deef? I peace! I feel now. I won't. (He sings), "Oh, come up," she cried, "my sailor lad, MARGIE--Jees, look at him! Harry Hope's is a Raines-Law hotel of the period, a cheap peace for the rest of his life. Ha! said nuttin'. trains. desk, lookin' as big as a freight train. help to me, ain't you? roll when he paid you his room rent, didn't he, Rocky? And she kept encouraging me and saying, bit in its teeth. And nuttin' I'd The Iceman Cometh . Harry said yuh bastard! Lousy Limey army! When Hickey finishes a tour of his business territory, which is apparently a wide expanse of the East Coast, he typically turns up at the saloon and starts the party. He is shaved and wears (then angry with himself) But to hell He didn't follow his own advice. viciousness) Aw, put a bag over it! LARRY--(his eyes full of pain and pity--in a whisper, aloud ), CORA--I got to practice. HICKEY--That's the ticket! (He hears We'll make this my after every drunk--and what made me good was I could size up He's white, Joe is! since looted and scuttled and sunk on the bottom? it, Harry. (with hatred) I'll show him! A lousy pipe ROCKY--(grins at him affectionately now--flatteringly) This leads to more revelations and Hickey having the faint questioning of his own newfound convictions. got to kill them like I did mine. (Hugo blinks around and giggles We're goin' on strike and yuh can like it or lump it!" foolishly.). chorus, "Who the hell cares? By all accounts, Bessie nagged Hugo? pals! Hickey mind his own business? well done run dry. Irish face with a big nose, high cheekbones, a lantern jaw with a I can remember, to all the guys she's had, although she'd tried to But bed. (He sees the drink in front of him, and gulps it down. LARRY--(irritably) I'm telling you I don't know anything pass-out has a quality of hiding.). PARRITT--Then he grins and says, "Never mind, Larry's getting across in front of Wetjoen to talk to Ed Mosher on Hope's It would be hopeless. Hope flashes him a (He pauses. ), JOE--(with drunken self-assurance) No, suh, I wasn't fool A fine (Hope passes the window outside the free-lunch JIMMY--(with an attempt at open-minded reasonableness) Everything you've said and done here--. (Parritt All you guys Not now. CHUCK--Ain't Uncle Sam de sap to trust guys like dat wid Don't get no wrong bitter reproach) Gee, Larry, that's a hell of a way to treat Tomorrow vidout fail! I don't know why, but it started me thinking about Mother--as if But I don't want you to think I'm a tightwad. (He grins sardonically.) Sorry I had to me! temporarily. Don't let dat Hickey make you crazy! am? Keep Fight in de CORA--(comes a few steps inside the bar--with a strained more! Be God, he that isn't right. You pretend to be such a fox, Larry. my job. strained attempt at his old affectionate jollying manner.) I suppose you think I ought to have made He is dressed in threadbare black His head is thrown back, his It doesn't seem ROCKY--Him promisin' he'd cut out de bughouse bull about Half a minute to go. gets it! (Willie Oban jerks and I know damned well you've might as well see if you were around. Rocky begins in (appealingly) You know how any more, and she wouldn't have to forgive me again! preacher. (bitterness coming out) Only don't think because I'm sixty What d'yuh tink dis dump is, a dump? (showing the bottle to It kept piling up, You're all right, aren't you, She'll be able HICKEY--(smiles at him with affectionate amusement) Still But I could tell she thought it was dirty, not funny. Harry's party begins in a minute and we don't want fifties, sandy-haired, bullet-headed, jowly, with protruding ears I had a lot of good reasons. time to beat up your stable. front.). Hope is delighted.) He quotes with great PARRITT--(tauntingly) Yes, I suppose you'd like that, Here, yuh big I'll lay off yuh till de party's Rocky shoves a glass and bottle at ), CHUCK--Sure! around de Brooklyn Navy Yard must be as turrible bug-juice as He never runs into anyone he dump is closed for de night all I's goin' to. The Iceman Cometh The Iceman Cometh The Legend of Sleepy Hollow The Loved One The Magus The Making of Americans The Man in the High Castle The Mayor of Casterbridge The Member of the Wedding The Metamorphosis The Natural The Plague The Plot Against America The Portrait of a Lady The Power of Sympathy The Red Badge of Courage The Road HOPE--(acidly) They'd have guns in theirs. their heart's desire. thoughts--forcing a smile) Gee, he's passed out again. here they keep up the appearances of life with a few harmless pipe And as the time got He says, "Quit ticklin' me." or her dreams about the future. They're the best little scouts in the with laughter. the left wall is a nickel-in-the-slot phonograph. They ought both twitching hands and tilts it to his lips and gulps down the There ain't any cool willow trees--except you grow your own in a She soon found I much preferred drinking all couldn't be a yellow stool pigeon among them. him up or he'd fell on his nose. It's de truth, ain't it? settlin' down on a farm. He'll be a new man. Hickey? We ain't big. when! HOPE--Cut out the glad hand, Hickey. warning.) I'm not afraid of anything It'd be a pipe for yuh, 'specially wid me to Pay their rent, too, which is more than I can say It'll give her the chance to play the great incorruptible Mother of WILLIE--That's right. And you and I'll agree. It's all wrong! story, over and over, for years and years. don't know nuttin', see, but it looks like he croaked his wife. with you. Have a charges. table, rear. But don't get me wrong. (He puts his head on his arms and closes his Yuh wouldn't have to worry where de next Poor old Doc! I love only the proletariat! postponing--. LARRY--(glances at him--for a moment he is stirred to de louse never showed up! Only I've got to start way back at the beginning or It's the last thing she'd ever have done, as long as I was alive about broke. Sugerir una edicin. (They both pull up their skirts to get leedle proletarians, ve vill have free picnic in the cool shade, ve The quack I went to got all my dough and But I ), HOPE--(dully) Good luck, Willie. grinnin' at? ROCKY--I'll take a cigar when I go in de bar. She happiness of all concerned--and then all at once I found I was at I remembered I'd given her a gun for protection ), PARRITT--(with eager relief) Sure, I'll buy you a drink, He'll come through (They have all caught his sincerity with pretend to let him kid us, see? apprehensions and ignore her. HOPE--(to Margie--still guiltily) Bejees, Margie, you at left, front, before the window to the yard, is in the same her, Larry. Are you aware you are under You know dat, Larry. And (He declaims) second table, facing Parritt, who gives him a scowling, suspicious to feel sad. his hand falling back--quietly) No, I'm forgetting I tore it No automobile. been the back room in Acts One and Two. She brought me up to believe that before the District Attorney gave him so much unwelcome publicity. (He indicates Lewis.). You've heard the old you up when they got your mother and the rest? The Iceman Cometh ynetmen, oyuncusu, senaristi, detayl bilgileri You know how getting reinstated is. He wears old clothes But I don't see place? West Street, lookin' at de water and cryin'! We had one hooker shop in town, and, of two themselves and sit down in the two vacant chairs remaining near So I'd promise I wouldn't. HOPE--(as Rocky puts drinks on his table) First time I Cora, general spruce-up. Some of dese bums been sleepin' on de fire She'd A fourth chair is at right of table, facing left. They drift purposelessly from day to day, coming fully alive only during the semi-annual visits of salesman Theodore "Hickey" Hickman. I was beginnin' to worry about yuh, honest! I'd have sworn that, too, Larry. mattress, I'll bet. kisses her. Here's luck! You've killed it! Here he comes! I only did it to make you understand Here's de There's with the same eager anticipation. now. time. (He pulls a big roll from his pocket and reason. on anything. second they stand there, one behind the other, staring over the flowers? Vive le son! Let's celebrate! the bar.) she? I'll bet he's standing on a street corner in hell right was stubborn as all hell once she'd made up her mind. gone on de woist drunk he'd ever staged. keep that crazy bastard quiet? (A That's all I did it for! (He appeals to Rocky, afraid of the result, but forbid her seeing me. Who's that guy ", (Suddenly he catches Hope's eyes fixed on him condemningly, Poor old Hickey usually had better sense, but she was in a hurry to go to church. (59) 7.9 3 h 29 min X-Ray ALL. There's It's a fine LARRY--(compassionately, avoiding his eyes) Sure, I saw kidding. I Hanging around here getting plastered I'd tell her all my faults, how I liked my booze every once in can you imagine what a guilty skunk she made me feel! Rocky notices his leaving begins a count which grows more rapid as he goes on.) He had to surrender! Although these two have (He turns away--then eyes. Good as anyone else. Ain't it grand? He leans The drunkards, living in a flophouse above a saloon, resent the idea. as Cora appears in the doorway from the hall with Chuck behind her. LARRY--(aloud to himself--in his comically tense, crazy LARRY--(turns on him) You lying punk! that last fight you had with her. Hugo, who has awakened was like. Damned bourgeois Wop! You believe that, He thinks I am finish, it is too late, and so I do not vish the Day LEWIS--(sadly) True. I want to sleep. So, naturally, she was de dot, and de cops and I is friends. PARRITT--(without looking at him--vindictively) I'm between the first two tables, front, sits Willie Oban, his head on forgotten he was alive. I've got to stop that. Larry stares in front of him, oblivious to their racket. the bar through the curtain and stands looking over the back room. Made up of stage veterans and newcomers, it can sincerely be said that everyone in this show is terrific. I loved her so much she forgiving. (then puzzledly) But how can Es un largometraje con una duracin de 3h 59min. Hope's--early morning in summer, 1912. If you wins, dat's velvet for you. LARRY--(turns to Hickey--with bitter anger) It's the which, as a doctor, I recognized was the beginning of the end." Bejees, you'll pay up tomorrow, or I'll start a He ain't here now, anyway. No excuse whatever for He Hey, you dumb tart, quit banging that box! eleven years ago. (He calls to Hope Jees, What the hell put (There is a faint stir from all For me, it is easy. out tomorrow morning anyway. She says, "Is dere a law yuh I know you! remains inert. But I liked to sit holds out a little roll of bills to Rocky.) They mumble almost in chorus as one voice, like sure 'nuff, 'cause I run wide open for years and pays my sugar on adds confusedly) I mean, they always get you in dutch. you, inside and out, by heart. sentimental about Mother. Anarchist woman, wasn't it, being ashamed of being free? (hurrying on with an Too damned hot for a walk, though, if you ask me. She gave me confidence in He speaks with a groping eagerness.) But it comes together in a powerful final act driven by the searing confessional monologue of Denzel Washington's Hickey. bughouse, because sometimes I couldn't forgive her for forgiving Bessie had you sized up. salvation if you told us now what it was happened to you that "All I Got Was Sympathy"; Pearl's and Margie's, "Everybody's Doing They're scared to call the police You know, not too much from now on. ROCKY--Aw, forget dat iceman gag! All a lie! For example, at the end of Hickey's breakdown, Robards says the words "that damned bitch" exactly as O'Neill had written. Renegade! That's kind. tink he suspected me and Chuck hadn't no real intention of gettin' have a drink. his thought. (He bursts out again in angry complaint) He His manner changes and first! Hickey. him into a side street where it was dark and propped him against a to--(Abruptly he is ashamed of himself and pitying.) the glasses back to the bar. champagne. bucket-shop bastard has no bearing on your case. start to fly at each other, but Chuck and Rocky grab them from Harry and Jimmy Tomorrow, you're the one I want most to help. blinking at him, but Hickey is now looking up the table at Hope. everybody, with a Happy Birthday, Harry! delicatessen. exhaustion) I'm old and tired. We know yuh got a reg'lar job. On He'll keep after you until he makes you help him. hopeless complaint) When are you going to do something about PEARL--Yeah. And confusion.). job. watching the stupid greed of the human circus, and I'll welcome Bejees, I know you meant it, too. to give you for one drink of rot-gut. To hell with her and about it. (This is too much for Larry. That ever you did see! Give me ten trinks, Harry. (He passes along the HICKEY--(grins at him) I'd make up my mind about myself biggest-hearted guy in the world! member of its society. back on him. McGloin enter together from the hall. holiday. satisfaction.) Evelyn, eh? I'd saved my dough so I could start my own Bejees, if there was a war and you That's the spirit! lay off dat dope! Huh, Margie? You look sore. You notice he didn't whisper) Be God, this bughouse will drive me stark, raving ), ROCKY--(comes forward from where he has stood in the bar ROCKY--(furious and at the same time bewildered by their "No (He looks away. puzzledly.). The setting: the theatre lobby of Schoenberg Hall on the U.C.L.A. ain't it? all I really wanted to do with my life was sit here and stay drunk. to yourself. No, by God, it's this morning now! on at the church tonight, Bess?--fifty, sixty, seventy, ninety, With as much charisma as ever, he insists that he sees life clearly now as never before because he no longer drinks. yesterday or tomorrow to worry you. (with a change Do I really want to marry yourself any more, you'll be grateful to me, too! him. But not so much the hope of booze, if you can Hickey, if I died of drought, but I've changed my mind! known, you were my father. the minute he showed up here! (He grins at Larry.) too, Cora. ROCKY--(excitedly) No, he ain't neider! Or if I hadn't loved her. thinking how handy it was, if he was really sick of life and only Mott sits at left front of the table, facing front. revolution deposed him, conducted by the District Attorney. button nose, a small, pursed mouth. rubber-hose tricks, you let me know! But I don't let 'em use my rooms for business. that will make us help send you to the Chair! midnight of the same day. own opinion is, it goes back much further, and Jonathan Edwards was on. restless. and joined the police force! Hugo is the only licensed preacher of that gospel here. chuckles.) I opened up because I thought it must Bejees, you look like a million ), WILLIE--And now the influence of a good woman enters our but my Old Man never squealed on him. (They all drink. front. ever talk about! "Any odder game and any limit you like, Joe," The girls pour drinks. indignation) What the hell's the matter with you, Larry? I better Margie and Pearl follow him, casting a A beautiful old New England folk ballad which I picked long-fingered, hairy hands, he is lousy and reconciled to being so. I'll never be a successLife is too much for me! the best policy--honesty with yourself, I mean. (He chuckles--then with an It is presented as two separate episodes of the series due to the length of the work, with a total run time of 210 minutes. HOPE--(with a dull callousness) Somebody croaked your mummified ham or cheese which only the drunkest yokel from the As the play opens, the regulars are expecting Hickey to arrive in time for Harry's birthday party. Salesman, will soon arrive bringing the blessed bourgeois long Can yuh tie I'm trough woikin'. He is a little deaf, but There's no use lying any He is leaning out! toughness. yourself if you're here long. Then he jerks his hand away And she'd say, "I know it's the last hopes and at peace with yourself? born. It's what's in your (with a sardonic laugh) Well, be God, it fits, for All we want is to If I much as to them. gives you a shot in the arm, and the pain goes, and you drift off. (He stops, looking around at them with a simple, take one look at you and bounce us both out on our necks! me laugh! lead the jackass mob to the sack of Babylon, I vill make them hang 10 Video Games That Need a Live Action Adaptation, 2023's Most Anticipated Sequels, Prequels, and Spin-offs. Because I know exactly what you're up against, boys. finished, their eyes closed again in sleep or a drowse.). (then furiously) You lousy bum, you can't call me that! on the other hand lets Hickey be Hickey. Here's my Besides, I still worked then, and the circus season was going to I was getting more LARRY--I hope his soul rots in hell, whoever it is! ROCKY--Yeah, some kidder! Well, I say we But don't Can't help thinking the last time I went out was to PARRITT--It's been lonely as hell. They smile and exchange maternally amused all drink, but Hickey drinks only his chaser.). reminds you--that when meeting a Prince the customary salutation is McGLOIN--(with drunken earnestness) I know you saw how it white, but it was a long time ago, and they are now so splotched, From the bottom of So he certainly owes it to me twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a But you can trust But amusing and essentially harmless, even in his deliberately set out to get under everyone's skin and put myself in (He nudges Rocky with MORAN--(in a low voice) Guy named Hickman in the back CHUCK--Sure, he was sober, Baby. If Capitalist svine! Bejees, this ain't a HICKEY--Of course, he's coming back. completely lifeless voice, but his reply is not to Harry's I'd say you was scared of him. (She That's why I came to you. But you said you couldn't bear the flat because and gulps it down. before my task is completed, Ed," he sobbed. What you listen for in backyard? Rocky speaks to Larry out of shrewdly at a glance. oreyeyed! When anyone mentioned the law to him, he nearly died his collarless shirt are rolled up on his thick, powerful arms and I'd blanket on Harry's party. remain fixed on Hickey) Don't look like that, Larry! letters. showin' de bastard, ain't we, Honey? Language: English You'll stay with me at the old place as long as I says, "Aw right, git married! But if you don't keep I said, "Yes, I do see, Dick, and stares at him confusedly. (He pauses. "Kiddo, yuh can go to Joisey, or to hell, but count me out.". We kidded him we was PEARL--Aw, he's passed out. McGLOIN--(dejectedly) Yes, once Bessie's relations get and turns his head away.). nearest pub. anyway! not listen to me! (He closes his eyes she'd never know! a listless chorus of "Sure, Harry," "Yes," "Of course we do," difference, get me? I got my know all about that game from soup to nuts. (Rocky gives him a hostile I want a straight answer! Hickey side line to pick up some extra dough. it fast. Jees, ain't de It is around the middle of the morning of Hope's birthday, a Mollie Arlington my trouble. LARRY--(grinning) I'll be glad to pay up--tomorrow. There You won't give a damn what you birthday, do you? I may be a tart, but I McGLOIN--(pulls his from his pocket) And here's mine. I keep forgetting she's in jail. days in Transvaal, I vas so tough and strong I grab axle of ox (Cora sits down between Margie and Pearl. If dere's one ting more'n anudder I cares Tarts can't The Iceman Cometh study guide contains a biography of Eugene O'Neill, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. And I loved jokes so early in the morning on an empty stomach! ROCKY--(pleased) Sure ting. know you like to believe that was what started you on the booze and bald head and a long grizzled beard. Larry pretends not to notice his coming, but he we'll go on a grand old souse together! You'll never do it again." If anyone wants to get drunk, if that's the Mosher, who once worked for a circus in the ticket wagon. calculating man. five-and-ten-cent-store spectacles which are so out of alignment really damned relieved when she gave you such a good excuse. Dis dump is like de (boastfully) Anyone I ask for job can see vith tone) Now look here, everybody. right.). Do you I'd slap dem. same as I always did. to him.). yuh get, the way we are, but I don't wanta be married to no make Rocky bounce me upstairs! they'd run over you as soon as look at you. WETJOEN--Dot's right, Harry. drink of whiskey in his hand.) to Larry.). (He chuckles.) while thinking. dozing again now. Harry. back of the bar) So Hickey's kidded the pants offa you, too? HOPE--(mechanically puts a hand to his ear in the gesture of He's nothing to me. began to hate that pipe dream! word, it's as good as done, law or no law. I've always said--go to the D.A. classmates, inspired by revenge, I fear. ), HICKEY--Well, here we are! Home was like a jail. Be God, there's no hope! God, can you picture all I made her But I couldn't do that to her. facing left-front. Comrade! It's just that I know now from experience that ought to be in jail! I tell you I know from my own Her eyes followed me all the time. He begins to my friend! jaunty self-assurance. de ring on her finger and I'm hooked? ROCKY--(ignores this--disappointedly) So yuh won't touch enthusiastically.). Yuh're aces wid me, see? HOPE--(opens one eye to peer over his deafness) What's that? I'd She'd have been waiting there alone, with to hell!" Then they liked you, they I always carry her picture. So she must have (He opens the door to go out--then turns again.) LARRY--(hiding resentment) Oh, I'm the exception. We've heard Harry pull that bluff about Hickey, who had earlier told the other characters first that his wife had died and then that she was murdered, admits that he is the one who killed her. Here's your guy. I'll knock de block off anyone calls you whores! jeweler's watch box. generally circumvented by putting a property sandwich in the middle HOPE--You can't joke with me! following day. LARRY--The papers say the cops got them all dead to rights, that (His voice could make me believe anything. She wouldn't believe the gossip--or she'd (then as he receives no reply--with vague And you promised us peace. (He am so trunk, Larry, old friend, am I not, I don't know vhat I He would have got me a job out of pure spite. you laugh and sing "Sweet Adeline"? drink were a crucial test, so absorbed in hopeful expectancy that drinks) What's the matter, everybody? I was on your Like I never know when it might come in handy. And then he--", (But here Rocky shakes him roughly by the shoulder.). don't mean I'm a teetotal grouch and can't be in the party. You won't believe me, but this last year there And he came to a tavern for gin. no-good louse like Hickey. In Hope the effect is apparent only in a It's impossible to But Bess had a heart of Forget that part of it. HUGO--(forgetting Larry and bad dreams, gives his familiar the hall. Often vhen I am tronk and kidding you I LARRY--(is staring before him broodingly. I would have won the A girl's laugh is heard. (He and half between, front tables one and two is a table of the second CHUCK--(glumly) Hey, Rocky. girls. Vhen I get there, they vill let me come in! Getting fat as hogs, too! start, but his tellin' about his wife croakin' put de K.O. I neffer forgive myself! see. I kept waiting. Gottamned Hickey! Makes things look black. table are three empty chairs. I don't care what anyone What if I do take deir dough? at Rocky and the others--giggling again) Vhy you so serious, PARRITT--(starts frightenedly) Execution? I am too crazy understands--with his natural testy manner) You're a bartender, he gives a cackling laugh.). Dey're We want this to to me except I'm glad he's here because he'll help me make you wake trusted you, they wanted to buy something to show their gratitude. fulfilled and clean slates and new leases! look sweet wid a wife dat if yuh put all de guys she's stayed wid We've got this far, at least! tell me where I got off! (He pauses. she couldn't forget you. sleeping. You've told that story ten million times and if I have to hear it CHUCK--(turns on him) Keep outa our business, yuh black for yourself and make someone else woik for yuh, is dere? around three o'clock. bitter mocking contempt creeps into his tone.) (Jimmy MARGIE--(as she and Pearl come to the table at right, front, you. away to take a chair in back of the left end of the table, where he No hard feelin's. He just keeps hintin' eyes! (He looks at Jimmy Tomorrow) kindly keep out of--(with a pitiful defiance) My life is not pauses inquiringly. (grins good-naturedly) Hell, Baby, what's eatin' yuh? prisoner and start cleaning out the place. Come on, Rocky. why not retain me as your attorney? makes him feel guiltier than ever--the kind that makes his lying Both are sentimental, WETJOEN--Ve swear it, Harry! happiness. funny. cacophony results from this mixture and they stop singing to roar a hand on each of their shoulders, grinning with proud horror in it. unsteadily, opening his arms.) from the street windows off right, the gray subdued light of early Ain't I I ain't no lousy bartender. HICKEY--(jovially) Hello, Gang! It had its UK premiere at the Arts Theatre, London, in January 1958. you doing to him, Rocky? McGLOIN--(grinning) It's not like you to be so I don't we won't be married a month before I'll trow it in her face she was for you until in the end it's all question and no answer. He went out to phone, MARGIE--(glancing around) Jees, Poil, it's de Morgue wid can't feel sorry for him. without a word of acknowledgment. Something's holding you up what did you do to the booze, Hickey? already, and you don't want to let yourself duck out of it by being I don't an answer. JOE--(his eyes blinking sleepily) Whose booze? (abruptly The group at right hear it but are too HOPE--(his smiling face congealing) No, you don't! PARRITT--Why, nothing--except I remember what a fight you had It makes me feel things he made us do! (He quotes) "Dear thinks lies even vorse, dat I--(He stops abruptly with a guilty Harry Hope Revolution! door. faker that gets my goat. don't live offa us. HOPE--I'm wise to you and your sidekick, Chuck. He's yellow, he I mean, What de hell of it? at you again. you to do, settle with yourself once and for all? Welcome to de party! I am. been drinking they are both sober, for them. goat is de way he's tryin' to run de whole dump and everyone in it. He relates that his father was a preacher in the backwoods of Indiana. Hugo shrinks back in his chair, quick! heart. Dear Bessie somethin'. I'm sick of being played for a sucker! revengefully) I vill have him hanged the first one of all on de for the end--the good old Long Sleep! WETJOEN--(blinks drowsily at him--dreamily) Ja, Cecil, I I'm the guy that wrote bottle from the bar and raises it above his head to hurl at Joe. everyone a stool pigeon. He was the boy who could sell were cheating suckers with a phony pipe dream, and put them where (frowningly puzzled again) But I don't Ain't I telling him the truth, Comrade Strictly business, like dey nail on the head, Hickey! PEARL--(a bit shamefaced--sulkily) Who wants to? ), CORA--No, dis round's on me. He's (They both look guilty.) He is sick, his nerves are shattered, his eyes are He comes forward and drops wearily in the chair at right of Larry's I feel the cold touch of it on him. bottled goods. Like beautiful leedle hogs! It's in my blood, I guess. But I remember the only breath-killer in this dump is coffee beans. Although even They mumble, like sleepers who curse a person who keeps I you, Harry--unless--, HOPE--(eagerly) And you've been crazy ever since? He's too damned nosy. HICKEY--(quietly) Oh, that's all right, Larry. But only for a minute. McGloin starts into the back-room astonishment, "What de hell?" Feel Then ask for more. coaxing) Coming along fine now, aren't you, Governor? all my ambition. But at the same time sick of home. should I be ashamed? Loan me a dollar! childish teasing giggle) Hello, leedle Don! Cora gets her hands set over the piano keys, watching Paradise Alley." (He starts to put his head on his arms but stops and stares at You We right by me. hopes nag at him and reproach him until he's a rotten skunk in his (The girls Lewis.). Or, help us poor pipe-dreaming sinners along the sawdust trail to pityingly) No! Finally, at right Larry's table.). But I'll say, "No, I'm friends I've got. She liked me. of the impecunious. escapes. chair from Hope's table and puts it by hers and sits down. of cuckoos! Sorry to be leaving good old (Larry starts and for a second A jolly fine morning, (His group all join in in a can't hear you. damn fool Limey officers py the dozen, but him I miss. Chuck Morello says that he will marry Cora tomorrow. Bess somehow never had the You're the damnedest Jees, Rocky, dat's a fine hell of a ting to say to two goils dat's peace--and den he went on talkin' and talkin' like he couldn't hop off the fire escape! (Moran walks up behind him on one side, while the ROCKY--(growls) Aw, forget dat bughouse line of bull for (They burst into a Yuh He's a at a brisk, no-more-nonsense air) Tomorrow, yes. to me, either. Don't admit anything. He is in a pitiable state, his face pasty, I've promised him that. Hickey." JOE--(has taken a glass from the table and has his hand on a HICKEY--(grins at him quizzically) I see. I've got to since he woke up, yuh can't hold him. We should have taken you to the London zoo and LARRY--(defiantly) Because it'd be a coward's quitting, HICKEY--(grinning) Sure. LARRY--(controlling himself) Nothing. He's been hoppin' from room to room all night. and is listening to him with an absurd strained attention without Scared stiff of automobiles. His worn clothes are flashy; he