Many assumed he would share their loathsome views. No, what about him? While most are good-natured and all in fun, theres often a not-so-subtle undertone hinting at your opponents intelligence. For a complete breakdown of the results, methodology, and details on which gamers are the smartest, please visit the Intelligent Sports Fans Study. You have full access to this article via your institution. Most iq tests score an individual on a scale of 100. I'm a policy guy, he told ESPN in 2011. I study it a lot and while that may make me a nerd, I like coming up with ideas. "The study categorised each participant by gender preferences and found that female sports fans were more intelligent than their male counterparts," Campan said. Similarly, the average IQ score of football players is reportedly 105-110, compared to the available standard of 100-105. This, Let me first start off by saying that is was an, Some said wed go Belly Up, so we made it our name and were still here., We are what they arent. And then there are those whose prejudice is deliberate, motivated by hatred and politics. After retiring from the sport, he practiced medicine in Brazil. Basketball and Football were 3rd and 4th with 110.7 and 105.9 respectively. Like all other teamwork, team players should trust each other, know each other, be comfortable with each other, and be able to anticipate each others acts and feelings. Female fans had a higher IQ on average than males. Questions can be either basic knowledge or more complex, measuring the cognitive skills essential to playing well in a particular sport. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Heres how the top 6 most intelligent fans vs the top 6 least intelligent fans played out. Below 90 is, well, below average or worse. Sports IQ defines the performance of athletes and increases when a team works together for some time. This is how HowtoBet broke down the four testing components: If you took a guess youd probably be surprised. You were doing so good shutting. Evans calls out this duplicity. Meet Matt Patricia Born September 13, 1974. Hate it? With regards to fans of specific teams and individuals, supporters of the wrestler Roman Reigns were the most intelligent overall with an IQ score of 126.40, while the Boston Bruins earned the accolade of having the most intelligent fanbase of a team. IQ range For example, if you receive a score of 110 (a superior iq), this means your iq score was 10 points higher than the average persons in that particular test sample. The test creates a throwback to the theory of IQ, where one becomes more intelligent as he gets older. Scientists studied the seasonal patterns of population health . Research has shown that IQ testing still fails to capture the true complexity and variation in human . Among individual teams/athletes fans, some of the more intelligent fans favored individual wrestlers (Roman Reigns fans at 126.4 and Daniel Bryan fans at 122.2 being numbers one and two), hockey teams (Boston Bruins fans at 120.3 and Detroit Red Wings fans at 118.6), and football (Houston Texans fans at 117.8) to round out the top five. All copyrights reserved 2023 Personality Analysis Test. Even though WWE leans towards the entertainment side rather than competition, the athletes are real. There is no definitive answer to this question as there is no scientific evidence to support or disprove the claim. Your email address will not be published. Otherwise, the least smartest fans in the NBA are tied to the Heat. Merriam-Webster defines fanatic in this context as, a person who is extremely enthusiastic about and devoted to some interest or activity. Many fanbases go to great lengths to show this devotion in word and action. He graduated. Growing up a fan of the Texas Longhorns, I was never short on jokes poking fun at our biggest in-state and conference rivals, the Texas A&M Aggies. Similarly, the average IQ score of football players is reportedly 105-110, compared to the available standard of 100-105. Under that number, which is going to be fluid, a 7 p.m. start will end around 9:30 p.m. Television primetime, the hours when the . However, there are a few key points that should be considered when making this decision.First of all, online IQ tests are convenient and easy to take. Mental fitness is just as important, and while the worlds elite athletes are certainly physical specimens, many are elite brainiacs, as well. Think the Cleveland Browns Dawg Pound, Las Vegas (formerly Oakland and Los Angeles) Raider Nation, Cheeseheads, or The Judges Chambers, just to name a few that come to mind. 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Race science that is, research that looks at the existence and scope of these differences has to some extent been purged from biology. Kenyan athletes are often subject to debate over their supposed genetic advantage at distance running.Credit: Sven Torfinn, Skin Deep: Journeys in the Divisive Science of Race Gavin Evans OneWorld (2019). WWE fans were able to select their favorite wrestler instead of picking a team. But his lifelong familiarity with the countries of southern Africa is his strength. [5] For example, if you receive a score of 110 (a superior iq), this means your iq score was 10 points higher than the average persons in that particular test sample. However, a 140 IQ is considered to be very high and would typically qualify someone for a top spot in their field. Factors such as focus and discipline, confidence, humility, and resilience are considered when assessing an athletes attitude toward sports. In trying to gain a foothold in academia, scientific racists often adopt the language of scholarly debate. It is the ability to recognize patterns, plan, and strategize during gameplay to achieve success. Rolle, who played college ball at Florida State, earned a bachelors degree in 2.5 years. Thank you, University of Washington. It consists of several tasks that measure different skills such as intelligence, memory, problem solving ability and inductive reasoning etc. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles Every sports fan has an affiliation with a team or individual who they support, regardless of their actual success on the pitch, court, rink, diamond or ring. You can also search for this author in PubMed Cookie Notice This is how the standings look for all of the professional sports based on average IQ score: WWE topped the list rankings for verbal intelligence and logical reasoning. The center of sports IQ tests is the set of questions that cover a wide range of topics, including athletes, sports rules, strategies, and sports knowledge. The next aspect of sports intelligence is attitude. But women ranked higher for mathematical ability and logical reasoning. In the end, not all the club-level type fans are smart, and not all the rowdy hooligans are dumb. Lets take a look at the results. Sports IQ is used in different sports fields and by sports athletes. Required fields are marked *. They perform real moves and take hard impacts just like any other professional sport. That said, we still need scientific arguments refuting biological race, of the sort found in Skin Deep. Daniel Bryan fans have an average IQ of 122.2. They listed six different sports and the average IQ for each one. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 145 - 154 - Genius. For their part, NHL fans could only finish third in the two categories they did not win, sealing the WWEs dominance of the intelligence stakes. Fans of Daniel Bryan . Thats right, World Wrestling Entertainment fans have the highest IQ score out of every professional sport. She then went on to Boston College Law School, graduating in 2007. It has been reported that the French-born tennis ace has an IQ of 175, which is higher than Albert Einsteins, but below Bobby Fischers, and her interests include classical ballet and art. The average IQ in the United States is 98. These abilities also include communicating effectively, maintaining a sense of team unity, and taking on leadership roles. On intelligence, Evans dissects the work of twins researcher Robert Plomin, who has made the claim that IQ is highly heritable (see N. Comfort Nature 561, 461463; 2018). Sports intelligence combines cognitive abilities, skills, and knowledge that help an individual function well in a given sports environment. A big part of IQ sport is a players decision in a challenging situation. While he is currently without an NFL team, after being. Other celebrities with high IQ are: -Natali Portman - with an IQ of 140, the actress co-authored 2 technical research papers in Neuroscience. I tend to say the more you're a fan of a team, the more likely it is that you are pretty stupid. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. With that being said, research suggests that the average IQ of basketball players ranges from 105-110, lower than the average of 115-120 in the general population. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. An essential round-up of science news, opinion and analysis, delivered to your inbox every weekday. If not close to genius level, I would expect at least well above 110. In recent years, people who scored as low as 55 points on one test were considered gifted when they took another test that had a higher cutoff point of 70. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You are an average to below average kid in high school. Each bruise a story to tell, each wound a song of struggle, his greatest desire is to be there to witness it all. The final analysis studied covered male vs female sports fans. IQ is all about reasoning. Unsurprisingly, sport-related performance and skill are significant contributors to IQ, with the fastest athletes having the highest scores in some cases. Arguing with racists on points of fact is a game with no winners. You will receive mail with link to set new password. entertainment-related articles and information. Visual Reasoning Visual-based questions (such as spotting the odd one out and finding identical images in a collection) to measure the capacity to process visual material. They are also more difficult to cheat on, which makes them a better choice for people who want to ensure that their results are accurate. The average IQ in the United States is 98. initiative, we recommend games and puzzles as a fun form of brain exercise. Although there are multiple scales that are used to classify ones IQ, most all agree that theres generally a normalized distribution in the frequency of IQ scores among the general population. Often, WWE gets tied to a reality show more than professional sports because of the drama. You should make a good attempt to perform well in this test. Angela Saini is an award-winning science journalist and broadcaster, and the author of Inferior and Superior. Internet Explorer). Former Tennessee Titan Myron Rolle might have Fitzpatrick beat, though. Racecar driver Ryan Newman graduated from Purdue University with a degree in vehicle structure engineering (obviously). Tests are designed to measure reasoning ability, which has a number of components and three main factors including fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence and performance IQ. The Wechsler Intelligence Scales are designed to test the intelligence of a person. IQ > 200 - Unmeasurable genius. Salesmen; Foremen; Electricians;Clerks; Policemen,Telephone Operators. In a brand new study conducted by HowtoBet, it has been revealed that Wrestling fans have the highest IQ levels in the sports fan world. Choosing the right flooring for your commercial space can be daunting, but it's crucial to get it right. With the rise of e- Ethereum is growing in popularity compared to Bitcoin, and it has great growth prospects if the cryptocurrency world continues to consolidate. This begs the question, though, just how intelligent are these fans? With that being said, research suggests that the average IQ of basketball players ranges from 105-110, lower than the average of 115-120 in the general population. It is a cognitive ability that encompasses understanding the current game situation and anticipating what the opposing team may do. Differentiation in intelligence is occurring across the world and the average intelligence of a person has been increasing rapidly over time.2. They were followed by fans of the. (or heel, in WWE-jargon) were second on the list with a score of 122.2, ahead of fans of the Boston Bruins (120.3) and the Detroit Red Wings (118.6). It can be measured using physical performance, mental capabilities, attitude, and social skills. Archie is a WWE and UFC Editor/Author at the SportsRush. Most sports IQ tests provide users with basic information about their performance. 165 - 179 - High genius. Research has shown that IQ testing still fails to capture the true complexity and variation in human intellect. Intelligence tests can determine your iq level as one score out of many complex variables it only measures a few aspects that go into determining the overall level of intelligence such as age, sex and education levels among other things. For people between the ages of 45 and 54. They can also provide helpful feedback that can be used to identify areas that need improvement. A recent study however, seems to indicate otherwise. In terms of individual athletes, it was found that fans of Roman Reigns were the smartest of the bunch, recording an impressive average IQ of 126.4. As Evans points out, One of the best ways to improve IQ if you are from a poor family is to get adopted as a baby. It has been observed that the average IQ score of occupational groups is almost the same. Finally, problem-solving ability measures an individuals ability to identify, analyze, and solve critical game-related issues. They might call for more academic freedom and diversity of opinion, complaining that mainstream scientists and the media are trying to silence them. The highest score possible is 145, and the lowest score possible is 61; scores between these two extremes represents just one standard deviation from the mean iq for that group. There is no definitive answer as to which one is better: online or paper-based IQ tests. ISSN 1476-4687 (online) The questions asked were designed to measure each of four indicators of intelligence. Adoption into well-off families is associated with IQ gains of as much as 12-18 points. Measuring sports intelligence is essential for understanding an athletes potential and helping them to achieve their goals. While brand new studies come out all the time, having one tied to sports and intelligence sparks lots of conversation. In particular, MA represents childrens performance in tasks that are typically solved by older children. I read too many popular-science books that treat these factors as peripheral, as if having a grasp of genetics is all you need to debunk scientific racism. 1. Apart from wrestling, he is also fond of poetry and music. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Verbal Intelligence Reading, writing, and comprehension tests to measure capacity for learning and problem-solving. In order to truly understand the topic, you need to consider the different elements that influence intelligence. His section on the success of Kenyan marathon runners in global contests is brilliant: it demolishes the idea of genetic explanations for any regions sporting achievements. Current Impact Champions Future Uncertain: AEW or WWE Return Possible? The whole point of sports IQ is that an athlete should have enough knowledge and mastery skills in that specific sport. I also believe that this applies to religion as well. How To Bet released results of a study that they recently conducted. Some of them even have less than stellar reputations amongst league-wide peers. We will be looking at how these elements can influence intelligence and the average iq for different countries around the world Average iq by age.For example, some of the elements that contribute to intelligence include the health and education of the population. Intelligence gives players a competitive edge, enabling informed and calculated decisions during gameplay. Testing Skills in Four Different Ways - Methodology. The right attitude is essential for success in sports, and athletes must be adequately motivated and prepared to handle adversity and other challenges. Women had a higher average IQ than men. In order to gather meaningful results, there had to be a uniform set of testing parameters. For more information, please see our This was the highest among the six fan bases. Each person was asked questions based on demographic identifiers. Here is a list of some of the smartest athletes out there, from the NFL to Ultimate Frisbee. Out of all the sports listed, WWE ranked number one in IQ. An athletes physical performance directly impacts their overall performance in a game. Such claims for athletic prowess are lazy biological essentialism, heavily doped with racism. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". It has been reported that the French-born tennis ace has an IQ of 175, which is higher than Albert . P: 630.864.5270, While the relative merits of each sport can be debated until the cows come home, the substance behind those arguments is maybe more of an objective subject. MALTA / ACCESSWIRE / May 4, 2021 / Raketech Group Holding plc (NASDAQ:RAKE) In an effort to dispel old myths and determine the intelligence level of sports fans, HowtoBet partnered with a team of psychologists to test the IQ of 1,006 US sports fans. It is used for identifying people with mental disabilities and measuring their cognitive ability in order to plan for services that can help them improve on their skills. Basketball (NBA) - 110.70 IQ 4. IQ has been tied back to success with sports due to the brain-body connection that is essential in complex plays and strategies. Racist science must be seen for what it is: a way of rationalizing long-standing prejudices, to prop up a particular vision of society as racists would like it to be. Mathematical Ability Problem-solving and arithmetic tests provide a good base for general intelligence. Marion Bartoli isnt just a Wimbledon championshes a genius. MALTA / ACCESSWIRE / May 4, 2021 / Raketech Group Holding plc (NASDAQ:RAKE) In an effort to dispel old myths and determine the intelligence level of sports fans, HowtoBet partnered with a team of psychologists to test the IQ of 1,006 US sports fans. and our Sports have an undeniable effect on peoples identity and lifestyle. The intermediate IQ level is in the High Average category. The next highest wrestler was Randy Orton, whose fans finished in seventh place with a respectable above-average IQ of 116.4. A group of 84 drafted and signed quarterbacks from 1989 to 2004 was selected for the study. NBA Playoff Bracket Busters, Why Americans are so Unpatriotic Towards the. The least intelligent fans favored football (New England Patriots fans at 85.1), basketball (Miami Heat fans at 81.6), and NASCAR (Richard Childress Racing fans at 80.5, Front Row Motorsports fans at 79.3, and Joe Gibbs Racing fans at 78.2) to round out the bottom five. For a full list of the results and the methodologies, check out the survey here. Finally, there is the social aspect of measuring sports intelligence, which involves assessing an athletes ability to interact with teammates, coaches, and opponents in a positive manner. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. NFL QBs Aaron Rodgers ($40 million), Matthew Stafford ($31.5 million), Tom Brady ($31 million), and Matt Ryan and Joe Flacco ($30 million each) are among the 10 highest paid athletes in the world . The New England Patriots were found to have the least intelligent fan base in the NFL, while the least intelligent fans overall were those supporting Joe Gibbs Racing. If you are interested in even moreentertainment-related articles and informationfrom us here at Bit Rebels, then we have a lot to choose from. The team of academic psychologists administered intelligence tests in four distinct areas: Verbal Intelligence - A reading, writing, and comprehension test to measure the participant's capacity for learning and problem-solving. Potential immigrants undergo intelligence testing at the Ellis Island inspection station in the 1920s.Credit: Granger Historical Picture Archive/Alamy. What exactly is a sports fan? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. But shortly after Sarah Hughes came from behind to win gold at the 2002 Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, the figure skater went to Yale University. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The study also categorised each participant by gender preferences and found that female sports fans were more intelligent than their male counterparts. The farthest from a household name on this list, Rolle may be one of the smartest athletes in professional sports that no one knows about. A world in thrall to far-right politics and ethnic nationalism demands vigilance. Most sports IQ tests are written specifically for those familiar with the sport being tested. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. More intelligent people tend not to be a fan or to be religious. Upon joining the NFL, Fitzpatrick scored a 48 on the Wonderlic test, the exam the league uses to evaluate its players ability to comprehend and process information. WWE Fans average highest IQ among sports fans according to new study. Mathematical Ability - A test involving arithmetic and problem solving to determine a general baseline of intelligence. Need ideas? In descending order, the smartest sports fans in the US are: The study found NASCAR fans were the least intelligent overall, with an average IQ of just 95.20. There is no definitive answer as it varies depending on the athlete and sport. It is about power. Some have interpreted that as implying that there are genetic differences between population groups. Cleveland, what are you doing? When measuring sports intelligence, several factors are taken into consideration. This test is designed for executives who would like to prove their capabilities by taking an advanced level in areas that they have expertise on. The results of the study produced a clear winner: with an average IQ of 112.60, wrestling fans were found to be the most intelligent sports fan in America. On the flip side, NASCAR finished last in everything besides logical reasoning. In my latest book, Superior, I cover similar ground (see R. Nelson Nature 570, 440441; 2019). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sports IQ tests give people an indication of their current level of understanding of a game or sport. E: In terms of individual athletes, it was found that fans of Roman Reigns were the smartest of the bunch, recording an impressive average IQ of 126.4. Many tout Ogilvie as a future commissioner of the tour. Please enter your email address. In this instance, intelligence can be seen as a mental skill that a coach or player can use to analyze and build performance. Baseball was 5th with 101.3 while Motor Racing was bottom of the pile with 95.2. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Student athletes with a vision of receiving a scholarship and moving onto the next level to play in college will be held to higher . The decade-long study showed that, among all 86 private national universities, those ranking in the top half for Ultimate Frisbee have a graduation rate of over 85 percent, compared to a graduation rate of 60 percent among schools in the bottom half. Lawyers,Physicians,(Civil and Mechanical), Engineers and Surgeons. The average score of an IQ test, administered to a large sampling of the general population, has been consistently around 100. Evans notes, however, that we dont make such generalizations about white British athletes when they do disproportionately well in global athletics. Why arent they represented? But what does that sound like? WWE: 112.60. Evans, who is white, grew up in apartheid South Africa. But IQ is malleable. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The average iq by country has been a much debated topic. But todays political environment reminds us that the concept of deep, unassailable differences between population groups persists. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved, the bioengineering-based strategy game, Strain. Gifted athletes like Michael Jordan, Babe Ruth ot Tom Brady, I can assure you have above average IQs. Baseball (MLB) - 101.30 The study found NASCAR fans were the. Wrestling (WWE) - 112.60 IQ 2. It looks like sports fans cant make fun of the WWE for too much longer. This finding suggests that an athlete's brain is like a race car idling in neutral, ready to spring into action. While the number one and two spots for smart fans comes from wrestling supporters, the Bruins have the reward of having the most intelligent professional sports team. The reality is that it really does depend on the sample size to understand how intelligent are sports fans. It does not store any personal data. Game knowledge is accurately recalling and understanding a games rules, regulations, and strategies. What You Didnt See Before WWE SmackDown This Week, Ronda Rouseys Whereabouts After WWE Pulls Match From SmackDown. However the winner is WWE. Each of these fans had a favorite sport and team from across the following: football, baseball, hockey, basketball, motor racing, and wrestling. They also have the advantage of being available in many languages.On the other hand, paper-based IQ tests are more accurate and reliable. However, they cant argue now that WWE fans are smarter based on average IQ than any of the 5 other studied sports. Was it the NFL fan-base with their extensive knowledge about blitz schemes, formations, and large roster knowledge? The politics of our age demand that we counteract scientific racism not only with rigour, depth and empathy, but also without fear.