FORUM. If component value has been changed, it will affect all the places where you bind the variable for the bind-value attribute. This bug confirmed by Microsoft in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 309338 For the workaround use a HTML dropdownlist with runat=server tag. Namespace: Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns Assembly: Syncfusion.Blazor.dll Syntax. How do I enable validation without using the DataAnnotationValidator? Support. DropDownList from an Enum St ep 3 Select DropDownList and MultiSelectDropdown Components Select "Default" examples. We will rectify this as soon as possible! . With cascading DropDownLists we can filter the values of a DropDownList according to the values of another DropDownList. Please try again. This is demonstrated in the following sample code where cascading dropdown list is rendered for the ShipCountry and ShipState columns when editing in datagrid. public class DropDownListEvents<TValue, TItem> : OwningComponentBase. Step 1 Install the Syncfusion Blazor extensions to Visual Studio. We will rectify this as soon as possible! TItem: A type which provides data list schema for the dropdown list events. Use the following CSS to customize the appearance of container element. In the following sample, when the data fetch request fails, the DropDownList displays the notification. We can bind a drop-down list in Blazor WebAssembly using the