Id been swindled, out of a house, money , kids and Possessions. As much as I am appalled by Sarah Jane Parkinson ,I am more appalled by the actions of all the Police services and the prosecution system. Cops dont commit perjury if they lie under oath its called noble corruption. ALL the officers and prosecutors with any involvement in this case should be suspended until an investigation into all their activities has been completed. Thos woman admitted to falsely accusing this poor man and destroying his life and the lives of his family members and should be charged and sentenced as the CRIMINAL SHE IS. Nor could he have attacked his former partner with a kitchen knife while GPS showed his family was not responsible for a burglary at Parkinsons home. Sexual deviancies and the LGBTABCDS of this world are openly encouraged. A police warrant at Parkinson's home matched the knife from the alleged attack to her own knife set. If you live in this community, do something! Your email address will not be published. Daniel, as a former prison officer, had to be kept in isolation away from other inmates at Australias tough Goulburn jail. If justice is really served he will be found GUILTY. I saw a 60 minutes minutes episode about this on YouTube and Im shocked on how the hell she can get away with not just destroying 1 but 2 innocent families. Then follow up and do the right thing: compensate the Jones family. Canberra man Daniel Jones thought Sarah Jane Parkinson (pictured) was the love of his life when they met in 2011. Get your need-to-know I was dragged through the court like a common criminal. ', 'She's a lying, vindictive, cancerous woman.'. He was never charged despite all my obvious injuries. We asked the experts - and their answers will terrify you Public Service Announcement, do NOT watch these ads! Required fields are marked *, Please send me an email when you publish new articles. Through the agency of so many people having online access nowadays that its only a short amount of time that this gross injustice dished out to Dan Jones becomes known to many thousands of people. The Jones family is nervous that White plans to wriggle out of the serious charges he is facing and have expressed concern to the DPP. But, to thoroughly ruin her ex-fiancees family was going beyond the pale. I believe that person should be Leesa Alexander, give her the authority to even investigate people of a higher rank than her, or promote her to the rank required to investigate and interrogate those involved. Keeping an eye on Sarah Jane Parkinson now Sarah Jane white apparently. Which begs the question, considering the number of Law Enforcment Officers who have been caught lying in court to futher their case Why do Judges still take the word of a police officer as Gospel. She'd be up with the worst (criminals), Det Alexander says. I am not from Australia and am not witness to the corruption in law enforcement there but assume that it is the same as most places today. But he was innocent, a victim of Sarah Jane Parkinson's elaborate web of lies - created to send him to jail and gain possession of their family home and assets. The police officer added: I thought if shes lied to me, perhaps shes lied to the other investigators. I feel very sorry that this man and his family have had to live thru this By Lauren Ferri and Kelsey Wilkie For Daily Mail Australia, Published: 04:03 GMT, 5 April 2019 | Updated: 04:03 GMT, 5 April 2019. The whole world should be afraid of her I hope anyone coming in contact with her, or living anywhere near her, avoid her at all costs. (60 Minutes) In 2011, when 25-year-old Jones met 20-year-old Sarah Jane Parkinson, it was love at first sight. It is a shame doesnt the law allow the family to sue the State or police department for such a horrible injustice? Write by: . This story saddens my heart. When questioned by police, Mr Jones was adamant he had never been violent towards Parkinson but taking her word against his, police backed Parkinson. I left school at 16 with six GCSEs - and became a self-made millionaire. Exploring and exposing miscarriages of justice news, analysis, opinion, Enter your email address to receive notifications when new articles are published. Welcome to the Coronation! Remarkable is that one of my daughters is Claiming to have married a Mr White. What happened to Victims of Crime. I am a firm believer that people that falsely accuse should be tried for this crime and sentenced based on the damage caused by these false allegations. It later emerged that Parkinson had made a false allegation of rape before against the father of her childhood best friend. Daniel Jones, 31, spent four-and-a-half months in Goulburn prison, 195km south-west of Sydney, in 2014 after his then fiancee Sarah Jane Parkinson made 32 horrific allegations against. I have lost all faith in the Victorian legal system but continue to fight for my innocence to be upheld. jones mountain twin vs capita mercury. This could be your family member. In Victoria, my mate Vic was imprisoned from 2016 -2022 on the single, false testimony of one person, a teenage girl who claimed he had sex with her under age. @Neil Has Australia achieved equal pay for equal work because most of the western world is still slowly getting there? As a totally independent body, not part of the police or government, they investigate and make decisions on serious and sensitive cases, including where police action may have led to death or serious injury. Jones, a former Australian Federal Police dog handler,. Please sign it and make your voice a part of the movement against narcissistic abuse: A big Beckham birthday! Full compensation should be paid to Jones family for all the pain and suffering they have endured. The Jury Directions Act VIC also has sections which are part of the rot, prohibits a judge from giving a jury a Longman warning and other directions which were instigated by the High Court of Australia for judges to convey to juries to reduce the risk of a miscarriage of justice! To defend themselves, the Jones family spent approximately $350,000 on legal fees before all charges were dropped. I really feel empathy for the victims of this scumbag Parkinson/White and the corrupt cops who aided her in her crimes. During sentencing magistrate Beth Campbell described as 'incomprehensible, wicked behaviour', The Australian reported. This case is not even known by most people in the ACT. Like Vic, I was imprisoned on the single verbal evidence of one person. Its used to protect their mates or strengthen a flimsy set of evidence . Daniel Jones, 31, spent four-and-a-half months in Goulburn prison, 195km south-west of Sydney, in 2014 afterhis then fiancee Sarah Jane Parkinson made 32 horrific allegations against him. Id never had so much as a speeding ticket before and was a hard working successful professional woman. daniel jones sarah jane parkinson - The ACT police service is not acting in the public interest. The police who allowed this to happen need to be on trailtheyre disgusting. Never should she have be released. daniel jones sarah jane parkinson army records office address Mr Jones was arrested at the granny flat at her parents' house and taken to a police station. Compulsive liar Sarah Jane Parkinson set up a campaign to destroy her former partner and his family with a string of assault accusations. She told her police friends she was being brutally assaulted and abused by her fiance, Mr Jones. When police asked me about this I admitted Id bitten his hand in self defence when he was trying to kill me. A true victim is not going to plead guilty to writing false statements and allegations, a victim is not going to do the things that Sarah did, and for the justice system to even imply this SHOWS that they are corrupt. Last week the perpetrator of this crime, Sarah Jane Parkinson, was sent to prison for three years for false rape accusations and faking a crime scene. Australian Daniel Jones, of Canberra, said he was accused of rape and assault by Sarah Jane Parkinson in 2014. She knows the case and has the trust of the family which is very important, because they know she will be very thorough and leave no stone unturned. I dont understand what is so difficult in making a decision to compensate the Jones for their losses over these false allegations. Does that mean she showed remorse for her crime (i.e. He was there for almost five months awaiting trial. Daniel Jones and his former fiancee Sarah Jane Parkinson who is serving three years for fake rape allegations. Inside Prince Harry's finances from when he met Meghan Markle to landing 100M with Netflix and book Spare 'Why the last-minute delay?' Every time I read about this case, makes my blood boil That women is nothing but the Devil in disguise, my heart aches for Dan , his mom Michelle , his dad and all , the ones , whom in one way or the other had to suffered this terrible ordeal.I truly hope that every single dollar that you lost be restituted but above all your faith and joy for life. While in prison, Vic showed me 3 letters he had received (at different times) from the girl apologising for lying to the court. Chilling interview with woman as she falsely accuses fiance of rape I have counted 26 different types of errors so far with most types having several instances. She is currently living with her suspended NSW police officer husband, Scott John White, in the Wollongong area and has changed her name to Sarah Jane White. The family became increasingly fearful Mr Jones could spend over a decade in prison - until Detective Sergeant Leesa Alexander came to save the day. Thank you for taking the time to read this; and I apologise for the length of this contribution. Yepa scary situation indeed. There are women out there wholl abuse the kindness and sympathy of others for their own selfish gain, no matter who it drags down. Within just a few months they began planning a wedding and building their own home. I was horrified that might be the case.. In the days after the break-up, Parkinson began to ramp up the false allegations against Daniel. Welcome to the Coronation! The young woman, who the Jones' described as 'clumsy', would turn up to work with self-inflicted bruises and marks. 'That is before any compensation for the damage she (his ex-fiance) caused for my cousin and his immediate family - now torn apart,' she wrote on Facebook. Hello. You and I can not understand that logic, but it is a real motive for these lies. Yeah, Im also apparently Insane, and even though Ive been battered, bruised and insulted. He lost his job, home, and reputation. 'I thought she was the love of my life': Man reveals how he British ski coach at Australia's famous Perisher snow resort Isabel Oakeshott receives 'menacing' message from Matt Hancock, Ken Bruce: 'I always wanted to be a radio presenter from about 15', Pavement where disabled woman gestured at cyclist before fatal crash, Pro-Ukrainian drone lands on Russian spy planes exposing location, 'Buster is next!' In 2011, when Daniel Jones first met Sarah Jane Parkinson, he was under the impression that he had finally found the woman he would spend the rest of his life with. Yet he was charged 12 months later (in 2013), when she made allegations to Victoria Police against Vic, claiming the alleged event took place on a date (before the 2012 interview with the counsellor). Parkinson made allegations the Jones family were harassing her, including claims her house was broken into and she was attacked by a man wielding a knife. It is them versus society. Congratulation to Daniel for surviving and finding out the evil before he was tied to her through the marriage bond. Dan and his family MUST be compensated by the AFP, DPP and ACT Police. Ive since seen the houses, they are all using to ABUSE MY RIGHTS. He was served with an AVO (apprehended violence order) after Parkinson told her colleagues at the Queanbeyan Police Station that he had abused her. I happened upon this too..a mother of two boys I constantly warn them that there are some women who are predators and they can change and destroy your life as I have seen on two occasions with a few people I a womanI feel she is disgusting and should do 50 years in prison with little chance of parole! Parkinson's lies snowballed and in 2014 she claimed she had been raped. 5 This picture of Dan. How Sarah Jane Parkinson falsely accused her partner of rape. - Mamamia