter surprised them all by downing his glass. "We were in a fight and had to get away but were all hurt. Tell me; when exactly did I become the reasonable grown-up of the two of us? He stays like that for another minute, listening to Steve's calm heartbeat against his own chest, before he disentangles, stands up and goes back to his pillows, ruffling Steve's hair on the way. Ever wondered what the Avengers or the characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be as yanderes? Flash Oh, now you have to tell, Barton. "Peter BenjaminParker-Stark! Seriously? Never have I evergone commando, Natasha disclosed. Nice. Always the goddamn red velvet, Clint sighs to himself. G'niiiiight, guys. Please don't expect much, it's rea #avengers I'm training her." So when Stark Industries called her, desperate for a housekeeper, there was no way in heaven she was gonna refuse. Clint actually has respect for that manipulation strategy although that doesn't mean he approves of it being used on him. No, we decided no strings, and then there were strings, strings everywhere except they were invisible strings, you know? We are to speak untruth? Thor asks, frowning at this new turn of events. He had changed out of his suit into a baggy jumper May given him for his birthday, joggers and random socks that had been on the floor of his bedroom. It's the rules., The rules say that I have to drink if I've done it, Clint says just to piss him off. That's what Clint's picked up, at least, never actually having gone himself. It's all right, Tony says and pats his forearm. Watching Devi grow up with Mohan and Nalini feels like papercuts and pinpricks for Ben.But when Devi loses a father and becomes a kindred spirit,Ben gains the thing he always wanted most: a dad. Bucky, Nat, and Wanda took shots. Clint and Tony (and the team) get drunk, fall into bed together, fall out of it, and fall back in again. It kind of works, which is good enough, and he turns to wave at Tony and Thor. "DUDE!" Oh, sh- Tony! Immediately he releases the genius, who groans in pain and rolls his shoulder. For one thing, that'd be pretty sucky of me. His eyes are fond. Fuck, Tony says and stares at the wall. Peter just shrugged again. Parker, you're in charge. Looks like I was right, he says out loud, and Tony sighs. Absolutely, Tony says and leans heavily against the wall across from Clint. She'll kick his ass on the next training, but that's cool. You bribed him, didn't you? She sounds disappointed, as if she'd hoped for something less obvious. Devi woke up abruptly, after a sharp pain shot up her back, as her baby girl kicked her twice hard in the back. Quit whining and drink up you perv, was all Rhodey said in answer. It was great to see you again Nat! Welp, I'm back from the second week of the holiday-thingy. MJ said, her voice unlike he had ever heard, soft and worried and a bit amazed. Thats messed up man. Sam shook his head. Abe was laughing quite loudly at a joke Charles was telling. Yeah, you're doing a bang-up job, Tony., Aaaand we're back on first-name basis! Tony says and does an actual fucking fist-punch in the air. DC Character AU: Devi and Paxton never broke up, and Devi and Des are just friends. Tasha? Clint says the next morning, when he finds her in the training room kicking Cap's ass. Site code originally based on Storyline IO Designs 2002. Worst idea ever, woke up on the ceiling with no memory of how I got there or how I was covered in glitter," I say and everyone nods. Guy's gotta have a fucking death wish to sneak up on Clint while he's sleeping, the fuck. Clint curses softly once he's gone and picks his bow back up. Why, thank you, Anthony!. Sex isn't very important to me. Michelle wasn't drinking, she gave a solid excuse of "There has to be someone responsible, and since I am Team Captain now, I will take it.". After another round of raucous laughter, Peter pulled himself together enough to keep the game going. I accidentally burned down the building that him and all of the people he 'helped' were in. Fart, he gasps out as Clint half-drags him through the living room area and into the bedroom. She knew, obviously. They had just won another championship, a regionals this time. Clint laughs until his sides hurt. I'm pretty sure I would've remembered that.. Could he do something about the fact that he had a bunk bed? He grips her leg and she lets herself fall to the ground, where they resume their wrestling match. Yeah, well that is what I am thinking right now. "We will be going clockwiseand I'm pretty sure you know the rest," Danny says and everyone nods. Steve looks a little scandalized again, and even Nat's arched an eyebrow, but Tony waves them off. Then: Wait so what about when you're not drunk anymore?. Clint blinks at the guy, who looks completely serious and still sour. "Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex," Scott says and everyone but Uncle Rohdey, Aunt May and him takes a drink. Never have I ever taken it up the ass. And he grins, all teeth and glee, as the rest of the team groan in exasperation. Tss. "I am fine, thanks. They all knew it wouldnt be the last drinking game they all played together, it was only a matter of when. Man, Clint loves it when the Captain goes all 'shouldn't approve of this but I do' on them. Tony blinks, surprised, and his hands still in Clint's cropped hair. Natasha sets down her mug and walks out of the room without a word. They quickly released Gamora from the Soul Stone, then scattered the Stones to the edges of the universe. Before Tony can open his mouth to reveal his secret, Natasha sighs. Clint snorts and turns over so he can see the annoying asshole he's about to fuck, and sees a strange softness in Tony's smile that he isn't used to. This is the good stuff. It was, Steve says softly. But why the hell're you in my room, man? Now that the adrenaline's not as potent, his mind starts to alcohol-muddle again. I could send you some info about demisexuality? Bruce asks gently, his hand still lingering on Steve's shoulder. I've got all the good stuff on my level anyway, so I'll bring it down, and Thor said he'd introduce us to proper mead. Nope, not telling. This one counts.". ", "He's not evil, Mr Stark, and he's only two years older than me," Peter pouted again "Can we just move on? Sensitive information and details from missions. It sounds like a genuine question. Dude Peter sounded somewhat awed. One moment. "In Freshman year at Midtown, when I first became Spidey, I met MJ in class. This is her journey through the Marvel Universe through the decades. Oh, come on, Merida, Tony says in his high-pitched whine that is completely put-on, because although it might seem that way, Tony Stark never begs. His body's pleasantly loose and post-orgasm sore, Tony is a heavy but welcome weight on him, and they haven't said a word since Tony dragged them back into the bedroom. For some reason a few members had brought alcohol, and now they were all sitting in Flash' and Abe's shared hotel room, drinking shots with the plastic cups from the bathrooms. Said Sam. I will not do that, and will be a referee.". "Because we're like siblings and always want to remember that," Ava says and we drop our shirts back down. 25 Feb/23. Because because the strings! Otherwise, all bets are off. No chance there. His hand's on Clint's hip now, and draws circles with rough fingertips. I smell a demi, Brucie. When they want to. Most were innocent, 'never have I ever slept in a bunk bed.' I'm a weak, weak man., Clint smiles, but it feels odd on his face, and the last two months suddenly spin through his head to add an uncomfortable amount of evidence. Tony is a terrible influence on everything ever. He was excited to be able to drink legally and stuff it he was more excited to celebrate with the Avengers. #hulk Natasha has her raspberry Stolichnaya in hand, and flops down gracefully on one of the pillows to tuck her feet underneath herself. C'mon, it'll be a blast. He rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet, looking more like an expectant child than a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Sowhat was the object? Bucky smirked. Spill." "You're the worse Clint" Peter said. "Moving on," Steve cleared his throat and shifted in his seat "Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar." Michelle was even prepared to get the bells from her own room. Thor brings a keg a fucking wooden keg, ladies and gentlemen to the floor, and cracks open the lid. Tony said. "Never have I ever been stabbed." And they were all wrong. Clint usually figures it's total bullshit, but in moments like these, he can't help but see Tony as a kid who just wants someone to pat him on the head and say you did good. Yeah like that was surprising, Wanda rolled her eyes. He lets it go. Last time they offered him alcohol, he refused, explaining how he didn't like the smell. Tony's the only person Clint knows who can flop miserably. left kudos on this work! Shit like that., Yes, Clint is right, Steve says seriously. Steve makes another squeaky sound, but less panicked this time, and Clint leans his head on the Captain's shoulder and presses their cheeks together. And strangest and probably best of all, no halting 'look, I think you should go back to your own room if you're just going to sleep'. Wait, Flash? Cindy stupidly pointed out that he had 'Muscles! Tony informed me that the post-battle bonding rituals of Asgard are much different to Midgardian customs, Thor says with a serious nod. Clint slips under the covers still half waiting for the other shoe to drop, or any shoe to drop, really, but Tony just closes his tablet and tangles their legs. and other people I can't remember right now. Tony sighs again, dramatically, and glances over at Clint to look for a reaction. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. So no grabbing there, then, Tony says and trails his fingers over Clint's throat. With Bucky, I was it was good. He breaks the stare he's got going with Bruce and opts for staring at the floor with a lost look. Tony, Steve, and Strange had used the gauntlet one last time to go use the Time Stone to go back to the Battle of Wakanda. The tension settles in like it plans to stay, but of course, Tony won't stand for that. Ask anyone. You could have just asked. And then he pointedly raises his second rum bottle and drinks. What a stupid one! It wasn't a conscious decision for either of them, which is freaky as hell. Ask Pepper. Peter smirked. I was dirt poor in the great depression. It's strangely nice. You have my permission to 'cuddle' me whenever you so please, Captain.. Alright, Tony said, because of course he would take charge of anything alcohol related, everyone have a drink? I thought we agreed that wouldn't be a good idea., No no, Tony says and shakes his head violently, something that throws him off-balance again. "You know what this line of work is like dad, and it was only one time," I say and the rest of the team nods as we did it together and then sworn not. ", Tony drank and everyone turned to look at Peter when he grinned and mumbled "Didn't get caught." PETER? I'm too I'm fucking beat, man, he sighs when he's down to his boxer-briefs, and climbs onto the bed. He's not good with relationships. Army issue underwear doesnt really hold up to battle conditions. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". The Avengers get together to play "never have I ever" and some people seem to be determined to shock everyone, and some just want to pick on Tony for his partying past.