Explore the mine and open the blue chest to find an iron sword?. Obviously, you also get to handle . Go down a bit and you will see another cave, enter it and you will see that it was the same cave from where you exited via the hole. About This wiki is dedicated to the Aveyond series, a series of RPG Maker games developed by Aveyond Studios. Enter his house and talk about the locked gate. Also you will see a cloak lying on the ground on the right side of this valley. Exit the cave and follow general Binx. For the time being, return to the entrance of the cave where you found the bone. Walk onwards and when the road branches out take the southern route. 3.From the Title screen, select New Game. Enter it and touch Armaitis soul to his statue. After hitting the wall you will find two paths one going north along the dirt path and the other going south. Give it to grazilda. You will land up at point 7 of map Y. Get back one screen, climb down the twin ladder sets and re-enter the cavern. Enter the sun shrine and talk to oracle. Rhen wakes up in her room. Before quitting the place you will see the mushroom creature beside the fairies. Or else you can give the statue to the militant squirrels in the highlands. Enter the third hut and talk to the man behind the bars. Go south this time; retrieve the haunch from the chest on your way and carry on to the cavern exit. I personally recommend sleep flute because we already have the cash cow for monetary purposes. Use the soul steal skill from Lars skill set before killing the creature. It will yield an auquifolium extora. And voila you will see no monsters in the stronghold temple! Also make sure that you save your game often so that you dont lose your progress due to a power cut or by accidental game shutdown. The house beside the old woman has a book page lying on the ground in the inner room. Take it and go to the ice caverns. It has two flame spells. The chest beside the sun shrine yields a traveling rune to the Aveyond. You can come back here whenever you are running short of gold pennies. You will find yourself at point no.9 of map Z. collect all the chests in this area before moving into point 10. Explore the world map to find the Veniara Island (show map world). Talk to the squirrels, you will find birds seed in a corner. Go north first and get the chain mail from the chest. Go east where a solitary earth elemental is roaming around and then south. Check out our strategy guide and walkthrough for Aveyond. You have to key in an answer to a question and if its the right answer, the gate unlocks (please make sure that the spelling is correct and there is no space between words; if by mistake you key in a wrong alphabet, press escape to delete). Talk to lambchop and he will say that he has bought a orb which he cant use and he is ready to sell the treasure map of it for 2500 gold pennies. The old woman near the boat dealer would teach you find skudder spell for a price. 2. If you talked to the boar in the wilderness but didnt kill it then go to Veldarah to the necromancer Derez. He will give you something (the item he gives can only be sold). 4.After the introduction is over, you start the. His time storm spell is very powerful and can wipe out your party. 8584 aveyond-rhens-quest 1 0 2 4. Go up the first ladder and enter the cave-the next area has a chest containing 640 gold pennies. Use the sleeping dust on the ogre and rescue the priestess. The places which are dead ends or do not yield any chest, etc will not be mentioned at all, but if you want you can explore. Talk to him about news. We need to find him a wife to get the row boat (side quest no.13). Climb up two stairs and exit the cave. Proceed inside and explore the region. Starting at the gate, walk up north, Walk to your right near the inn, cross the fences and keep walking to your right till you reach a blue roofed house (old mans house); go north from there and then to your left is the shadow wood academy. Watch the conversation and go to Aveyond. Enter the mauve colored tent to upgrade your weapons. You are transported to another room. Make Rhen sleep on her small bed in dads room. There are three rats in total. Press the first switch and continue till you see another moving ball. Our Aveyond Walkthrough helps you though this medieval world of monsters and mystery. There are many caves here, one leading to the other. You will reach a small bridge, turn to your left from there and walk until you see a cave passage. You have to be fast and walk in the passage when the ball is moving away from you. After the cutscene you will find your main character Rhen standing beside a narrow stream. if you have both the bird seed and the bird cage (bought from Veldarah junk shop), then try to trap the nightingale. Buy some traveling runes to veldt. Walk to your east from there and then take the lower right path. Walk northwards, climb two ladders, avoid the hole and walk up to the cave entrance. On talking to the fairies they will heal your party for free. The maps are courtesy of the Aveyond community at Amaranth Games and have been used with permission. Here are their names; you may need to refer them in future: Tiberius-linked with Levus, alora quest in future, Old woman near the weapon shop, sells boat location spell. Enter the thieves cave. Now before we set forth for our final showdown lets get some errands done. There you will find a hut and a troop of enemies whom you can use to level up. In that case what is advised that dont place the pomegranate seed on the altar and then board the boat. The enemies re-spawn here except for the main enemies (to be referred as boss from now onwards), so you can fight them over and over again just by exiting and re-entering the screen and level up your characters. You will find a horse carriage parked there. Refer the eastern isle map below: The goodies are: Traveling runes: explore the wilderness to locate it in the following area marked with a white circle. We need to fetch the cloak of undying loyalty if youve chosen the climbing guide when you rescued the last druid. Fight the banshee and keep walking towards north. Kill the red toad and exit the cave, you will see a rope on your left. We are done for now. Press the action button or enter and see what happens. If you do so then only you will have access to the kings treasure room on the right. Press enter or action button to obtain it: After you get the rune goodie you will be able to buy traveling runes from shops. You will end up at the spot marked by the white circle: The chest has 100 gold pennies. Proceed towards the north of the village and you will come across another chest containing haunch. Enter the cave which you find while exploring-it will lead you to two chests-one yielding cassia leaf and the other mandrake. The trick is: 1) Equip Lars with the Cloak of Invisibility. This time take the right passage. Talk to the old woman, Eldredth. Go through the door. But you need something for that; we will get back here later. Equip the fire amulets, save at the save point and enter the Demon cave. You can talk to Talia for more information. The chest has one spry amulet. Use the torch to melt the frozen magic clock and retrieve it. Keep walking to your right and on your way get the chest from the area shown below to get 1 cassia leaf: Carry on till you come across a switch on the wall. Enter and destroy the pendant you see before your eyes. Reach out for the glow berries and pluck them. You will find a solitary quail egg lying on the soil too somewhere here. She will ask you to entertain her. After walking for a sometime you will come across an elevated platform with a chest. The area is quite simple, get the two blue chests from the area using the map before talking to the queen. He is a mini boss, though not related to the main quest. You searched for talk:za32 Cross the bridge again and walk northwards along that path and enter the cave passage. Automatically there are changes made as per which goody you have installed. Go to the second floor and you will discover its a Chapel of Love! Talk to the ghosts there, they will trigger a quest (side quest no.36). You can choose to play or skip introduction. Exit and now go to gentle childrens school. Use the rune to get back to Thornkeep and exit the snow forest to the world map. Return to Mysten far, Heal up and save (you can also visit other places to collect regenerative items). We need to go to the highlands. We need go to the squirrels hideout in highlands. Then talk to him. Please check the unanswered questions to see if you can help answer them. Heal up and save before you face Saurva, the fifth boss. Enter the cave beside the dirt pile and find a chest containing auquifolium extora. That way you will not only enjoy the game and its story but also will get to find everything you missed the first time when you played it. Watch the in-game actions and confront the Hind. Carry on and exit via the cave exit which you come across at the dead end. Return to Clearwater and talk to Danny and the game ends. Get down the ladder, cross the bridge, then down another ladder, follow the dirt path and then down the next set of stairs; you will see a cave beside an apple cart. Power Weapon & Power Armor-Use this goody to get the best armor and the best weapons. Enter it to get a chest containing auquifolium extora. Exit the tavern and follow the southern route. Where can I find a bottle to capture a fairy with? You will find the bean seed has grown into a tree. She will be delighted to get the ghost boy and will reward you with 20,000 gold pennies. Pick up the studded shield from the chest and follow the route directed by the arrow direction in the screenshot: Keep walking; you will notice a door on your way. Open the chest on the island to find a salmon. Carry on till you come across a mushroom creature sitting there. PDF Aveyond Ii: Ean'S Quest The chest has power acorn. Defeat it and get the voice box. It is a mule express and it can take you to places where you have visited at least once. If you have troubleshooting issues, you can ping the community immediately. Get the black hide whip and come back to the bridge. You will find Danny on the dining table! You will find three ways branching out in front of you. Episode 19Dilemma of Lionel Statue. The chest in that room is locked and will available later in the game. You will get a spell book which Lars needs to learn from as and when he levels up upgrade your weapons and armors from the weapons shop. Then continue walking from where you left off. Exit the cave; here the troop of four monsters provides the maximum xp (7500) in this area so you can fight them to level up. Go to Herbertsons market and upgrade party armors and weapons. Open it to pick up 300 gold pennies and get down the ladder. Take Griselda to the boatman, he will sell you his boat for 3000 gold. The nurse will give you a quest to kill the rats. She will give you an empty cask of ale. Enter the Sour Ale tavern. Open the chest to your left to get a covey balm. Aveyond Studios on Discord Our Discord server has hundreds of active users. Then enter the door beside it. The cave in front of the entrance has 320 gold pennies in the chest. Talk to him about the news, you will be given a quest (side quest no.38). How do you open the blue and gold chests? Keep it for the later times. Now follow the path on your front from the entrance till you see a chest (contains haunch). Follow the southern path to reach a house. Anyways, Walk to the western road until you reach a cottage-its the wildwood tavern. You will need the smoke bomb to retrieve the wax from the hive. Keep walking to the west past the waterfall and enter another cave that you see towards the north. Cross the bridge and keep walking till you reach a ladder. Buy some spell scrolls, but buy only one tornado spell as one of your party member will need to learn it. Go down and keep moving east till you see another mule express. Use the Dreamers Tear on the shrine stone and a rainbow bridge will form. Go to Thais and give hector the glow berry. Choose your reward-gauss shield spell or the cloak of invisibility. Follow the path in front of you and keep walking till you reach a chest. Since Rhen doesnt have a high level thats why it is recommended that you avoid the enemies in the wilderness (except for the solitary spiders may be which are easy to fight) or else you will get killed easily. Take up the northern path now and walk along the dirt path until you are transported to the world map. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. You can visit veldt and learn the dragon location spell from the old woman for 400 gold. 4. Now enter the point 8 passage. So lets get the ticket first. The chests here yield nightmare bow, an elixir, a power acorn and a salmon. From the entrance of in the snow queens castle, take the path to your left. Upgrade your partys armors. Buy some more stakes so that you can stake some more vampires at Ghedahre! Go up to the northern area to retrieve a quail egg on the ground. Download Aveyond 1 - Rhen's Quest Walktrough.pdf. One of the shelves in a house yields a book page. Grazila Bring sludgemaster 2000 (side quest no. Kill the spiders and collect items/gold from the corpse. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest relies on either sequences of events or ending choices for its Party Relationships. Aveyond Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips - Cheatbook Aveyond: Rhen's Quest. The Climbing Guide will help you fetch the cloak of undying loyalty, which allows you to steal the souls of monsters (which shows in the creature tab in the lower right of your game menu screen) thus increasing your partys strength. Now walk back to the point from where you exited the wilderness and walk northwards. On the extreme left side of the mule express, you will find a chest containing 2 emerald and 2 sapphire. You will get a student outfit. A few notable features: Recruit minions Date: December 2019. Get back one screen and Walk to your south-western path now. If he changes his armor, the creature will disappear from your party. Now go to the entrance of Veldarah. A powerful deity, Ahriman, has opened the Demon Portal and dark creatures now threaten the great isles. The house beside the weapons house has a second floor to it. To your right is the mule express. Walk up to the place where the three passages branched out. 30) Who tried to assassinate the king-talk to the main thieve in blue robe in the thiefs cave. The first house from the entrance has a blue chest containing the treasure map (the one we found from the T mark of Blasted Lands). Popular Latest Unanswered Top Questions Where can I find a bottle to capture a fairy with? Really worth having! Go to Gharalah and if you have downloaded and installed any goody from the Aveyond website, go to Lars house. Answers. Talia insists on staying in our party . The caves with the Moon Druid. Get back one screen and walk all the way down to point 7 in the map. There you will find a chest containing bronze rod. The chest in the cave has elixir. Now we need to return to wildwoods to rescue the first druid. There is a blue chest in inner room of the palace; the chest is locked, so you can come back later when you know how to open them. gameboyman56. We havent explored the area yet, so lets do it now. 4 of this map: Dont forget to open the red chest (marked as R) before carrying on to the exit of this area. if you have been there go to the king and see what happens. Keep walking till you reach a rounded cliff with a lake in front from where you can go either northwards or southwards. Go outside and enter the hole in the grave. Buy lots of healing items and upgrade your weapons. Climb up the ladder and go up to the cave exit point 6 in map W. You will land up in map X at point no.6. Important Note There you will find the last Marion bell flower. Release date: 24-Jan-2008, File Size:147kb. Before leaving Lands End, talk to Eldredth and ask her to plant the bean seeds. Keep walking and enter the successive cavern. If no one has an answer while you're on, head over to Reddit to ask. Follow the passage, it leads straightaway to another door. The cloak of invisibility is what the name suggests, makes you invisible to the ordinary enemy. You will be presented an in-game message. 20), Gretchen 1) Make her ugly again (side quest no. Enter the cave he takes you to and collect the sleeping dust. You will be standing in front of a cave. To confront Lorad, a level of at least 7-10 is required. After her expression of kindness, make Rhen sleep in her rug. Dont enter the pet shop for now as you already have the red slippers with you. 16); 2) Give a gift to Hilda (side quest no. Category:Maps | Aveyond Wiki | Fandom If you chose weapon goody then you will find the best armors and weapons in you inventory, equip them on your characters. Now return to the entrance of Dreamland and follow the white arrow. The other members will remain in reserve. Talk to her again and she will give you a quest (side quest no.41). He could have been born a hero. See what he has to say. The graves in Halloween Hills (including new Witchwood) yields: 150 gold pennies, elephant garlic, 1 emerald and sword of chaos. Enter the first chamber, you will have a choice between a bag of silver coins and sun block cream. Touch Vohu Manas soul to the frozen statue and see what he has to say. You are given some instructions and the location of Rhens dads house. Walk to your left and climb down the stairs and cross the bridge again and enter the cave. You will get the ruby red slippers in return. Enter the holes which will take you to outside Blackbone Cave. Give theodores painting to the art dealer, he will give you the ballroom ticket in return. Help plzs. Released: 24-Jan-2008, File Size: 45.6 KB. Music Pack-Listen to stereo-quality music while you play Aveyond! Talk to the king, he will give you something. You will also find the other items from the chests scattered over there: 653 gold pennies and 1 beast repellant. Talk to the green haired guy. Heal up and save before you fight. So when I say go back by two screens it means that starting from the current area (screen) you go back to the previous area and then to the previous of this area through the passages you have followed. This way you can explore all the probable possibilities in the game as rpg games offer a lot of diversions and endings. Talk to the tavern owner about adventurer club and he will register you in their membership if you have vampire corpses with you. Buy the cracked orb from the item shop and equip it on Lars staff from the inventory. Enter Rhens house and talk to her father, observe what he says carefully. Dont fight it; you are not strong enough yet. Enter every house as you may find chests and talk to every one in any village as they give you important items, side quests or hints; I will not mention it always and assume that you do so. Episode 17 Getting the key for Manor in Sedona. Exit his house and enter the squirrels hideout. Make your way through the balls and press the switch. The runes help you to travel from one area to the other without the need for any vehicle, anytime, from anywhere. Here the teachers will teach you certain skill if youve reached a particular level. 3) Use your newly bought boat to travel to Lands End. Equip the ice amulets. The locusts are roaming in the farm, press the action button or enter when you confront any of them and fight them. There are chests scattered all over this area, and from now on I wont particularly mention where to find them as they are easy to locate if you explore extensively. Cross the bridge to enter Mystery manor. You will also find another quest in your list which had been triggered by the kidnapping event. Go to Lands End to Eldredth, the old woman who planted your bean seeds in the enchanted garden. Aveyond 1, Rhen's Quest Build B Walkthrough - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Take the route along the white arrow of the map to enter the next room (see the screenshot below:), The successive room has nothing so you can move onto the following room (see screenshot below:). If youve already taken the slippers from grazilda in new witchwood, give it to her. Ahriman's Prophecy; Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest; Aveyond 2: Ean's Quest; Aveyond 3: Orbs of Magic. The moon temple and ice caverns are also to be found there. Talk to Dameon in the shrine, he will join you if you choose ask for help. Explore Thais thoroughly; talk to Hector and try to take his torch, he agrees to give it on one condition (see side quest no.46). Go to snow queen castle, which you had seen before while on your way to Aveyond in the northern isle. Cash cow: obtain the cash cow in the following spot marked with the white circle: This cow gives you 10000 gold pennies each time you talk to it!!! The squirrels will give you three sticks of dynamite with which you can blow up some cracked walls in different places: One of the walls will yield the absolute zero spell scroll (located in the highlands) which you can use only once in a battle. Sword of Light for Rhen.. Select the tutorial from the options menu and you will be directed to a folder containing instructions about the game play. Very useful for walkthrough makers like us?. You will need a dragon rider. You will see a ladder going down. Talk to the elven guy, he will give trigger another quest (side quest no.35). Back in Veldt, give the librarian the Belt of Hippolyte and she will reward you with demon orb, equip it on Lars. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest Message Board for PC - GameFAQs - GameSpot 14), Griselda Bring to boat man as wife (side quest no. Now we will advance for our next quest. the location of this goodie is same as the guild goodie. The enemy troops are pretty strong here and some cast poison. The other walls will not yield any hi-fi item so I would recommend giving the statue to the elves. Released: 24-Jan-2008, File Size: 2.19 MB. But before that we will explore the other doorways to hunt for treasures. So choose what you want to become of Rhen at the end. Go to your left first and ascend the ladder into the cave exit onto the next area. Get outside the house and talk to Lor, the guy standing there. Collect you reward-either Mithril Rapier for pirate john/teijal or Red demon spell for Elini. The gauss shield spell can be learnt by Lars and gives protection against strong enemy spells. Get back to the door entrance and walk to your right this time. 15), Agnes Take her child to the gentle children school in Western Isle (side quest no. Cross the bridge, keep walking and exit through the passage. The Story: Boyle Wolfbane wanted to rule the world. There are three passage ways there-enter the one to your right to get the bee wax. A new member will join your party and a new quest is added (side quest no.30). Refer the lowland map to find Oldwoods, we need to go there. You will reach a woodmans cottage. If you have the elven statue of Lionel from the pirates market then put it on the throne, quest complete. You can also buy pets and keep them in your manor (there are three pet shops in total, one in Halloween Hills, another in sedona and the last one will be talked about later). After the exploration enter Thais. Return by two screens as there is nothing more in this area. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest Playthrough 4 | Teacup Town & Exploring Aveyond Now back to the Halloween hills again and go to the pet shop. Get another chest on your way to retrieve bronze rod: Collect the raven blowpipe and return to the place where the three passages had branched. Get 250 gold pennies from it and return to the previous screen. Since the walkthrough is quite big, you can use the Find command to instantly jump to any word or phrase in the guide. You can talk to the red haired man Lorad. Take the north eastern route. Go pass the mule express and enter Veldarah. Download Aveyond 1 - Rhen's Quest Walktrough.pdf Enter the hole by crossing the small bridge inside the cave, you will transported to the base of another cave. Enter the place. The player can also buy pets from across the world. Talk to him and save him. You may be randomly successful to steal the soul, if so then you will see the creatures soul shown in the lower tab of creatures in the game menu: The creatures will remain with you as long as Lars has the cloak equipped. There again walk to your east straight, climb up and down two sets of stairs, cross a bridge onto another cave. Buy the spell as it would help you to find where you had parked your boat. That is what we are looking for-the cloak of undying loyalty. He seeks to do this by using his demonic allies to capture the druids who can unlock the Sword of Shadows and by sending Dameon to enlist Rhen's trust. Enter Rhens room and you will find that its size has increased. Now its time to explore new horizons. . Your father will give you some instructions. 4) Then go to Aveyond and dig up the dirt pile to retrieve mugwort. From the bifurcation head east and open the two chests to find covey balm and haunch. Enter the blackbone cave. Select the love potion from your inventory and see what happens! Dont explore the mines for now. Talk to him, he will give you something. Talk to them and they will join your party as friends. 2. enter the orchard. Simply hold down the Ctrl and F keys together, and enter the word or phrase youre looking for into the text box. Now we will resume from where we left off. Return to the dragon in southern isles and voila, you have a new flying vehicle! From there, go south till you see a chest. For the time being, youve not visited Veldarah yet, so you have to make your way to Veldarah through the wilderness. Now she will ask you to find her son Lars. Enter the first house that youll see. Ascend another ladder and enter the cave to your north. On landing, check the signpost. The machine is sludge master 2000. 2 leads to an area containing a red chest (Dark sword), walk along the arrow direction to reach the next room. but first you'll have to do a little quest for sedona's king. Re-enter the cave and talk to general Binx. You will be given a choice- you can join Dameon or fight Ahriman, the consequences need not be discussed as it is crystal clear what do they mean. From the world map enter the forest. Get the acorn from the chest after you enter this area. From the seamstress house keep walking down past the small pool to your right and enter the greenery enclosed area. Walk up to the nearest bifurcation where you can see a grave and take that path.