She blamed others for things they were free of guilt for, False accusations towards everyone were the only things that came out her mouth. To understand the complicated relations between Proctor and Abigail, it is necessary to take a closer look at all of the problems that have occurred leading up to how the story ends. In the play, Mary fears she will be labled as a witch, so she urges Abigail tell the town the truth. In the beginning of the book Reverend Parris is worried that his reputation might fall because of what the kids have done in the woods. One example of this is Reverend Parris when hes talking to Abigail after Betty falls ill: But if you trafficked with spirits in the forest I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it (10). On the surface, Parris appears to be very concerned, Evans Now, the whole community knows to not hire her because she has a "dirty" name, meaning she is known for doing wrong. This concludes why, in the end, Reverend Parris can never succeed in being a good person., The witch trials supply Reverend Parris in numerous key ways. Miller paints a picture of the natural man and the internal war between privacy and reputation. John McCarthy, a politician, falsely accused government officials, One of the many works written and driven by Puritan influence, The Crucible by Arthur Miller has continued to influence life and thinkings. Abigail Williams can be described in a number of words. Get professional help and free up your time for more important things. At the beginning of the play when Parris is praying for his daughter to wake, he calls. While a servant in John Proctor 's household, Abigail briefly became John's lover before Elizabeth found out and fired her. Because reputation is such a big deal Elizabeth proctor lies to governor deputy Danforth about her husband committing the crime of lechery. Many villagers including respectable figures were accused, bringing up the idea that witchcraft was fallacious. At the end of the play, John Proctor confesses to witchcraft but refuses to hand over his signature. In Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, the perception of reputation being a way in which an individual can, The Crucible Essay - Zoey Gregory She is constantly caught up in a lie or is in the presence of trying to manipulate a person or a group of people. for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it (Miller 1131). Abigail cares about her reputation because she doesn't want to be accused of anything. The men in Salem could ultimately get away with more wrongful things. Abigail wanted John all to herself, so she accused John's wife Elizabeth and many . Since nobody in the town really liked Parris anyways, when rumors started spreading about his daughter and niece using witchcraft, he came to be terrified. Abigail Williams is a main character in The Crucible and historically the major instigator of the Salem Witch Trials. Her actions drive the . Lust, guilt, reputation, repression. Paris was questioning Abigails purity because if she or any woman did anything slightly wrong, it was a big deal. Abigail Williams is one of the most contradictory figures within The Crucible. Accusations of witchcraft made by townspeople against their neighbors led to confessions, by the accused, in order to save their own lives. However, it eventually ends up in his favor. Its story tracing the 1692 Salem Witch Trials has been widely read, received and understood, along with influencing the reader and their ideals. Updated on February 03, 2019. He thought they would try to over throw him as minister. The Crucibles Therefore, people actually began liking Parris and his family., Act I of The Crucible opens with Salems minister, the Reverend Parris, watching over his sick daughter Betty, wondering what is wrong with her. Throughout the book, there are many examples to show how this is true. Theocracy in the Crucible. Abigail Williams went through a hard time, which gave the illusion of her innocence. The Puritan community acts as a theocracy in which there appears to be no right to privacy, and people must conform to a strict moral code. Abigail Williams is Reverend Parris's niece who ends up getting caught dancing naked in the forest and reciting charms with Tituba and several other women. Salem has changed . Parris did anything he could to save his reputation such as interfering with the trials. This shows that Abby would lose more credibility than John, because if Elizabeth would have admitted that John had an affair, Abby would be arrested and no longer trusted. He wanted them brought forward and executed if they would not come to God and confess their sins. The longer the witch hunt went on, more people were turning on each other and lying to protect themselves. The Puritans in Salem live in a sacred society. One character in particular is Reverend Parris. As soon as witchcraft is found in his home, and his niece, daughter as well as his servant admit, out of blue they are all viewed as angels and saviors, come to save the city from the devil. The pernicious accusations, author approve or disapprove of a certain book in comparison to theirs? Halfway through the first act, Arthur Miller gives us a brief scene of John Proctor and Abigail together, revealing they have had a sexual affair. Women who were not pure also got treated poorly. In act one, Paris is concerned about Abigail's name in the town and says Your name in the town - it is entirely white, is it not? (Miller 11). Abigail to John P Act 1. In another writer's hands, Abby could have been portrayed in a sympathetic light. Both may influence us, however one self is fraught to triumph over another. She is the leader of her group of girlfriends and is willing to do anything to protect herself. This demonstrates that the play is about human and societal flaws instead of witch hunting because Parriss motives for questioning Abigail were to see what can be used against him rather than finding the source of the witchcraft. John to Abigail Act 1. Reputation in the Crucible Reputation plays a huge role in everyday society. Though its story has not changed and is merely a retelling of the original itself, What Is Abigail's Reputation In The Crucible. This character is Abigail Williams. Note: All essays placed on are written by students who kindly donate their papers to us. Miller reveals Parriss selfish attitude from the beginning of the play. The people of Salem would. As a result, hysteria ensued because the townspeople were suspicious of one another. Through out the play her accusations and lies cause many people pain and suffering, but she seemed to never care for any of them except John Proctor, whom she had an affair with seven months prior to the beginning of the play. They were expected to be pure and do everything asked of them. No one should want to want to ruin their reputation. One may perceive this as not a true change; it's just him realizing that being penniless and no, Abigail Williams is a very spiteful and bitter woman, but she has the biggest influence on the play with all the lies she tells about people being witches which are believed and cost some people their lives. That evening in the forest, he also saw a cauldron and a frog leaping into it. Miller tried to point out the similarity between the fear during the Salem witch trials and the fear of communism in the 1950s. To hold up one's reputation is a theme that is illustrated by the actions of abigail and procter. Abigail's Motivation In The Crucible. He then realized that he was the only one who knew about this proof, which had the power to end the witchcraft nonsense. John was also already not trusted because he didnt go to church regularly, and his wife was suspected of being a witch. In this case it occurs in the crucible. "But I will cut off my hand before I'll ever reach for you again". To get a high-quality original essay, click here. Men were able to treat women this way and there was nothing they could do about it. I will not have it said my name is soiled!." (12) She is motivated to cover up the rumors of witchcraft and hide her affair with John Proctor, fearing the consequences. His daughter lays unconscious in front of him and there is a rumor that she is victim of witchcraft. At first, Abigail said her and the girls were just dancing, but the truth crawled its way out of Abigail eventually. He worries that if the townspeople learn that his daughter and niece have fiddled with witchcraft, his position as pastor could be, Parriss insecurities are partially due to his daughter being unwell but privately he is concerned for his own reputation. samples are real essays written by real students who kindly donate their papers to us so that Initially he was frightened that any indication of witchcraft be established in his home; he has been the Reverend after all, has not been establishing in effectively with the community. Abigail is not only the one to blame for the disasters that occurred in the crucible, but is also someone whose word can not be trusted.She has lied about everything, she went around dragging people with good reputations down without hesitation or any remorse. After John admitted to the affair, he was not imprisoned and he was still listened to. The fear of witchcraft turns the once peaceful village upside down and accusations destroy the lives and reputations of so many people. How can a girl who condemned seventy two to a death sentence and drank a charm to kill a mans wife, a man she has slept with on more than one occasion be the victim? If it was established that it was his home that was the origin of witchcraft, he would end up being unemployed. To hold up one's reputation is a theme that is illustrated by the actions of abigail and procter. People fear others thinking badly of them and will often act to avoid being viewed as different or badly by others, regardless of their morals. She is vindictive, selfish and reckless in her pursuit for power and affection. Abigail should be the one held accountable for all imprisonments and execution of all the innocent people, because she lied her way through the witch trials so she could get what she wanted, and her biggest reason was to get John Proctor. Parris saw the girls attempting witchcraft in the woods, yet as the play moves forward, he doesnt say anything about it for fear of his enemies ruining him and taking away his reputation as a minister. On the surface, Parris appears to be very concerned, The Crucible by Arthur Miller is an elaborate play that tells the story of the village of Salem and how the community slowly falls apart because of a strategic witch hunt ploy. Once shunned and scorned by the respectable townsfolk who had heard rumors of her affair with John Proctor, Abigail now finds that she has clout, and she takes full advantage of it. The Many Lies in Salem Arthur Miller is trying to tell the reader that there were plenty of times where people in Salem have tried to protect their reputation. One character in particular is Reverend Parris. These two characters have a huge impact on how the story goes and plays out without their commotion there wouldn't be much of a story Early in the story, Explain What Part Does Tv Play In Limiting Children's Concept Of Gender Roles, The Influence Of Cheetos In Popular Culture. Next, Abigail threatens the girls to keep quiet: The Crucible: The Evilness and Selfishness of Abigail Williams Parris tries to get Abigail to tell him the truth but Abigail is so cruel that she wont come out. One of the major foils is Reverend Parris to John Proctor. Expert Answers. Mary says that because she did not want to have her reputation tarnished. The importance of reputation makes a prominent appearance in todays society as well as in the Crucible. He was respected by the town. The Many Lies in Salem I have given you my soul; leave me my name! bellowed John Proctor to Danforth in Act IV. Throughout the play, it is made obvious that witchcraft is something that can cause the people of Salem to be hanged. Abigail's motive was power and social status; their decision to not confess causes more problems within the community by the end of the play. For this reason innocent citizens are then prosecuted for witchcraft because of the ignorant beliefs of certain people, who preferred to believe a child instead of looking for evidence. All Injustice is something has become very common amongst us. One of the driving fears that comes up quite often in The Crucible is the fear of a bad reputation. He had the option to confess to witchcraft or be hanged; he had lost all of his power. To understand the complicated relations between Proctor and Abigail, it is necessary to take a closer look at all of the problems that have occurred leading up to how the story ends. However, she assures her reputation is pure and good. Through the literary work The crucible by Arthur Miller, it is introduced that this complex story shows many up and downs. She also attempts a homicide just because shes jealous. Arthur Millers idea that reputation is staggeringly important in order to present yourself is presented throughout the story. If he had admitted to his household being involved in the first place, far fewer people would have died. Answer He was also hesitant to admit the affair because that would hurt his reputation. Rebecca Nurse and, eventually, John Proctor, choose to protect their integrity. In the play, Mary fears she will be labled as a witch, so she urges Abigail tell the town the truth. Abigail Williams showed the importance of her reputation by lying and threatening during difficult situations. Parris and Hale are both upset by the content of Tituba's words yet they will choose to believe her. As exemplified in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, witch trials took place. Parris is hooked on his reputation in Salem and trying to hold onto his power, so he never pays much attention to Abigail or his own daughter, Betty. about her husband committing the crime of lechery. Act Four of Arthur Miller 's play The Crucible takes place in Salem jail, during the fall following Elizabeth's trial. John Proctor was avoiding the truth in a very important situation. AP Lang 1 Abigail Williams in Act One of The Crucible by Arthur Miller Abigail in the Crucible Act 1 Within the Crucible, there lies a complex story involving the accounts and happenings surrounding the 1692 Salem witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts. More than anything else, Parris is worried about his reputation . IvyMoose is the largest stock of essay samples on lots of topics and for any discipline. One is deceitful. To hold up one's reputation is a theme that is illustrated by the actions of abigail and procter. English III H her selfish and evil ways, causes the destruction of many people in the town of This obsession with keeping his name clean is shown again towards the end of the play when John Proctor tells the court of the girls dancing in the woods. Abigail is beautiful, intelligent, crafty, and vindictive. Abigail's motive was power and social status; their decision to not confess causes more problems, Arthur Millers intense play, The Crucible, used historical figures and events to mimic the witch trials of Salem, and it touched on religious, justice, and the supernatural which stirred up a mixture of hate, lies, and forgiveness. She is seen as a sweet, innocent, young girl. Abigail Williams, a vicious antagonist from Arthur Miller's The Crucible, will stop at nothing to attain her demented goals. Salem Massachusetts in 1692 is a dark period of disseminating hysteria. Abigail is still in love with John, and wants to believe that he is still in love with her (even after he says he is not). Abigail's character traits, motivations and conflicts are key factors in driving the plot of The Crucible. Because they are attempting to protect their prominence, each of them tend to act abnormally in the Puritan society. for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it (Miller 1131). The Crucible recounts the true story of the Salem Witch Trials, a frantic witch hunt in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. Indians broke into her home while they were sleeping and slaughtered everyone she loved. When first questioned, Abigail denies that she or Betty have been involved in witchcraft, but she admits that they were dancing in the forest with Tituba. Abigail had an affair with Mr. Proctor while tending to the needs of the house. The people in Salem have tried to protect it in order to look better in the town. This proves that over the course of most of the story, he keeps the same values (or lack there of). B. Priestley Essay Example, Use of Tones in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe and A Dolls House by Henrik Isben, Romeo and Juliet Still Relevant Persuasive Essay Sample, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Judge Danforth was waiting for Elizabeth to speak on the situation, and said to Abigail And if she tell me, child, it were for harlotry, may God spread His mercy on you (Miller 103). She used to live at the home of John and Elizabeth Proctor, but they asked her to leave for some mysterious reason., The book The Crucible by Arthur Miller was successful in warning the citizens of America against McCarthyism during the 1950s. Reverend Parris illustrates that the play isnt about witch hunting but rather human and societal flaws because his is more concerned about his reputation in town compared to the welfare of the girls. Proctor asks Hale if hes considered that the reason so many are confessing to witchcraft may be because they will hang if t Upholding ones reputation is a common theme in The Crucible. In the town of Salem, women are set to very high standards. Her reputation in Salem, Addington By clicking Receive Essay, you agree to our, Lady Macbeth is Responsible for Macbeth's Death Essay Sample, The Crucible Deleted Scene Analysis Essay Sample, Lady Macbeth's Mental Illness Analysis Essay Sample, Hamlet Tragic Hero Research Essay Example, Love, Death and Destiny in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Cyrano de BergeracLiterature Essay Sample, Generation Gap Theme in An Inspector Calls byJ. Abigail was galvanized by love, creating a duplicitous version of herself and sparked conflict between herself, Proctor, and Elizabeth., In the play The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, Abigail Williams is a very manipulative, seductive, and dishonest person. The court was only interested in what Abigail did, and overemphasized her situation. Abigail is one of the most misunderstood characters because she is so good at lying that it almost seems like she is telling the truth., As the Salem minister in the Puritan era, Parriss personifications mirror one who possesses a brim-stone and fiery demeanor and one who does not take into account anybodys suggestions without his affirmation. Abigail Williams is the vehicle that drives the play. Because reputation is such a big deal Elizabeth proctor lies to governor deputy Danforth After all, she is under age and has been sleeping with a supposedly honorable man thirteen years her senior. When Abigail denies that they were practicing witchcraft, he does not believe her. Reputation is tremendously significant in theocratic Salem. A mere accusation from one of Abigail's troop is enough to incarcerate and convict even the most well-respected inhabitant of Salem. With all eyes on her, and a need to save her reputation, she quickly replies, "I never called him! This question could refer to two different acts; however, Abigail's actions have jeopardized the same thing in each of those cases. As each day passed, John was losing power. Mary wanted to have a good reputation this desire ended up messing her up in the end. The court thought differently about Abigail. The Puritan community acts as a theocracy in which there appears to be no right to privacy, and people must conform to a strict moral code. He tells her just as he is starting to gain reputation Abigail might compromise his character. There was no such thing as private moralities, instead, a person's reputation was a public matter showcased for the town to judge and discern. she is a young woman, having passions and desires. John P to Rev P and Putnam Act 1. Salem. Parris is infuriated and he begins questioning Abigail, as he saw her and several other girls dancing in the woods. In the story, Abigail is a hirable maid who stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Proctor. The pernicious accusations, has a reputation to protect. Reputation is immensely important in 1692, and possible even more so, in modern, In today's society a person's reputation is more important than a persons integrity because it is how people perceive you. Any subject. The Crucibles was written by Arthur Miller reminiscent of McCarthyism in the 1950s. Found a perfect sample but need a unique one? In Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, the perception of reputation being a way in which an individual can, Arthur Miller shows that reputation is most important in The Crucible through character development and dialogue. This website uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. In act one when his daughter Betty is sick, Parris seem worried but only about his reputation. play. Any deadline. The Puritans were very religious, the other side represents our private lives. Abigail showed her fear of a blackened reputation through her hasty accusations when being accused herself. Thus, these essays are of lower quality than ones written by experts. One can have either a respected or shriveled reputation. When the witch hunt started to get out of hand, John had the power to end it. 12 October 2010 He could tell the court about the affair and expose what kind of a person Abigail was, which would lead the court to stop believing Abigails false accusations. The judges would also be less likely to do something after hearing John Proctors proof because people were already being hanged. By using it, you accept our. Abigail makes up lies to get what she wants, to get out of trouble, and to manipulate others. but she is thought of as a child, which causes tension., Abigail Williams is the niece of Reverend Samuel Parris in Arthur Millers book the Crucible. In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, there is one character who, because of After this happened, Abigail was forced to move into her Uncle, Reverend Parris house. It is not until his niece flees from Salem with all of his money that he seems to change. 12 October 2010 People not assuming the responsibility for what theyve done, the damage theyve caused. The Salem Witch looked to be so innocent, because of this she had everyone fooled. The actions Abigail takes against Elizabeth are the result of her obsession. The theme of reputation, lying, and deceit are shown in Abigail, John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Mary, match reality. This shows as Miller presents him a somewhat a villain. Reputation is also a very big thing in The Crucible by Arthur Irony, which highlights the differences between the two, is an often misused and misunderstood literary device that can work wonders when used correctly. Women in Salem had a higher risk of hurting their reputations. They were expected to be "pure" and do everything asked of them. John Proctor didnt utilize his social power to stop the witch hunt soon enough, because by the time he tried to assert his power, the court had already become more powerful than him. This deceit and manipulative behavior is the main . In act one on page 18 she threatened Betty to follow her rules or she will kill her. These characteristics pertain particularly to Abigail, and give a graphic She's also a skillful liar. She is a complex character who wants to be in a relationship with a married farmer, John Proctor. All rights reserved. For example, even though Parris questions Abigail about what she was doing in the forest, he does not want to go and deny that there is no witchcraft being taken place because he fears it will hurt his reputation., Reverend Parris is greedy and selfish. Her reputation in Salem Lies and Deceit He is set from the beginning to prove that his daughter and niece are not involved in witchcraft. However, because of his position Parris has become very selfish and cares about his reputation in the community more than anything else. Lust, guilt, reputation, vengeance. English III H In the town of Salem, women are set to very high standards. In the play The Crucible, one of the main themes is the non-tolerance of things outside of the traditional customs and beliefs. The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, was written during the early 1950s.It was the time of The rise of Senator Joseph McCarthys.All throughout history, accusations of witchcraft have been used as an excuse for the discrimination of people who cultures, traditions, race, and ideas were not easily accepted nor understood by the society even if it was untrue.In todays society students are taught this because it shows how important The Crucible, and McCarthyism were and what changes they went through because of the human condition.It is extremely important and appropriate because it allows students the opportunity to respond in terms of their own experiences .The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism had many similarities. Abigail Williams from The Crucible is a clear representation of how impactful, Arthur Miller shows that reputation is most important in The Crucible through character development and dialogue. 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