Introduction to principles of statistical machine learning with probabilistic graphical models. In Canada, it has been projected that seniors will represent up to 25% of the total population by 2036. Concepts illustrated in the context of several well-known systems. This course deals with algorithms for finding patterns in strings, patterns of three main kinds: specific, generic, and intrinsic. Three lectures, one tutorial (one hour); second term Network architecture of the Internet, telephone networks, cable networks, and cell phone networks. Module interfaces. Prerequisite(s): ENGINEER 1D04 or 1P13 or IBEHS 1P10 Cognitive Sciences Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Three lectures, one tutorial; first term 2-12 Units. Conduction and convection heat transfer. 4 Units. 4 Units. Modelling and solutions for engineering and science problems using linear optimization, including networks, transportation, assignment, and scheduling problems. Basic equations of continuity, energy and momentum for internal and external flows are discussed. Study of the theory and techniques of constraint network model. The main focus is reinforcement learning from a reward signal, with emphasis on algorithms that can learn differentiable policy parametrizations (Deep Reinforcement Learning). Three lectures; one tutorial (one hour); first term Introduction to standard integrated circuits. One lecture, two labs (two hours each); first term. Linear programming, integer programming, decision trees, network flow problems, graph algorithms, route planning, applications to engineering problems. Tractable subclasses. 4. Computer Science Engineering Majors have first consideration for enrollment. In the final part of the course we will introduce the basics of reinforcement learning and investigate applications to autonomous systems. Interface design tools. 4 Units. COMPSCI200S. Computer Science Engineering Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Prerequisite(s): ENGPHYS 2QM3or PHYSICS 2C03. Business Information Management, Computer Game Science, and Informatics majors have second right of consideration. This allows it to exhibit temporal dynamic behavior. Free and forced vibrations of single and multiple degree-of-freedom mechanical systems, transient response, damping and vibration isolation. Prerequisite(s) (EFFECTIVE 2021-2022): COMPSCI 1XC3 and 1DM3 implementation of a 3-stage RISC-V processor with a register file and caches. Formal Methods: Specification, Verification, and Synthesis, EECS 227AT. Students use a popular cross-platform game engine to create VR environments. Project in Computer Vision. Three lectures, seminar/lab (two hours every other week); one term Advanced Programming and Problem Solving with C++. 6. 4 Units. Processes, memory management, protection, scheduling, file systems, and I/O systems are covered. Master of Data Science Degree students only. World wide web as networks: protocols, clients/servers and social issues; programming systems: markups, scripts, styles; platform technologies; WWW services: standard systems, browser-based, security issues, examples. Machine Learning and Data Mining . Central limit theorem. Multimedia networking. An introduction to environmental geology and geomorphology through study of the processes that form the earth and its surface features. Language Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. COMPSCI217. Prerequisite: I&CSCI6D and (MATH 6G or MATH3A or I&CSCI6N) and MATH2B and (I&CSCI46 or CSE 46). Three lectures, one lab (three hours); first term This course will present practical aspects of software development in modern functional programming languages and theoretical foundations, like term rewriting systems, lambdacalculi, and type systems. 4 Units. 4 Units. Topics covered by this course include: frequent pattern mining, classification and clustering. Graduate students only. Antirequisite(s): SFWRENG 4AD3 Concepts in Internet applications engineering with emphasis on the Web. Prerequisite: (I&CSCI46 or CSE 46) and MATH2B and I&CSCI6B and I&CSCI6D. 4 Units. The course starts off by introducing a standard mathematical model (i.e,. Introduction to the fundamental concepts of digital signal and image processing as applicable in areas such as multimedia, graphics, AI, data mining, databases, vision, or video games. COMPSCI274D. Advanced concepts of IP and TCP, including addressing, internetworking, forwarding, routing, and implementations of flow and congestion control. Topics include classical cryptography, block ciphers, stream ciphers, public-key cryptography, digital signatures, one-way hash functions, basic cryptographic protocols, and digital certificates and credentials. COMPSCI272. Markov models. degree in Computer Science is also accepted. Antirequisite(s): SFWRENG 4E03 I&CSCI6N with a grade of C or better. Introduction to fundamental principles underlying transaction processing systems including database consistency, atomicity, concurrency control, database recovery, replication, commit protocols, and fault-tolerance. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Prerequisite(s): COMPSCI 1JC3 or SFWRENG 3FP3, COMPSCI 1XC3 or SFWRENG 2S03 or SFWRENG 2XC3, COMPSCI 2C03 or SFWRENG 2C03, COMPSCI 2LC3 or 2DM3 or SFWRENG 2DM3, COMPSCI 2ME3 or SFWRENG 2AA4 Coursework may include both homework and project components. Restriction: School of Info & Computer Sci students have first consideration for enrollment. COMPSCI274C. I&CSCI6N with a grade of C or better. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1B03 or MATH 1ZC3 or registration in the Honours Computer Science as a Second Degree (B.A.Sc.) Restriction: Graduate students only. representing that the data d is stating S regarding the relationship of some attribute(s) A to some object O in the world. Overview of modern computer and networks security, attacks, and countermeasures. Two lectures, one lab (three hours), second term The course will be conducted through student-led discussions of important papers The reachability method. Advanced concepts and implementations of flow and congestion control, addressing, internetworking, forwarding, routing, multiple access, streaming, and quality-of-service. Verification, validation, and documentation techniques. Simulation and testing of embedded systems. In the second half of the course, various tasks and algorithms are studied and analyzed via the lens of the proposed theoretical foundations. State-Space Control Theory and Real-Time Implementation The course will also discuss timed DES, as well as current topics of interest. Introduction to formal methods including equivalence verification, model-checking and theorem proving. Applications to software and hardware design, cyber-physical systems, robotics, computer security, and other areas will be explored as time permits. Three lectures, one tutorial (two hours), second term Data acquisition. Concepts in modern programming languages, their interaction, and the relationship between programming languages and methods for large-scale, extensible software development. It has clear applications to model-driven software engineering, software product families and feature-oriented programming. 3. The emphasis is on the software component(s). Prerequisite(s): MATH 2Z03 and credit or registration in MATH 2ZZ3 Modelling storage and network behaviour, locks, critical sections, concurrency. Oral and written presentation skills; types and structure of technical documents; software documentation for the user; formulating and presenting proposals. An in-depth treatment of data structures and their associated management algorithms including resource complexity analysis. Seminar in Graphics and Visualization. Assignments and mini programming projects will be used to enhance and evaluate the learning performance of students. Signals and conditioning: data acquisition, active and passive filtering, optical and analog isolation, pulse-width modulation, (de-)multiplexing. This course is for graduate students who have already taken a course in human-computer interaction and already know how to program non-trivial applications on at least one mobile device. Network-Based Reasoning/Constraint Networks. Topics include image representation, space- and frequency-domain transformations, filters, segmentation, and compression. Topics include substring searching, finite state machines, regular expressions, and context-free grammars, as well as applications in lexical analyzers, compilers, word processors, malware detectors, and search engines. The Halting problem and the Church-Turing thesis. It is also finding increasing applications in embedded systems. Embedded runtime systems. Professional responsibility. COMPSCI154. Human cognition (memory, perception, motor systems). The Time and Space Hierarchy theorems. 4 Units. Human factors and health issues, ergonomics. Three lectures, one tutorial (one hour); one term Techniques for developing axiomatic theories. an introduction to grasping and the constrained manipulation, contacts and force control for interaction Advanced programming with emphasis on embedded systems. COMPSCI222 with a grade of B or better. Graduate colloquium series. Authentication, identification, data secrecy, data integrity, authorization, access control, computer viruses, network security. MATH3A with a grade of C+ or better. 2 Units. Prerequisite: I&C SCI 21 or CSE 21 or IN4MATX 41 or I&CSCI31 or CSE 41. Modular arithmetic and GCDs; applications include primality testing and cryptography. Principles of object-oriented programming: Classes, objects, interfaces, references, methods and fields; types of inheritance, overriding, polymorphism, overloading, covariance and contravariance, exception handling, generics, closures; design by contract; use of standard APIs. Students will explore the molecular basis of cellular communication (gene expression, cellular signaling) underlying disease processes. Design, definition and implementation of programming languages. Probability and Random Processes, EECS 127. Formal specifications in software and system development; validation; verification; presentation of information; practical Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab, EECS 251LB. 4 Units. Interactive 3D graphics rendering pipeline, illumination and shading, ray tracing, texture-, bump-, mip-mapping, hidden surface removal, anti-aliasing, multiresolution representations, volume rendering techniques, iso-surface extraction. . Prerequisite(s) (EFFECTIVE 2021-2022): COMPSCI 1XC3 and 1XD3