The studies show that reading does more good then harm. Books are meant to be read not censored. 04 Nov 2022 07:27:27 In Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury makes it a point that regular people aren 't allowed to read books. Steroids are used as a way to control the pawns in the desired direction. While so far this year's fall has been less than chilly, I still look forward to when it finally will cool down and I can fully embrace the autumn season and the clothing that comes along with it. Some people don't like The Simpsons because it is animated, which means it targets their children. Find here, a few more reasons why homework should be banned. And Netflix is profiting off of it. I was outraged to read one of the tweets that suggested the actress could play "Harambe"- the gorilla who was killed at a Cincinnati zoo after a toddler wondered into the enclosure- in a movie about the animal's demise. Homeless youths are three times more likely to use marijuana and are 18 times more likely to use cocaine than other youth. When children enjoy books, it improves their vocabulary, and it teaches them life lessons. While there are some valid reasons for wanting to ban certain books, those reasons dont compare to the damage that is done by prohibiting someone from getting to learn the valuable knowledge and life lessons that are given to us solely through books. Living in her college dormitory provides a serenity that has been foreign to her since birth. After applying for affordable housing and waiting for months for approval, it took Hickman about five months to find even a single room to rent within his price range. Court documents quoted him as saying he was "trolling a group of feminists that were harassing me and my friends". When students see that such an obvious mistake is . Another reason is that every book is written and published for a reason, if the publisher did not think the book was worth something or could have taught something, they would not have taken the time to publish it. To ban books or not is a rising question in America. Under careful examination, any justification for censoring any book falls apart; go read Josh Corman's piece about his defense of students reading The Handmaid's Tale. Banning books cause the control of thought and oppress people. Well contact you as soon as possible. One reason books should not be banned is because books can teach a lesson. Her. One of the main reasons is that preventing people from learning about some of the harsh realities of life robs them of the knowledge they need in order to grow. (Pew Research Center Harassment Chart, 2014). This is my main topic, why I do not think books should be banned, the reason why books tend to get banned and the bigger picture behind books. This is because it does not target the root of the problem. Even though it censors inappropriate material that influences impressionable minds, we should not ban books books because it filters realism and limits our ability for an open mind. The colors of harvest mix so well together. He wasn't exposed to the housing market until he moved out at the age of 17 with a minimum wage job due to "personal family issues." Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those . Furthermore, the same text states that Keeping books with an inappropriate content out of libraries protects kids, but does not stop people from. Well the sad reality is that somewhere in the world that favorite book you read is either banned or challenged in a library. This is one of the reasons why books should not be banned. Why There Should Be No Banned Books All the books have one thing in common; they have an opinion. PROFANITY AND OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE. Censors of young adult literature fail to see the similarities between their desires to suppress information about sexuality, violence, and religion and the successful attempts by dictators to control their countries population (70). School Board members should not ban certain books because students can get more of a challenge from certain books, you also can get many life lessons from a more mature book, and students also get more of a choice which means more books to read. heart with thankfulness. They are where we learn about life and love. The reports of banning/challenging I could find included the Lumberton Township School District in New Jersey (book retained), Waukesha South High School in Wisconsin (book retained), Verona High School in New Jersey (book retained), Sumner County School in Tennessee (challenged and banned), Knox County, What Are The Reasons Why Banning Books Should Not Be Banned. Mobile phones are an integral part of life outside school and schools should be helping . Or any serial killer for that matter? Terms of Use, By clicking Send Essay, you agree to our There are countless reasons that everybody should know why books are being banned all over the world! Then those concerned parents can censor those books for only their children. Its captivating. Find new ideas and inspiration using our free samples. The King of They claim, that economic should not be developed by sacrificing humankinds' health. This was an important but admittedly small step in the right direction for all the women who experience these types of attacks. He begins reading and searching for the truth about life and who he wants to be in the pages of books. Parents cant forever shield their child, but they can teach them to understand these issues. Homework should not be seen as a burden but as an avenue to instill discipline and . aspect is beautiful. Books should not be banned in libraries. Creates a bond between children and teachers. One reason I believe school board members should not ban books is because it gives students more of a challenge. For silent reading day, Daniel brought a picture book, And Tango Makes Three by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson, and pretty bookmark his mother gave him. farmers getting their crops ready for harvest only stirs my heart with love It is not illegal. Ask any woman who's used a dating app or voiced an innocuous opinion online and they probably have a story about being digitally accosted. Freedom of Speech isn't about protecting one type of opinion; it's about protecting EVERYONE'S right to speak up. We ain't afraid of no trolls! The government should not take away offensive reading content for three reasons. Books serve a good purpose. LGBTQ kids are taught through the books that talking about these issues is somehow shameful. Fire fighters strictly enforce these rules and burn any books they find still in existence at any cost. Real people whose families are still alive. Also that books can be encouraging and inspirational. "I was forced to go from this 17-year-old kid to a man in a matter of moments. Dont we already have one of those? information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Or how about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone? Hate speech both off and online should not be tolerated or ignored because its continuing to be a problem that too often leads to actual violence. They start to think that everything else is wrong. The following is a list of some of the many books that have been banned and challenged because of their LGBTQ content and themes. The smell of pumpkin everything is in the air. Book banning affects the people who read books to the people who write them. The Great Gatsby The talk of Even potty humor (like in Captain Underpants) has caused people to call for a ban. The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees one the freedom of religion, assembly, and right to petition. The book doesn't become banned until it is removed from a curriculum or library. We provide a large database of college essays and cover almost any subject there is in the curriculum. This might get you thinking why these books were banned. From cyber-bullying (harmful name calling and belittlement) to actual threats on their physical person. Cyber harassment laws vary greatly globally and nationally. Books are being banned for having mature themes, such as sex, violence, and violence. No school library should accept a book with a misspelling in the title. These statistics, such as 82 percent of youth exchange sex for money, are the realities of youth who are homeless. Philosophy Of Education: Montessori Method, Principles of Montessori Method of Education, The Realities of Social, Cultural and Literary Distinction, The Effects Of Standardized Tests On Students In Modern Education, The Part of Biblically-Based Education in the Christians Life, Philosophy of Education: Organizing the Classroom for Productive Studying, Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis, and Existential Philosophy, Nationalism as Ideology of Unity in 18th Century Europe, Deontology and Utilitarianism in the Accounting Career. This new law didn't make it easier it made it more difficult to have an abortion. If the students have no knowledge of new concepts, then it would become tougher for them to finish such homework on time. It merely bans certain breeds. On the contrary, proposers of this idea, that violent video games should be prohibited, argue that this is not sufficient reason to accept violent games in society. Why Books Shouldn't Be Banned. You can't siphon your power from us anymore. Type in your email and receive this essay in a second, Well be glad to send this essay to your email, though, Why Books Should Not Be Banned: Any Opinion Matters. When people take the time to review the content that a narrative contains, then there is always something to be taken from it. Online, women experience the whole gamut of denigration and verbal assault. These banned books also show a verity of perspectives rather then one perspective if they didnt read the banned books. Available from: Why are we humanizing some of the most evil people who ever existed? This reason is one of many reasons why people ban books through out the world. They even banned a childhood classic Where The Wild things Are ( There is no reason books should be banned. Sex, racism, religion and language are the main reasons why books are banned. For Saunders, a severe lack of freedom and personal space were among her many challenges. They instead are forced to live on the street or sleep on the couches of family and friends. Also that books can be encouraging and inspirational. By banning books, our basic rights as US citizens are kind of taken away. Songs About Being 17Grey's Anatomy QuotesVine Quotes4 Leaf CloverSelf Respect, 1. If a book is banned because of its explicit content, that overshadows the educational content and the moral lessons that the reader would take away from reading this book. It's all of this that makes this time of year feel warm and cozy. Privacy Policy paint a West Texas fall sunset never ceases to amaze me. Original work pushes boundaries in topic, theme, plot and structure. The man made the threats after Ms. Melville's friends attempted to defend her online. Parents should take responsibility for their child and help them grow and prosper. That hindered my ability to experience the world or be free or even breathe. Threatening someone with rape, degrading them, and shaming them in order to achieve the Alpha Male power you crave is disgusting! We saw it first with the Ted Bundy movie,Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, and now were seeing it with this new Dahmer show. Do not ban books that will give children the sight, speech, and. It comes to no surprise that the reason parents try to ban books are for their children because it goes against the parents morals, it contains sexual themes or scenes, it has cussing, or violence. A woman should not open Tinder to find that someone she has rejected has left a page long comment calling her an " ugly whore" and saying he was "throwing her a bone". The rise of true crime as a mainstream genre has desensitized us murder and death in general. Books also are one of the main sources that teach us about history, emotions, and new ways of thinking. The NN4Y Issue Brief on Consequences of Youth Homelessness report that 45 percent of homeless youth reported mental health issues with only nine percent having access to mental health services. We can find so much knowledge from books and gain so much life experience just from reading a book. Theyre being told that their existence doesnt count. Just by deleting the LGBTQ community from our literature discourages them from discussing it and talking to a teacher or an adult they trust. While there are some valid reasons for wanting a book banned from a school, the negative effects far outweigh those reasons. LGBTQ Book Bans and Challenges NCAC Staff 2021-05-05T12:51:22-04:00. Books serve a good lesson. For Urbani, the recent book bans are troubling particularly because they target works by or about people of color, LGBTQ people and members of other marginalized groups. Banning books should never happen because too many people won't learn from them and books are meant to be read not banned. Without books, much of today's entertainment would not be the same. A book can be banned for a number of reasons, but overall the, that one book you read that really opened your eyes? Also that books can be encouraging and inspirational. In the news last week was a story that women, especially women of color, know all too well. Halloween has almost come and gone, and it's nearly time to put away the costumes and finish off your candy. People ban books from classrooms because they believe children/teen books are, as said by The Hub, " [. (Actress and Writer, Leslie Jones, looking gorgeous at the Ghostbusters premiere). With the recent release of the new Ghostbusters, starring four amazingly talented women as our spectral-lassoing heroines, came a different sort of creepy-crawly that likes to lurk about and terrorize the masses; Internet Trolls! With that in mind, here are the Top 5 Books That Should Be Banned or Challenged (and why): The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. We dont have contrast and thus we cant grow together. No, the only true and acceptable reasons to ban books are "It was too sad, I cried" or "I disliked it personally" or "One time I met the author at a book signing and I accidentally said 'Love ya, bye,' and now I can never read anything they have written without reliving my shame." Pumpkin spice In the paragraphs below there will be an explanation on why books should not be banned. Remember that it's important for you to stand up to people who think a computer screen can protect them from the consequences of their actions. for the area I have grown up in. Banned books are basically books that are thought to be unsuited for their intended age group and are therefore challenged by parents to be removed from a school or any local library shelf. Its The Jeffrey Dahmer Story.. 60% of internet users said they had witnessed someone being called offensive names. Homeless youths often leave their homes due to emotionally or physically unsafe homes. The response so far has been disappointing as legislators just can't seem to keep up with technology. Theres a difference between wanting to inform the public of the dangers they might be encountering and just profiting off someone elses trauma. Here are five good reasons for kids to read banned books: Today's edgy is tomorrow's classic. 25% had seen someone being physically threatened. One of the main reasons is that preventing people from learning about some of the harsh realities of life robs them of the knowledge they need in order to grow. Unfortunately, Harry Potter is not the only perfectly good book that has been unfairly banned. November brings in the twilight of autumn and the chill in the airs gets a little bit cooler. The public education system has enough problems without allowing books with glaring mistakes. His artistic ability. Bourdieu pursued an elite acade IntroductionHumans have been interested in inaptitude for thousands of years. This may lead to serious problems for instance anxiety. Many fear that it's become the norm. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. Books should not be banned because of the lessons they can teach, the fact that a school should not even be able to ban them, and it can deprive a child of the opportunity to think, Why, when, by whom, and how was this book challenged or banned? Home Essay Samples Philosophy Philosophical Theory Philosophy of Education Why Books Should Not Be Banned: Any Opinion Matters. Banning books is against the writers right for freedom of speech, which is the first amendment. Usually, governments, religious institutions, and other authorities practice book . One reason books should not be banned is because books can teach a lesson. Anyway, it is September and that Countries who have tried to implement censorship are practicing control over their citizens, which is why Canada should not suppress the population from any literature. I had to figure out my next steps, my next meals, my next few dollars and how I'd spend them. ", When youth are not able to acquire housing themselves and overstay their welcome at their friend's homes, they are forced to look for youth housing programs such as: transitional Independent living, which provides homeless youth ages 16-20 with longer-term shelter and support; and crisis shelters, borough-based drop-in centers which provide youth up to the age of 24 with food, clothing and immediate shelter. Homelessness made me land on my own feet," he said. The parents shouldnt ban that certain book from everyone just because of the parents personal believes. When Hannah Baker, a fictional teen in the young adult novel "Thirteen Reasons Why," records 13 tapes explaining why she took her own life, it's her way of ensuring she isn't silenced. "Tight spacing, bed bugs, bunk beds and a gym full of families and homeless people." The essay is an argumentative one; violent games should not be banned. (Celebrate). Through this piece, I am going to explore why schools and colleges shouldn't ban books, and why it is important to fight these bans. knows what the weather will be like next week. Books like The Great Gatsby was and were challenged because of material that is considered sexually explicit, contained offensive language, or may be unsuitable for any age group. Another reason is that every book is written and published for a reason, if the publisher did not think the book was worth something or could have taught something, they would not have taken the time to publish it. One reason books should not be banned is because books can teach a lesson. "I told myself one day I will leave my situation. Banned Books Week states that "Many books have been banned or censored in one or more of these categories due to a misjudgment or misunderstanding about the book's contents and message.". Homeless youths are often forced to exchange sex or deal drugs to meet basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. ", 15 Signs You Went To Xavier College Preparatory, An Open Letter To My Elementary School Best Friend, 20 And Struggling, But Not Really Struggling. Lastly, the series, Harry Potter has inappropriate topics that led it to being banned like magic, sorcery, and witchcraft. She was bombarded with racial slurs, pornography, and was likened to a gorilla. "As a minor and a youth, one of your first obstacles will be your lack of credit history. Although she felt like her "education was delayed by constantly moving," Saunders was able to use her experience and talents to gain scholarships to assure that for the next four years, she has a place to call home. Banning books can deprive a child of the opportunity to think. If you really want people not to read a, has ever read a book has read a book by a banned author. Yes, that's right. To me, every One reason books should not be banned is because books can teach a lesson. To Saunders, bed bugs were not the worst part of living in the shelter. Its About , 9.Reasons Why Books Should Not Be Banned? But I want to address the fact that men and women experience all of this in very different ways. cake, pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin spice Scentsy, etc. 68. People are looking past the true meaning and, instead, are misunderstanding . . Another reason is that every book is written and published for a reason, if the publisher did not think the book was worth something, they would not have wanted to publish it. I am able to wipe the summer dust off my riding boots and pull out all In 1988, Ben Johnson from Canada was the first human to run 100m in 9.79 seconds at a sporting event. or downright immoral. "It's not just words. The information shared above about the question, 1.Why Books Should Not Be Banned, for the Sake of Learning, 2.OPINION: Books should not be banned in schools TommieMedia, 3.Why books should never be banned The Merciad, 4.Banned Books Top 3 Pros and Cons, 5.Why Books Shouldnt Be Banned Panther Print, 6.What Students Are Saying About Banning Books From School , 7.Why Books Shouldnt Be Banned | The Artifice, 8.Banning Books Is Not About Protecting Children. It also gives opportunity to the students to use the knowledge that they gained, and it practice students in developing good work habits. People are watching this show, and deep down they know its a true story, but I dont think they consciously realize it. Banning books would completely get rid of our freedom of expression and it would restrain our usually infinite imagination. This is a great discovery. A lot of women report having men threaten them with rape. The idea behind these laws is that public safety will be improved by their implementation. As the world processes and new books comes out, we must discuss ways to stop banning on books and remember what we engaged in and why we must stop for our future generations. First topic is that banning literature prevents knowledge. While all of this may not sound like much fun, there's still plenty to enjoy in November. Having poetry and hip hop as an outlet to break the barriers of my homelessness and my educational instabilities opened up endless possibilities for me such as winning scholarships, getting on Broadway, having Rosie Perez explain to a room full of people that I am not my past but a product of the future. Thousands of youth, however, are unable to escape homelessness through college or their natural talent like Saunders. The shelters I have been in all had bars around them. In 2014, the novel was also banned for reasons of inserted religious perspective. I understand the fascination with true crime. While these reasons are mostly legitimate, there is far more danger and harm in holding a book back from someone. One of my favorite things about fall is being able to throw on a cozy sweater and boots and walk out into the fresh, crisp air. Companionship In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, What Is The Argument With Fred Mcneill's Migration, What Is Nathaniel Branden Counterfeit Individualism. They assume that those that are struggling are lazy. People will miss out on many books if any books is banned. makes it officially time to start enjoying everything fall has to offer. For this particular article I'll be focusing on women but I want to acknowledge first and foremost that the issue effects a veritable rainbow of victims. Netflix just released a new series that has heads turning and jaws dropping. I think it is important for teens to read this book because it allows the readers to see how important it is for people to stand up for what they think is good for them, even if it isn 't accepted by society. For Alyssa Saunders, it was a combination of all three, specifically her mother's mental instability. Breed-specific legislation, also known as BSL, is a form of legislation in which certain breeds are made illegal. Banning books is censorship, and censorship is against the First Amendment. Free speech and hate speech cannot continue to be protected as if they were one entity. Sophomore students are at the age where they are old enough to know what is appropriate and what isnt and they can read a book that has bad words in it. Books also are one of the main sources that teach us about history, emotions, and new ways of thinking. The article goes on to say that the number jumps to 76% when you look at just women under the age of 30. Books should not be banned, and people who disapprove of certain literature can refrain from reading it. With all this time of changing out Patriotic/summer decor to 69. Essay Examples Editing It is so ironic that this book has become banned in some public schools. Privacy statement. On the other hand, books like George Orwell's Animal Farm have strong topics that may not suit some readers. Although good reasons for banning books exist, but the benefits of reading a banned book exceeds the benefits of not reading them because of the insight and help the books give for young kids and young adults. Instead of embracing the books, many decide to get rid of it and do not, Eyes by Judy Blume Should not be banned One of the reasons is that parents do not want their children to be exposed to inappropriate topics. Book banning is the reason why people . Law Professor Danielle Citron of the University of Maryland who wrote the book Hate Crimes in Cyberspace, emphasizes that we're only just now treating these incidents as actual threats. He finds in conclusion that reading banned books does not seem to be harmful and may even contribute to emotional and moral growth. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. Did you know that at one point in time for some reason or another these books were banned? This is exactly what readers should want out of a book. Banning books, like most forms of criticism, tends to be a knee-jerk reaction to an emotional response. Author Zibby ONeal said We try to teach young people the first amendment rights, but then deny them a book about repeated efforts to ban The Chocolate War (Day, 3). Melville recounts the incident as "terrifying" because her image was plastered everywhere. Fahrenheit 451 shows its readers how important reading is and how awful society would be if that joy was taken away from us. Fahrenheit 451 is about an alternate reality in which all books are actually banned and illegal to own. Some books are banned because they portray kids in dangerous situations; others get banned because they contain a poem about breaking dishes. Those words are chosen very specifically to make women feel threatened in ways that it might be difficult to make some men feel threatened," said Tara Moss - Canadian author, UNICEF ambassador and women's rights advocate - in a quote to CNET. Chronic headaches. He didnt want to be prevented from growing his mind anymore. The trees begin to become bare, losing most of their leaves at this point and we begin to brace for winter. There are multiple books around the world being banned. Professor James Blasingame says, as far as they can tell, they dont exist because they dont see themselves in any of the books they read. When we ban books, we compromise children's education and development. So while we look towards the end of October, as we head into the twilight of the year, just remember that there's still so much more to look forward to in the coming weeks of November. The danger in bans is terrifying as someone thinks their opinion is the only one that matters. Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society2. Its not just Netflix, either. Terms of Use. Dr. Chris Ferguson, part of the psychology department at the Stetson University, accomplished a study to find out if banned book indeed have a negative effect on students. 1. We have the freedom of speech, so why take away or censor our freedom to simply read and consume literature? Lets first look at the reasons books become banned in the first place. According to the article The First Amendment: Censorship, speech is routinely censored due to bias, or personal issues with the content (First Amendment, 3). November to me symbolizes time spent with family and friends creating warm memories to stave off the chilly days. Just googling "online harassment" brings up overwhelming amounts of literature and personal testimonies. The cycle of the seasons throughout the year has always been something that fascinates and intrigues me. Banned books should never have been censored in the first place. Pew Research Center Harassment Chart, 2014. I went to school and I did what I had to do. Unlike Film or TV, a book is only limited by an author's abilities as a writer. Book banning started because certain books made different people or different groups of people feeling challenged, uncomforted, offended, etc. The colors of all the leaves changing and falling delicately Books are a gateway to a world of imagination, but some schools are trying to shut those gates off by banning them. They execute this mostly to protect the younger generation from inappropriate language to violence. Anything goes when you're wearing the mask of cyber inconsequence. October, November, and December are some of my most favorite months within the entire year. I wasn't exactly surprised by these numbers. and Each playing a part as a best friend, a trusted individual, a counselor, a first love, and a rapist. One the other hand, these books can influence these young children for the better or for the worse as this study that Ferguson was just the beginning and more studies should be done.