Needless to say, to avoid turning into a whale, I gave up ice cream. Shampoos in the form of pastes or creams were formerly marketed in jars or tubes. 77343) shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of 73.1015 (a) and (b). Need I go on? The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows polysorbate 60 to be directly added to food as a flavoring agent or as a multipurpose additive. Theres so many crooked people with moneyBill Gates,David Rothschild. Sapindus, also known as soapberries or soapnuts, a tropical tree widespread in India, is called ksuna (Sanskrit: )[6] in ancient Indian texts and its fruit pulp contains saponins which are a natural surfactant. Also, alcohol is drunk and go through an open system, vaccines are injected into the blood stream, a closed system. Polysorbate 80; Polysorbate 20; According to the Talcum Powder and Cancer page at site, talc is composed of magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. Microparticles had a mean diameter of 85.83 m. I have a 5 page list of derivatives and polysorbate 80 is on that list. Bacterial infections in pets are sometimes treated with antibacterial shampoos. In the 1990s it was 1/200. how foods tasted but mostly products I used on my skin. Protect them. This is accomplished by one or more of the following formulation strategies. (c) Use and restrictions. All these are meant to treat or prevent seborrhea oleosa, which is a condition characterized by excess oils. First,Everyone is up in arms about polysorbate 80 in their ice cream and it causing stomach cancer when they are probably going to die of a massive myocardial infarction (heart attack) or cerebral vascular accident (stroke) long before the stomach cancer has time to metastasize (spread) throughout your body and kill you.There is enough fat and sugar in the junk food you eat that has the polysorbate 80, that you need to worry about other health issues first.Second,Vaccines are so much safer today than they were when I was a child and I am here living, breathing, and have no physical, mental, or emotional problems. Regular particle morphology without amorphous and/or sticking characteristics was achieved only when an ethylcellulose : DR ratio of 1 : 0.25 and 1.0% polysorbate 80 were used. Not more than 9 p.p.m. Hematein, not less than 5 percent and not more than 20 percent. I hope you watch them and get something out of them as well. The color additive carmine shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of 73.100 (a)(2) and (b)(2). And especially on the side of the breast (close to the armpit) . If you have a fat belly, chances are you have a gut imbalance, may be leaky gut! (b) Specifications. It can pass through the BBB. The color additive is carbazole violet (Pigment Violet 23) (CAS Reg. Polysorbate 80 is in the vitamin K shot. While I agree wholeheartedly with you about the ill effects of some commonly used allopathic medicines, I am left dumbfounded by your categorizing David Rothschild as crooked. (e) Exemption from certification. Cut your strings and see the light doctor or not Pat. 16,17-Dimethoxydinaphtho [1,2,3-cd:3,2,1-lm] perylene-5,10-dione. The reason was that I was trying to lose weight. The color additive is 16,23-dihydrodinaphtho [2,3- a:2,3-i] napth [2,3:6,7] indolo [2, 3-c] carbazole-5,10, 15,17,22,24-hexone (CAS Reg. FUNCTION NOTES 1. Its a mineral,for peters sake. Wishing you well 3 years out. But vulvae and vaginas have more permeable skin than most of the rest of the body. Or someone could react 5 out of 5 which means they are deathly allergic.I am extremely curious where you obtained the information to back your claim that Unless you actually have celiac disease, gluten cannot possibly affect you in any way. Where did you get your medical degree from? We started questioning gluten so the dr ordered a test for celiac disease. Its heavy metal and other forms of toxic poisoning. All of you went about your lives totally fine, using Polysorbate 80 in lotions/makeup, and eating it without any issue. Thanks, ps this is what I found about what polysorbate 20 is doesnt sound so bad here, can you explain why it is? Well done Carol!. (Givaudan) Hassel: That's a good word. These shampoos are made of sulfur, salicylic acid, refined tar (which cannot be used on cats), selenium sulfide (cannot be used on cats) and benzoyl peroxide. Specialty shampoos are marketed to people with dandruff, color-treated hair, gluten or wheat allergies,[why?] I have concluded that, for me, it provides the most trust-worthy, understandable scientific data about supplements, and I buy none without researching the information they provide both on their website and the numerous links they also provide. The color additive dihydroxyacetone shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of 73.1150 (a)(1) and (b). Certification of this color additive is not necessary for the protection of the public health, and therefore batches thereof are exempt from certification under section 721(c) of the act. The color additive luminescent zinc sulfide may be safely used for coloring externally applied facial makeup preparations and nail polish included under 720.4(c)(7)(ix) and (c)(8)(v) of this chapter, respectively, to the following restrictions: (1) The amount of luminescent zinc sulfide in facial makeup preparations shall not exceed 10 percent by weight of the final product. You can use an elimination diet to systematically figure out what could be causing the reaction. Predictably following the AMA and petro/pharma business model, those rendering advice are routinely known to downplay the very real risks of toxins. Just found out this is in Apri, a birth control pillIts also in the flu vax and others as mentioned.I had an allergy test because I have developed allergies and eczema and Polysorbate 80 was my highest allergen, so I started looking for what they are in. Carbon is an element and C02 is a gas too, so that does away with global warming and climate change. Restores and protects the skin barrier function; Counteracts the drying effect of water and detergents by reinforcing or re-creating a protective film; PEG 40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil (and) Polysorbate 20 (and) Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil. 98114-32-0). Its in so much of what we use everyday, and its also disguised as E numbers, its impossible to avoid, and I know one day it will kill me . Gluten, casein, GMOs, MSG, artificial ingredients, and other toxins including ingredients from commercial cosmetics and body care products must be completely avoided. The color additive titanium dioxide shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements on 73.575 (a)(1) and (b). (b) Specifications. Despite the approval of polysorbate 60 by the CIR Expert Panel, there are concerns about the presence of ethylene oxide in this ingredient. (a) Identity. (a) Identity. It actually builds new enamel. I have found it in dairy products too! Most of these chemicals exist as natural flavors or can be extracted from them. Despite the approval of polysorbate 60 by the CIR Expert Panel, there are concerns about the presence of ethylene oxide in this ingredient. The color additive and any mixtures prepared therefrom intended solely or in part for coloring purposes shall bear, in addition to any other information required by law, labeling in accordance with the provisions of 70.25 of this chapter. Loss on ignition at 600-650 C, not more than 2 percent. There is an injury by vaccines trust set aside. No. Ive been trying to figure out what the reaction was triggered by and looking at the ingredients list I think it may be this one. Mica may be safely used in amounts consistent with good manufacturing practice to color dentifrices and externally applied drugs, including those for use in the area of the eye. Oh, and the Earth is not flat, the holocaust did indeed happen, and we have, in fact, landed on the moon. 73.1010 Alumina (dried aluminum hydroxide). No. The label of the color additive and of any mixture prepared therefrom intended solely or in part for coloring purposes shall conform to the requirements of 70.25 of this chapter. (a) Identity. Black pepper extract is another enhanced absorption ingredient that is GRAS but that may cause problems for some folks. (b) Uses and restrictions. According to Michelle Hanjani, a dermatologist at Columbia University, a gradual reduction in shampoo use will cause the sebum glands to produce at a slower rate, resulting in less grease in the scalp. And the FDA says there is no evidence that it is not safe! Name But are those artificial flavors safe? But what can I say after this experience? Numerous studies have been performed. Why should we eat or use skin products derived from poison, when there are perfectly safe alternatives ? Look it up. Titanium dioxide may be a mineral (actually there are several forms of it, Anatase and Rutile being the most common), but that doesnt mean its a good idea to ingest it. (, Hydrophilic groups: long polyoxyethylene groups. Cheaper to eat this way as you are not buying non food items such as cold cereals, chips, gummy bears, fruit roll ups, lunchables, cold cuts . UM NONE! & If they somehow do get sued, they settle out of court and pass a law that no one can ever sue them for that again. These rats that had adverse effects had polysorbate as 20% of their diet and the effects were mild. Make up doesnt help LOL my skin looks better without none. Overall, thousands of flavor chemicals are being added to foods without FDA oversight or review of the available safety information or the concentration used. Asbestos is a mineral, for crying out loud. is not natural as it is made from chemical synthesis between sorbitan fatty acid with ethylene oxide. Another absorption enhancer is black pepper extract, which is GRAS, but with its own issues for some people. (b) Uses and restrictions. 73.3117 16,23-Dihydrodinaphtho[2,3-a:2,3-i] naphth [2,3:6,7] indolo [2,3-c] carbazole-5,10,15,17,22,24-hexone. A lemon to orange-coloured oily liquid or semi-gel at 25C. I cant believe you used ethical and doctor in the same sentence!!!lol. (1) The color additive talc is a finely powdered, native, hydrous magnesium silicate sometimes containing a small proportion of aluminum silicate. 59825. You cannot assume Polysorbate 80 is merely a 3 on their scale but must take the limitations of their approach into account. No. Ever notice that the word pharma is almost always used in a negative context? 73.3120 16,17-Dimethoxydinaphtho [1,2,3-cd:3,2,1-lm] perylene-5,10-dione. (a) Identity and specifications. Um I believe talc is titanium dioxide.. ? For example, Johnson's Baby Shampoo advertises under the premise of "No More Tears". The color additive caramel shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of 73.85(a)(1), (2), and (3) and (b). 172.615 of this chapter : Shellac, purified: Food grade Pre-Columbian Andean civilizations used this soapy by-product as a shampoo.[21]. [58 FR 3227, Jan. 8, 1993, as amended at 58 FR 17510, Apr. Also, consider yourself extremely lucky to be able to eat whatever you want and not have severe cramping and other terrible things happening to you! (d) Exemption from certification. The skin does not absorb Polysorbate 80 nor does it permeate the layers of the skin. (b) Specifications. Silver shall conform to the following specifications and shall be free from impurities other than those named to the extent that such other impurities may be avoided by good manufacturing practice: Silver (as Ag), not less than 99.9 percent. Jane, maybe we should boycott alcohol, but that is not likely the problem for our children. Thereafter I tracked weight daily for a period of time. Ill be checking ingredients labels even more closely now.Anything to avoid him having a colostomy bag at such a young age. The color additive zinc oxide shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of 73.1991 (a)(1) and (b). 73.1125 Potassium sodium copper chloropyhllin (chlorophyllin-copper complex). These people are a bunch of loonie toons. Shampoos made for treating medical conditions such as dandruff[26] or itchy scalp are regulated as OTC drugs[27] in the US marketplace. to air on the side of caution. 73.295 Tagetes (Aztec marigold) meal and extract. For example, many products are purported to protect hair from damage due to ultraviolet radiation. This is a very common thing and really makes me wonder about the food we are allowing people to eat here. bwahahahaha. When they returned to Europe, they introduced the newly learned habits, including the hair treatment they called shampoo. You just stated yourself your kids tested positive for ALLERGIES. By 1988 the vaccines tripled in number. My mother had it 4 times & the 5th time came back as pancreatic. PERIOD.Let the buyer beware! Is TRUTH AND a WARNING. [1] It dated to 1762 and was derived from the Hindi word cp (, pronounced[tpo]),[2][3] itself derived from the Sanskrit root capati (), which means 'to press, knead, or soothe'. (, Categorized in Emulsifiers, stabilisers, thickeners and gelling agents (. Every single thing you are told about vaccines is a lie: polio in the first world is normally a mild and transient fever, what got FDR and all those kids was a pesticide then in use during the summer. The color additives are the copolymers formed as the reaction product of 1,4-bis[4-(2-methacryloxyethyl)phenylamino]anthraquinone (C.I. Its like being afraid of being mugged by killer clowns or something else ridiculous. What Is Polysorbate 80 And Why Should You Avoid It? They commonly contain benzoyl peroxide, chlorhexidine, povidone iodine, triclosan, ethyl lactate, or sulfur. Glad I took all my vaccines in the fifties and sixties, which may have been worse. (2) Cadmium, not more than 5 mg/kg (5 ppm). No. Eat the WHOLE FOOD. Maybe he should try and ingest it. This is not controlled by pharmaceutical companies and their conflicted advice. [40][41], In the 1970s, ads featuring Farrah Fawcett and Christie Brinkley asserted that it was unhealthy not to shampoo several times a week. (a) Identity and specifications. Certification of this color additive is not necessary for the protection of the public health, and therefore batches thereof are exempt from the certification requirements of section 721(c) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. It is free from admixture with other substances. Since reading the article, I wonder is food-grade PS80 toxic? (c) Uses and restrictions. (b) Specifications. Now they are everywhere the rise directly correlates to the increase of vax injections we now get. What matters is how much, what kind, what its mixed with, and the actual amount present in the substance. I think sheeple believing in fairy tale propaganda and made up vaccine history and delivering ad hominem attacks is truly scary. Polyvinyl alcohol is used to prevent the agglomeration of crystals and the formation of amorphous silver. I also use a free drops with warm water as mouthwash. 69825. What Is Isohexadecane? 121888-69-5) with one or more vinyl and/or acrylic monomers to form the contact lens material. Polysorbate 20 is often used in water-based cosmetics to guarantee that essential oils and aroma oils combine well with the bases. Since it would take at least 2 weeks for the test results I was not willing to wait that long. Its not toxic or harmful. Many, many of these problems will be found to have an organic cause. Grown ethically and organically. (a) Identity. You are not their body. While doctors identified Polysorbate 80 as the cause, no other incidences of this type of reaction have been reported.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'thegoodhuman_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegoodhuman_com-leader-3-0'); A recent study has shown a real connection between ingesting Polysorbate 80 and the development of bowel problems it could be a real worry for those with a predisposition to Colitis. Because you are told n chemistry class that vaccines are safe and effective does not make you educated on vaccine safety. We eat home made from scratch and home grown organic wholefoods but do occassionally slack off and buy a conveniently ready-made product. It is great to know that there are enlightened people around the world as 90 % of even educated people are part of the the herd, worse than a herd of cattle, which, at least, you can direct into the right direction. I react very strongly to Sorbital and Manitol. Again you are at the mercy of drug companys. If you would like more information regarding this subject, please visit Polysorbate 60 functions as a surfactant, emulsifier, solubilizer and dispersing agent. You can see it on YouTube.Theres also a new procedure called Interventional Radiology and Vascular Interventional Radiology. Obviously you are WAY smarter than everyone, so I applaud you sir. (d) Exemption from certification. It bonds with aluminum in vaccines and allows the aluminum to cross over into the brain. Poly80 is in vaccines, and will open the blood brain barrier. Total color, not less than 4.5 percent and not more than 5.5 percent. Sorry, but studies are bought and paid for by the industries themselves and are severely compromised. I was looking into it in Foods to see who the digestion system handles it. Coal tar and salicylate derivatives are often used as well. You provide all the wonderful information that you received from somewhere but did you ever stop to wonder where the information you got came from? Sorbitan is the dehydrated form of sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that can naturally be found in some fruits. To preserve the shelf life which ultimately lead to more sales, more profit. Natural food is best, no fillers, pesticides, GMOs(mutated not modified) or any other B.S. Its many times, a cumulative affect that over time erodes health, Exactly what the silver fillings are doing. If look outside of your little bubble and join the human race is your kind of kindly Id sure like to see what your unkind way of trying to get your point across is. The color additive ferric ammonium ferrocyanide shall conform in identify and specifications to the requirements of 73.1298 (a)(1) and (b). So I might eat them this time considering I have already been limiting my food intake, being very selective.Thanks for the info ??? CL in a results list during a search for a health-related topic. Polysorbate 20/40/80 totally responsible for my 23 year battle with nasal polyps. That includes medicines. What is your reason for the negativity? In processed food, this mixture of chemicals is called flavor. The same mixture of chemicals would be called fragrance if it were found in cleaning products, perfumes or cosmetics. FOLLOW THE MONEY people! Also, check out the ingredients in a package of frozen Tilapia. Other essential ingredients include salt (sodium chloride), which is used to adjust the viscosity, a preservative and fragrance.Other ingredients are generally included in An emulsion is a mixture of two or more liquids that are normally immiscible (unmixable or unblendable) owing to liquid-liquid phase separation.Emulsions are part of a more general class of two-phase systems of matter called colloids.Although the terms colloid and emulsion are sometimes used interchangeably, emulsion should be used when both phases, dispersed and Theres no such thing as gluten sensitivity, theres only celiac disease. Emollient shampoos are efficient in adding oils to the skin and relieving the symptoms of a dry and itchy skin. That is why whole foods are the best. Alcohol passes quite easily into your BBB, I dont see anyone boycotting alcohol and saying that it causes Alzheimers or Autism. Really, some of the comments you replied to are years old. Unless you actually have celiac disease, gluten cannot possibly affect you in any way. Adding this ingredient to oil-based cosmetics may also help to eliminate clumping and settling. Being a mineral doesnt absolve a substance from being a health hazard. Shampoo is generally made by combining a surfactant, most often sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate, with a co-surfactant, most often cocamidopropyl betaine in water to form a thick, viscous liquid. Its general purpose in cosmetics is to mix water and oil together. 5, 1993, as amended at 60 FR 10497, Feb. 27, 1995; 78 FR 19415, Apr. (3) C.I. 4858980. x. Pharmacy product . Formulated without artificial fragrance, mineral oil, parabens, sulfates and artificial colouring and cruelty-free. (60 Minutes) Safer: And then have more. The final step is the reaction with fatty acids obtained from vegetable fats and oils, such as lauric acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, or oleic acid. apparent by now that most of those on this thread dont give a blankety-blank about chemistry or any science relating there unto.Its all about anecdotal evidence and scuttle butt from social media. It was determined I had a severe reaction and it was reported to the manufacturer. Special care must be taken not to use those products on pets. 73.3115 2-[[2,5-Diethoxy-4-[(4-methylphenyl)thiol]phenyl]azo]-1,3,5-benzenetriol. (Givaudan) Hassel: Exactly. The color additive and any mixture prepared therefrom intended solely or in part for coloring purposes shall bear, in addition to any information required by law, labeling in accordance with 70.25 of this chapter. (2). (d) Labeling. Polysorbate 60 or Tween 60, the full name polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate, is an ingredient made from sorbitol, stearic acid. I still havent found whether or not it is a sulfite, but this page has introduced me to some other things to consider. Indoctrinated through education?Ah, anti-intellectualism:Helping make the worlda better place through demonizing knowledge andtraining. No. My grandmother worked for Dr. Crook and always told my mom things to do for us that people are starting to do now! If you drink a LARGE amount of this, for some odd reason you would, of course you will get ill! I would rather trust the FDA of the EU as their restrictions are much better and more trustworthy. The FDA is using us all for guinea pigs.Thank everyone for your comments, even though the sarcasm may be a little thick. 73.3105 1,4-Bis[(2-methylphenyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione. Your ancestors were fortunate, as when the English came down from the trees, they found all kinds of Germanic people tilling the land and building factories. Properties. (BTW, theres a specific protocol down below with specific recommendations for you if you dont want to go clicking on all these individual links.) According to the Natural Flavor Questionnaire from a large organic certifier, the additives not allowed in natural flavor in organic foods include propylene glycol, polyglycerol esters of fatty acids, mono- and di-glycerides, benzoic acid, polysorbate 80, medium chain triglycerides, BHT, BHA, triacetin. THIS SITE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR ADVICE OR TREATMENT FROM A QUALIFIED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. You dont need to be an expert, or doctor to know your body. The herbal mouthwash is prepared from the following components in parts by weight: 0.01 to 0.03 part of a sweetener, 0.04 to 0.1 part of Tween 80, 0.04 to 0.1 part of sodium chloride, 0.5 to 4 parts of herbal extract and the balance of water, wherein the herbal extract comprises herba Data provided by LabelINSIGHT. (c) Labeling. I am concerned about anything in the Vaccines which can cause any big time reaction. Since I have removed it from my diet I feel so much better. contact the publishing agency. The structure of adenosine was first described in 1931, 7 though the vasodilating effects were not described in literature until the 1940s. The more soldiers you send the sooner the war is over. The dyes that may be used alone or in combination are. Get on the train or get further and further behind. its not natural so as vaccines, all ice cream, pudding and all sauces that are being marketed and being sold in stores. I bought these vits. Dont vaccinate your kids until you are completely informed about vaccines, from both sides; pro and con. (1) The color additive bronze powder is a very fine metallic powder prepared from alloys consisting principally of virgin electrolytic copper and zinc with small amounts of the virgin metals aluminum and tin. The herbal mouthwash is prepared from the following components in parts by weight: 0.01 to 0.03 part of a sweetener, 0.04 to 0.1 part of Tween 80, 0.04 to 0.1 part of sodium chloride, 0.5 to 4 parts of herbal extract and the balance of water, wherein the herbal extract comprises herba .. Ovaries were without corpora lutea, and had degenerative follicles. Many shampoos also include silicone to provide conditioning benefits. LIVES DEPEND ON IT. In 09 our entire family spent 3 weeks in Spain, Italy and France and I was extremely worried about what I would be able to eat while there with so many diet restrictions. Lead (as Pb), not more than 70 parts per million. I now am a strict label reader, health food customer and polyp free! A very effective early shampoo was made by boiling Sapindus with dried Indian gooseberry (amla) and a selection of other herbs, using the strained extract. I agree it acts differently ingested vs injected. It may be identified by its characteristic odor and by characteristic plant histology. The pigment is a manganese ammonium pyrophosphate complex having the approximate formula: Mn(III)NH4P2O7. Get them at Walmart for $8.97 a bottle of 50. Medicine is changing. Comments or questions about document content can not be answered by OFR staff. I am wondering if is part of it. Displaying title 21, up to date as of 11/03/2022. If they dont they may end up losing a lot of their workers to these health issues. Reactive Blue 163 [triphenodioxazinedisulfonic acid, 6,13-dichloro-3, 10-bis((4-((4.6-dichloro-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)amino) sulfophenyl)amino)-, tetrasodium salt] (CAS Reg. The more we know about this ingredient the better for everyone.