Their problem usually isnt with your reliability, but with the idea of paying extra for a warranty. You could even say, "If I were in your shoes, I would" You can also say that you or another client "had a similar experience in the past.". Remember that YOU are a worthy human being just as you are. "If you believe". Choosing the right words is crucial in sales. If you find that theyre just confused about how you fill a different need than their current provider, explain the difference. To deal with this objection, first gather a bit more information, as opposed to immediately countering what theyre saying. Thanks! If you hear this, you have several options. Lastly, ask your buyer if they are happy with the solution youve provided. Plus, if they start trying to figure out what was so obvious, you instantly lose some trust in the partnership. Please answer all 50 questions below. Suite 04W101 Ready, set: Time to call. This sales objection is a tricky one. First of all, I know that first rejection typically isn't the final verdict. 2023 COGNISM LIMITED. Learn how to create your own discovery call script and get access to free discovery call script templates you can customize to fit your sales needs. These are the Power Words. Also, as you engage in this discussion, the customer should grow less irritated because you are listening to them and trying to help. I wanted to follow up/ discuss how (product) can help solve (pain point). What about it do you like?, Thats a great product. Lack of Trust. A better way to phrase it would be, "Is there anyone else you need to involve in this decision?" This is a common objection used to get a lower price during the closing process. "Buy" is probably the most important word to avoid. It usually sounds like, "I don't believe in that," or, "I only have, and only ever will, use [X product]. . very familiar with claim submission requirements. Rejection words scare your prospects so much that most of them will reject you and your product or service. That could mean sending them a product replacement or scheduling a training session to help them get the most out of it. I need help with Y, not X., I dont have the time/resources for this right now., We dont have the capacity to implement the product., Ill have to talk to my team and get back to you., Im not ready for a buying conversation., Sorry I have to cancel. Can you tell me what specifically looks complicated, and Ill walk you through it? Have no proof that the solution has measurable benefits, Havent seen examples of success with the solution. How do you deal with rejection in sales? What exactly is it thats confusing you?, Do you have any specific questions about what the product does?, Our product is an X, designed to do Y. A Yesware analysis of over 25,000 calls made through our phone dialer discovered this is the best window. When giving advice, frame it as a "recommendation" or a "perspective." Theres no need to lose a deal over a disagreement regarding the value of a warranty. How do you overcome sales objections? is the question on every rep's lips. The Competitor Tussle. " You seem like the kind of person who cares more about people, about the conversations, about relationships". This is another one that's found its way onto many other articles. Here are some of the common sales objections that take place after the initial sale that are usually born from irritation with results, and how to handle them. ", Yeah, sure! Replacement: Own this. Consider how the call went before you got disconnected. Hence, janitors are now called sanitary engineers; messengers, now field clerks; air-con technicians, now climate engineers. You might even notice that the first objection wasnt the real issue and it was just hiding an underlying issue your buyer wasnt ready to discuss with you. They also likely feel like theyre part of an indiscriminate list of names. And how are you finding them? the elements of a good sales pitch script. 1 Grand Canal Street Upper This will make it more difficult for them to dodge you, as theyd feel guilty of breaking a commitment. Here's are a list of rejection words that come to mind at this moment. Also, be sure to explain why the fee helps you better serve them. The goal here is to get on the phone with a decision maker, or at least figure out how to do so. Check out our compilation of cold calling tips from expert sellers so you can improve your unique lead generation process and overall close rate. Can you help me understand?, We dont do X, Y, and Z but we can do A, B, and C, which yields the same result., Not a problem at all, who would be the right person to reach out to?, I can get a cheaper version somewhere else., I dont like being locked into a contract, Im currently under contract with someone else., Were doing fine in this area/Im okay with the status quo., Competitor X says [false statement about your products]., Ive been burned before. / I had a bad experience with a similar products/services., You dont understand my challenges. Here are some rebuttals for the Whered you get my information sales objection: If you purchased the information, use the first rebuttal. 44236, United States (330) 342-0568 sales . Also, consider sharing use cases to help them visualize how theyd use it. Ask open-ended questions to evaluate their needs and challenges. Please let me know what time youll be available. 3. Getting a YES or a NO on a pitch has no bearing on that. The objections you hear can change once final numbers are brought out and its time to close the deal. 39th Floor Not everyone is looking for advice. Emphasize what your product brings to the table that makes it worth more money. "I Don't Have Time". Your business needs a content management system (CMS), a customer relationship How to Use Data Mapping for Deeper Report Insights. 4. 3. This is the most common sales rejection that sales people hear even before they get to what I call "first base". Sometimes telling a story about a customer who held the same feelings, but over time was amazed by the results, is a good way to alleviate their pricing concerns. 1. If youve been understanding and customer-focused, they should be willing to work with you to get the most out of the product or service. The ultimate goal is to help the lead come to their own conclusion that now is, in fact, a good time to proceed. But, you might want to watch this 3-minute video on how to respond to sales rejections before you scroll on: If youre in B2B sales, youve definitely come across the sales term BANT. For instance, show them features that matter to the lead but that the competitor lacks. What problems are you having that I could shed some light on? The word "quota" implies you're just trying to close the deal to hit your numbers and don't care about solving their challenge. If they dont want to, youre going to have to sell them a bit harder. #5: Remember that YOU are not your sales success. Before I go, Id like to get a sense of where youll stand next quarter. However, that doesn't mean that they can't learn to anticipate common reasons that prospects say no and learn to work around them. So we've put together a list of sales objections with responses to help you achieve your sales goals faster! If you play your cards right theyll help you get the buy-in you need from the ultimate decision maker. and techniques that well be exploring below. Instead, focus on the challenges they want to overcome and how you can help them. Here are some rebuttals to use when a lead says I found another product I like more: After delivering one of these rebuttals and demonstrating the key differences between the two products, the client should have a better sense of why your option is better suited for them. Various Can I get one minute to explain why Im calling?, Your number came up on a list of businesses that could benefit from, I did some online research for people in the X market and came across your phone number/email., When you signed up for X, you gave us your contact information. You read my blog and leave nice comments and buy my books and write like you can't go wrong. Check out our curated list of the top 20 lead generation ideas and tactics from practicing sales professionals and business owners. Then, explain the product or feature in a different way than the first time. Already have it. P.S Here's 10 more more cold calling voicemail scripts for you to check out. How does that sound? (Wait for a response and then rebuttal with how your product is different). 40 Tuval Street Sometimes, prospects want a consultant to understand the problem. Here are the ways to react to this sales objection: Hopefully, your response will encourage the customer to share more information about their source of irritation. It can be 20%, 10%, 5%, or even just 1%, depending on the form of sales and product you sell. This will bridge their gap in knowledge causing the objection. Whatever time you choose, make sure to block it off on your calendar. Sales Inertia. Theres no avoiding them, but you can overcome them with strategic rebuttals. Common power words for sales. This is another common sales objection that youll need to look closely at. Dinosaur Objection. So, theres a chance that theyre going to get sold on another product before yours. For instance, a stockbroker might say buy now when the markets low or youll miss out.. They're a powerful tool to build up or tear down, to encourage or dissuade. They do this with sales rebuttals. Most pricing objections arise because the prospect cannot clearly see how your solution is valuable to them. Here are three rebuttals for dealing with this objection: If the lead says a noncommittal sure when you ask to call them back, try to make this meeting more of a sure thing. Salespeople give rebuttals, or strategic responses, to overcome sales objections, which typically stem from pricing, priority, lack of knowledge, timing, and/or irritation. When you use words like "the best," you open yourself up to scrutiny. Make sure these reasons will be unappealing to the customer. If they push back, and you dont need the piece of contact information, feel free to forget about it. With an understanding of how the process works, let's look at the most common rejection reasons. 1. The more you talk about your honesty, the less trustworthy you may seem to a prospect. Here are some of the most common power words used in sales . The superheros of the English language. This emphasizes that you're selling a solution, not just a product. Its very similar to the last objection, though a bit more hostile. Rather take the time to hear them out and consult your sales objections script for an adequate and understanding response. You dont want to call back and annoy them. Ill get back to you with a better time., XYZ feature is a deal-breaker / We need XYZ features that arent included., I dont understand the value and Im too busy to think about it., I dont see the potential for ROI. / I dont see what your product could do for me., Your product doesnt work with our current set-up., Your product is just too complicated. / I dont understand your product., Hello, youve reached [Prospects Name] (The cold shoulder), Im not authorized to sign off on this., Stipulations on getting out of the contract, General transparency around the billing process, What other tools are in your current set-up?, How important are they to your overall strategy?, What do these tools help you accomplish?. This can help them see why prioritizing your solution in their budget is worthwhile. The "No, thanks" / "Not Interested" Sales Rejection. But I understand the need to compare. Also called "Ramp Rate" or "Ramp up Time". 1. "Are you the decision maker?" Is there a good time to call you back once youve had time to read through it?, Sure thing, I have a case study about how a company similar to yours saw, Well, thank you for listening to my spiel even though you didnt have to. Often, the objection isnt anything concrete and can be countered by describing the value your product or service delivers with social proof.. Enjoyed this article?