His mountains of false, fallacious, and otherwise ridiculous claims have resulted in me attempting to engage him in a debate along with creating various posts and videos to address his claims. However, low carb or IF/TRF diets are not superior to other calorie/protein matched diets for preventing metabolic adaptation during weight loss. When we eat is as important as what we eat and this is why, Understanding obesity the key to successful weight loss. 2020. [37] It is important to note that calories are simply units of energy measurement, just like miles per hour are a measurement of speed. I fast daily either 16/8 or 18/6. Calorie for Calorie, Dietary Fat Restriction Results in More Body Fat . 1 Sep. 2015. You see, to get the desired results, research studies have used approximately 2000mg ginger extract, 1500-2500mg licorice extract, and EGCG (the bioactive component of Green Tea) at dosages of approximately 100-460mg/day. Either: I believe the key to long-lasting weight control is to control the main hormone responsible, which is insulin. Jason Fung, M.D., is a Toronto-based nephrologist (kidney specialist) and a world leading expert in intermittent fasting and low-carb diets. [20][21][22] Licorice does appear to reduce body weight slightly (just under a pound) but also may raise blood pressure. I readThe Primal DietandThe Primal Dietand have reviewed Keto, Atkins, Nutrisystem, and everything else. Numerous studies have already demonstrated this fact. | There were not eating whole-wheat pasta. In response, Dr. Fung contacted Dr. Freedhoffs department & filed a complaint, attempting to get him fired from his job! Dr. Fung is a co-owner in the Diet Doctor company. The Toronto Metabolic Clinic offers treatment for various conditions through dietary intervention, under the supervision of a dedicated and well-trained medical team, including family physicians, and specialists. [Effects of green tea and its epigallocatechin (EGCG PubMed. 5 Jun. Whether we urinate a lot or a little is tightly controlled by hormones. Dr. [64] Further, insulin levels do not predict weight gain over time. He seems to acknowledge the importance of calorie balance when it suits his narrative but then disregard it when it doesnt. That said, I feel its essential to call out misinformation when it occurs because it always harms people, no matter how noble the INTENTIONS are. [110][111]. [30][31] For that to be 4x as effective, that means the standard treatment would only yield 0.3kg of weight loss if they did 50% the effort. If thats the case, then perhaps they need to re-think the effectiveness of their standard treatment. So what, right? I do not believe in low carb, so it's good to know that he says you can eat any way you want and still lose weight by fasting. They were eating ice cream. The French were loving their bread. Is fasting every single day counterproductive? First, why anybody ever thought bell bottoms were cool. https://youtu.be/5F5o0a4p_3U4. They are the best source of unbiased reviews of nutrition books available today. I hope you will post back with updates on your progress. [76][77][78] How could this be? Fast forward to two and half years ago when I had a STEMI (heart attack), requiring 4 stents. He is a Canadian Nephrologist (Kidney doctor) whose website says he is "a world-leading expert on intermittent fasting and low carb, especially for treating people with Type 2 Diabetes." He originally came into notoriety after writing The Obesity Code and has since written The Diabetes Code and The Cancer Code. If you dont deal with the root cause, the problem never improves. The TOTAL polyphenols in the tea in question are 218-327mg. What is the connection between PCOS and insulin resistance? I have cut my carbs to a very minimal amount and yet my blood sugars are between 300- 400 at fasting. Told them both about the cgm and what I am seeing. While its true that fasting will keep insulin low during the fast, its important to note that if you fast for, say, 20 hours per day, but eat all your calories in a 4 hour period, that is typically a LOT of calories you are throwing down in a short time. An open letter to Dr. Fung from a doctor who adopted fasting and changed his life By Jason Fung, MD "It would not be dramatic for me to say your books saved my life and showed me a better way to live. I still take Jardiance. This is a deep dive with Dr. Jason Fung (IG: @drjasonfung)! Some may say that these claims are by the company, but the fact is that Dr. Fungs name is right there on the product box. This talk was given at the Public Health Collaboration conference . Ad Libitum Energy Intake Differences Between a Plant-Based, Low . 29 May. I'm just wondering if I can get to my ideal weight with this. [46] Interestingly, fasting decreases thyroid hormone and energy expenditure in the short term. https://www.dietdoctor.com/diabetes/type-1. My blood pressure dropped so much I could cut the Lisinopril from 20 mg to 5 mg and stop taking Metoprolol altogether. Will I be seen by Dr. Jason Fung? Together we want to make it simple for people to understand and implement intermittent fasting, to improve their health. Its so simple and obvious that even a 5-year old could have come up with it. It is more effective than moderate exercise for weight loss. Think of it like this, if we compare 2 diets equal in protein and calories but either high or low in carbohydrates or fats we get the following results: High Fat Low Carb Diet: High fat stored but high fat burned. Physician success story Dr. Esther Kawira. Why? These are automatically regulated, and so is our weight. If youre wondering if intermittent fasting is right for you, Dr. Bret Scher will help you sort through the hype and learn how to use fasting to reach your health goals. Dr Jason Fung is a Canadian nephrologist. In this video, Dr. Jason Fung gives a presentation on diabetes to a room full of medical professionals. The short answer is an emphatic Yes! Patients who use insulin regularly and physicians who prescribe it already know the awful truth: the more insulin you give, the more weight people gain. Using his research, he developed the best dietary approaches to help patients. Perhaps one child in a hundred. Insulin Toxicity - https://youtu.be/4oZ4UqtbB_g7. Jason Fung: To Lose Weight, You MUST control Insulin YouTube. 9 Dec. 2017. I hit 220 lbs for the first time in 25 years. As we discussed, the data on diets that compare calorie/protein equated weight loss diets that vary in carbohydrate and fat content show no real differences in energy expenditure. [23], On the surface, it appears some of the claims are substantiated. Its essential to keep protein constant because protein increases energy expenditure significantly more than carbohydrates or fats, if you recall. He owns parts of his medical practice. He founded The Fasting Method ( TheFastingMethod.com) to provide evidence-based advice for weight loss and managing blood sugars, focusing on low carbohydrate diets and intermittent fasting. From the archives of strange but true life stories, Im going to tell you about how I have Twitter, fat shaming, and @DrJasonFung to thank, for me having officially received my promotion to Associate Professor last night (thread). Even if they did, in my opinion, it still does not validate the claims of 2x the results with 50% of the effort. If that is the metric they wish to use, then that means you would be getting 4x the results of an average person who just fasted or dieted without this tea if we standardized for effort (i.e., we assume they made a normal effort instead of half effort). [4][5][6] Other than that, I could not find where he has debated a nutrition expert. In the 1970s, before the obesity epidemic, the Irish were loving their potatoes. Chris Hannaway shares his success story, takes us for a spin in the gym and orders food at the local pub. This is only one side of the body fatness equation, however. 1, BMJ Case Reports 2018: Therapeutic use of intermittent fasting for people with type 2 diabetes as an alternative to insulin, Does sugar-free gum break a fast?The biochemistry of insulin resistanceHow do you repair low metabolism after a low-calorie diet?Physician success story Dr. Esther KawiraHow to transition from weight loss to maintenance mode?How fasting made all the difference for JenniferAfter trying every diet, Karen reaches her goals by trusting the processSandras incredible weight-loss journeyControlling hunger part 2Why is blood glucose elevated when fasting?Video post: What is insulin resistance?What is the optimal fast frequency?Video post what breaks a fast?What is aging?Longevity lessons from the Blue and unBlue ZonesA different path to the same destination"Can you get type 2 diabetes again once you've reversed it? I do sometimes treat myself with dessert. There are many advantages to intermittent fasting as a strategy for weight loss. A short 2 minute and 47 second clip from that interview has been making the rounds on Instagram, and the clip so laden with misinformation that I have decided to break down each claim in detail and fully cite my sources so that anyone can check them out for themselves to see what the data REALLY says. Dr. Fung's fasting course part 6: Is it really that important to eat breakfast? This is like saying that its useless to keep a budget. Instead, it may be better to use intermittent fasting, a dietary technique used successfully for countless generations. I'm a 57-year-old internist in Concord, Massachusetts. Insulin increases leptin secretion, and leptin is the major satiety hormone. 2. Our dieting program is based on intermittent fasting and low carbohydrate/ketogenic consumption, and offered in partnership. Hormones can tell us we are hungry (ghrelin). ", PCOS, anovulatory cycles and hyperinsulinemia PCOS 9. First, its important to note that Dr. Fung confuses your basal metabolic rate (BMR) with your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). As stated, my numerous calls for debate have gone unanswered. Thats where we can help. They didnt eat again until the next morning. I was underweight prior to having children and aging. Dr. Fung may argue that he does not advocate for low-carb diets to control insulin, which is somewhat true, as he mainly advocates intermittent fasting. How to help patients reverse type 2 diabetes. Book Depository. Research shows that to create significant metabolic adaptation, it requires weeks or months at a deficit, and only in the case of the Biggest Loser study where participants were in SEVERE deficits of thousands of calories every day do we see almost a 500 calorie metabolic adaptation after 30 WEEKS OF SEVERE RESTRICTION. 2019, Food Label Accuracy of Common Snack Foods NCBI NIH.. Yet they had virtually no obesity. Its not the number of calories, its what your body does with those calories. The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally - Dr Four Weeks of Time-Restricted Feeding Combined with Resistance . 17 Apr. It most certainly is! Weight Loss (My Best Tip and 3 Hacks) Featured, How To Lose Weight | Weight loss is a very difficult problem we see in our clinic day after day. As such, it simply means that you need to adjust your calories down until you hit the desired rate of loss. Diet Doctor will not benefit from your purchases. Before you blame insulin for the cause of obesity, understand that fat can be stored in adipose without increases in insulin via a protein called acylation stimulating protein (ASP). It wasnt until he found a keto diet that thing started to change. This means that there are many factors that cause weight gain Zeenah Z.2021-08-03T10:25:15-04:00Featured, Health and Nutrition, How To Lose Weight|. If they were too skinny, they would not be able to survive the lean times. 2023 The Institute for Functional Medicine. Have you eaten a loaf of Dr. Jason Fung.. Everybody knew that weight loss was the key to getting better, but losing weight was difficult. So, heres my best single tip for weight loss. What about the diet of the Chinese in the 1980s? Body fatness is a critical determinant of species survival. [99][100][101] One of the most prominent energy balance researchers, Kevin Hall, literally says this in a recent review paper. Patients gained weight. It would be a good idea to consult with your doctor as well. Then, I started Victoza and maxed it out. EA refers to purposeful movement while NEAT refers to non-purposeful movement such as fidgeting, posture, unintentional pacing, etc. The answer is simple. The net effect would be no difference in fat loss when calories are equated. He was recently on Tom Bilyeus podcast Impact Theory discussing his nutrition views. To determine if the effects observed on fat loss are due to low insulin or simply caloric restriction, we must equate calories over some time and observe what occurs. Its what your body does with those calories, and that depends on hormones.. As of now, all attempts at a formal debate have been unsuccessful as he hasnt acknowledged them. And they didnt eat in between their 3 meals. If you balance those two, your weight will remain stable. Why? Dr. Fung receives money from his books The Obesity Code, The Diabetes Code, The Complete Guide to Fasting and The Longevity Solution, and articles on medium.com. He knows the difference, and hes simply using fear tactics to push his preferred dietary methods. https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/gain-weight, https://www.dietdoctor.com/diabetes/type-1, https://www.dietdoctor.com/intermittent-fasting/guides, https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/kidney-health, https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/get-started, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19560716/. As you can see in this example, if calories and protein are equated, your daily fat balance is the same (in this example of 3 meals, either high in fat/low in carb or high in carb/low in fat). but my glucose was in the mid-200s. Do you have an article to refer me to? This course is designed for health coaches who want to add intermittent fasting to their toolbox of options for helping clients improve their health. She suffered terrible side effects from the meds so she started a keto diet. The Thermic Effect of Food: A Review PubMed. 25 Apr. Although Dr. Fung established this clinic, patients are seen by his team of medical doctors, registered nutritionist, and naturopathic doctors who implement Dr. Fung's low carbohydrate, high/healthy fat, and intermittent fasting program. Listen to Books & Original. Second, its amazing just how little obesity there is. How do you fast for 7 days? Fortunately, we have a plethora of studies to draw from when examining this question. Once we are on keto and intermittent fasting we again lose weight but if we add little bit carbs and sweets, we again gain weight. Dr. They were eating white bread and jam. Jason Fung and Fasting. What if there was a more effective treatment alternative for obesity and type 2 diabetes, that is both simple and free? Low carb diets have often been used throughout history for weight loss. The Obesity Code's answer for correcting this is an approach that Dr. Fung started using with patients in his medical practice several years ago.