She could be doing far more important things. You would not have blamed him, but would have fallen into his arms and started crying with joy. Warning: Eating disorder! You wanted to get rid of him- he was no longer a part of you and never will be again. Emma nods and taps the glass while she continues to think. Would anyone like a drink before we start? Eliza offers, noticing Emma didnt have one. I just wanted you to know that.. Here, Alex said, her chest puffed up and her words harsh. You go ahead, Director. So whats got your panties in a twist?. You haven't been eating. Its Sheldon. Thank you for everything.. They invited their friends and together they headed out of the city to the field that had been set up for paintball. Then Kara will obviously tell Alex. Kara curls into Ben, hating the broken look in her sisters hazel eyes. I promise. It cant be ! He was freaking out for the first time. Im ready to kick butt and take names!. Its fine, Director, the woman said raising her hand to him slightly, and turned back to look at Alex with a playful challenge, Alex, was it? she asked, arms re-crossed and hips cocked to the side with her eyes still fixated on the red haired woman, I want to know what your senior agent, Alex, has to say.. We are trying to help her, not shame her or cause more friction., Sam steps forward and tenderly moves Alexs hair out of her eyes. Love you too. Kara responds back and sucks in her bottom lip. Were with you forever and were going to get over this together, ok?, I dont even know what to do, where to start, I-, To be honest, baby, neither do we. Kara holds you tighter. I didnt know thats what we were doing. you hissed between clenched teeth and didnt dare to turn around. Dont worry, sis. I know. Lena sobs out and clutches something close to her chest. Which Emma is allowed to feel. Alistair quickly interjects, feeling the build up of confusion and hurt in the room. Im not going to lie and say this hasnt affected me. He was too calm, too composed, he knew what he was doing. Her eyes land on Lena, pressed up against Emma and beaming at the camera. Jonn, Dominators are dangerous beings. As soon as the bus crashed through the barriers we suited up. Nia explains and Emma nods. Chapter 5 of where your heartache exists up now. Remember, you are loved, you are enough and you are important. She sips her drink and wonders whether she can air her thoughts about a certain raven haired woman. I know i made you wait and im sorry for that. But there was a part of me that felt disappointment. Dont blame me., Were not blaming you. Alex reassures you, immediately touching your arm for comfort. A velvet voice says next to her, causing Emma to blink and look up to see Lena standing there with two steaming mugs. The youngest member of the Danvers family was excited since it was her first time getting to participate in the tradition. Lena looked at you with her head tilted to the left, considering your statement for a moment and sighed heavily. But now Just have a bite with me. Lena pleads moving to the couch. They are having dinner, the TV is on a channel airing a 2000s movie but they dont make conversation. Do you have any good Supercorp+kids? , Ill give you 10, no more or your precious little girlfriend here will see her life ends prematurely.. She is alive, everyone! Chuckles ran through the group and Kara rejoined them a moment later. Understood? Take a deep breath for me, Em.. You hurt me, Kara. The statement is said softly and Lena seems as surprised as Kara; she didnt think she would confess that. Lenas, she said without missing a beat. Lunch. At that time there were other methods of protecting your children, most notably Y/n.". Not ever. Well, lets hope you never have to be in a position like this. Robyn growls and taps the cup in her hands. But the raven haired woman doesnt answer, making Alex grumble and seethe as she can clearly see the glow of the lights coming from within the apartment. Shes going to find the rest of the bottles. Alistair explains to the group, immediately causing Kara and Sam to run after the redhead. You would feel guilty if you didnt sit here and eat with Lena, but once you do, you also feel guilty as hell for putting so much food inside you. When you three feel ready, it might give you some healing to go back and make peace with what happened. His eyes focus on Alex in particular who shifts in her seat. She would like an apple juice, please. Fay answers for Emma and she signs her thanks. How can he just be gone just like that? Like, when I saw you in that music video-. She stares mournfully at her laptop on the coffee table. Wheres Emma? Kara asks with a frown as she notices her sisters absence. But this is a huge project, and the deadline is so close. She was calling Kara / supergirl. I would never choose anyone over you and Im sorry it felt that way., Kara nods in agreement. We will be fine as long as we keep it togther okay ?. Told you. She said, taking a bite herself. The camera swivels around and focuses on Emmas stoic expression. During the sentence she dropped, she stood up and put her hands on her hips in anger and disgust, waiting for his reply. For someone who had never played a game of paintball in her life she was holding her own very well. You okay? Kara asks in concern and Emma nods, running a hand through her hair. One time he got up to feed Emma but I could hear her fussing. Emmas tired eyes lift up to hers and she nods. What do you mean, I don't have a boyfriend. You said nervously, Come on, you don't have to hide it from me. Ive missed you, darling.. Sent back in time by Alex Luthor-Danvers, Kara Danvers, and Lena Luthor's, son. The games came after and Kara managed to win her a giant stuffed bear that she refused to let go of despite it being almost as big as she was. I thought we agreed on no powers! The youngest Danver whined, louder then intended. Her gaze falls on the collage of photos on the wall, the beaming smiles of her family and friends. Where are you? Alex whispers and takes a sip of her drink. Lena shakes her head and starts to sob again, despite trying to hold them in. He just drove her insane. Im torn. Emma takes a deep breath in and closes her eyes. I still dont understand. The brunette says cautiously. Imilli has gone through a lot in her life, she was found abused and broken by the DEO and was taken in by none other than her savior Alex. She still speaks, though. Im still hurting, she adds, with sadness and somewhat anger. Frankie, youngest of the three Danvers sisters, had known that from her first day in the world. As if she never lived here. One of these dorks will have to make the first shot. Why is being newly out making it so fucking hard to act like a normal human being? You tasted the blood on your tongue. Robyn taps the surface of the island in time with a song on the radio while she sips her coffee. Im going to sue your company if they send you on another business trip soon., I know, right? You come closer, ready to walk into her open and welcoming arms. Are you feeling just a little bit better, maybe? Kara hopefully asked. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again? Y/N! I may disagree with you darling. Youre in Midvale, you had a nightmare. The video starts playing and the sound of synths begin. Alex swore she saw the womans veins popping out from her temple. Also- Alistair pauses as he looks between the sisters. i will talk ! I have acess to this cripted files. Says it all, actually. It hasnt been ok in months. Yes she was Supergirl but as far as you knew she couldnt read mind. I wanted to. Emma settles back and closes her eyes while she strokes Lilys fur. And even then, they knew better then to cross that line. She stands by the waters edge as it gently laps against the sand and takes a deep breath. 'How did she know.' #should i tag the people who were following this ficlet. Theres still a lot to talk about and I havent seen you in weeks. JUSTICE LEAGUE WW, FLASH are here. Remember the mac and cheese. You said, eyebrows raised. She tries her best to calm you, but the truth is, there is nothing she can say. Whos team would you want to be on if we did that?. We managed to do the clean up before the news crews got there, made the site look as if the storm caused the mudslide rather than a boulder breaking cleanly in half. One step at a time, ok? She cleans your tears with her hands. Kara zips over and opens it. "Alex could forgive me, then why not you? I see you do have the proper qualifications to make you one of the leaders of this hell hole. Kara and Alex both kiss the top of your head sweetly, and you are sure youll never be alone having them by your side. Have agents continue to monitor and patrol the area. Alex shook her head, picked up her coffee and brought it to her lips. You feel skeletal, your mind is sick and angry at your own existence, and sure, you are definitely malnourished. The tv was on in the background as Alex wanted to watch the news while Lena was currently trying to get a block out, her eyes were focused in concentration. Teams were chosen and Kara, Jonn, Alex, and Y/N were all on one team while James, Lena, Nia, and Winn were on the other. Emma scrunches up her eyes and feels Lily nuzzling her nose into her cheek, sensing her distress. Are there any other questions relating to what has been said? Alistair asks, opening the space to the group. Lena was in front of you, two guards with her. Do I have to? Her mind asks apprehensively. yes, its still one-page long. you replied in a whisper. I do not believe that is wise due to your heightened level of-. I dont think it was just aimed at you. Alex says softly while she continues to stare at the TV. baby danvers Caught having Sex Sex Swearing Baby Danvers (the third and younger Danvers sister) is having a very bad day and things get even worse when she walks into her sister in a very compromising situation. But this time, it had destroyed her family as well. Youre under arrest Charles Hoopers. She gently brushed her hand a few tangled stands from the sides of your face and she leaned over your bend form to rest her head on your back, giving you to the maximum of support and affection she could offer you. Emma nods and Kara steps out of the hug while Alex clings to Emma, who rests her head against Alexs. The conversation lulled after that, all of them listening to the radio and just enjoying a moment to relax before they got home. Ill be right back.. If you want. Kara adds quickly but Emma is already nodding. Just one more. You agree with your raging mind, while promising yourself youll eat even less tomorrow. When they arrived home they had just enough time to get settled before the pizza was there Alex paid while Kara went to get the Uno cards and some of the board games they had stored away. The living room she was looking at was swept empty; small personal things of you that always flew around here, pictures with you together that were on the dressers were gone. Whoever she was, it was clear by her uniform that she was part of some military organization in DC, who, if she was like every other government outsider shes met, came looking to stomp their way into their home. So im not gonna ask you once more. Just because you exist and tell me all these things doesnt mean they are true. Shes taken punch lines at her height before, but only among friends. Or will this current storm be more than their relationship can weather? I understand how it looks, believe me. I. Second in command to Director Henshaw., Nice to meet you, Alex, Lucy said with a knowing smirk. Yeah, you get it. You smile back at her, praying she doesnt realize how fake you sound. This is mainly because Kara is an alien and needs or likes food more than anything else in this world, but it became a habit to them. Its a voice you havent heard before compelling you to act in the most harmful ways you can think of. Her things.." Alex hit the counter with her balled fist. Please dont kill her ! She decides to try something. This is either a fake fridge or youve found out a way to live without food., Great, go around my apartment, why not? You mumble to yourself and groan when Kara closes your laptop. Ill go change and be right back.. She skidded to a halt as she took in the scene and, with her brain working as fast as a computer, delivered instructions. The woman then stepped into Alexs space. ", "Alex and Kara are so busy with the DEO, Supergirl and CatCo," you swallowed hard and bit your lip anxiously. Nightmare. Robyn responds and Jonn nods. But I know I need to work on myself too. Y/Ns sudden closeness, accompanied by her wail, caught Kara off guard. She knows Emma loves her family but something isnt sitting right with the Brit. Heres the part 3. Morning. Robyn utters back coolly, causing Lena to turn and gaze at her. It would be good PR, the excuse isnt lousy or ridiculous. Can I tell you something?. Kara superspeeds to grab a bottle of water and hands it to her. Human Kara Danvers Alternate Universe - No Powers Fluff Domestic Fluff A plot occurred unexpected plot Assassination Attempt (s) not on Lena for once smut in later chapters When a pipe bursts in Kara's apartment she is forced to move into her girlfriend of only a month's apartment temporarily. But instead of looks of shame or disgust, she sees expressions of compassion and understanding on everyones faces. Your eyes were focused on the water, surveying every wave that hit the shore while tears started to well up in your eyes. the black haired finally threw into the room with an even deeper voice and glared daggers at Jeremiah; the light color of her eyes turning into a deep dark green. Plus, forgive me, but DC has their own damn branch of the DEO. She sips the tangy liquid and glances over at Jonn. Alex hummed along to the radio and Kara and Y/N just listened. Several times she called your name but when there was no answer to her question just an echo, she walked the last few steps to your room and threw the door wide open. Once we told everyone they joined us too.. She will. Please! As the two squared off, Jonn palmed his face and dragged his hand down. She hears footsteps upstairs and knows the others will be down soon to begin the next session with Alistair. Finally ! you heard him whispering. "But.." you felt a huge lump in your throat and your voice broke. He approached the computer with hunger in his eyes. Please! The second chorus hits and Emma is brokenly staring into the camera with tears streaming down her face. Hey, Y/N. Alex says looking at you from the other side of the counter. She understands what Robyn is doing but she still feels awkward. Lena doesnt look like shell believe whatever you have to say for yourself, but she still makes her way to where you are and holds your hair in a high ponytail. What does it look like I'm doing? We love you so much, baby., Yes, you are. Alex stops you before you go on with harming words about yourself.