October had an average recorded temperature of 7.8 C and an average rainfall of 31.3 mm. The concept of globalization, therefore, contributes both positive and negative sides in the view of many people in different fields of work. Print Download. Due to globalization, the Chinese government has also increased confidence in the economy through its macroeconomic policy. Near the beginning 1980's, China's economy was very fragile due to its inward looking government system of a socialist planned economy under the Mao government. "The Effects of Globalization on Air Pollution in China's Largest Cities" Get custom essay This paper shall focus on the climate changedata itself, pollutionand its' impact on health in China, particularly on mortality rates; the proposed proactive and reactive solutions already in place, going off of China's proposals and summits. However, the solution of adaptive challenges usually require people to change their ways, and find out what they discarded form the past practices. CULTURAL IMPERIALISM vs. CULTURE GLOBALIZATION When the world entered into 21 century, the time of culture globalization has been approaching. The Impact Of Globalization In China. The graphs below will demonstrate the average monthly temperature and rainfall for mainland China between a specific set of dates. In 1979, communist leader Deng Xiaoping opened China to foreign investment, private competition, and the global market. In conclusion, Air pollution has left a negative impact on China due to globalization. 2013). The trend continues onwards with March having an average recorded temperature of 1.5 C (compared to 0.1C) and an average rainfall of 26.6 mm (compared to 25.7 mm). Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. Globalization has also attracted people from various cultural backgrounds into China. Nevertheless, to reign in the risk of high inflation, the government has capped increases in utility costs and limiting lending by state banks. Less than forty years later, China has become one of the world's largest economic power with significant yearly growth. Learn More Here We gladly help those who are busy with family and completely lack time to write their papers. Smoking cigarette has an effect on respiration, which results in coughing and shortness of breath. This integration has enabled Chinese companies to gain a competitive edge in the global market, attracting investments and increasing revenues. Over past 30 years the average export levels have increased by 17% annually. Type your requirements and I'll connect you to an academic expert within 3 minutes. Globalization is a process of interaction and comprehensiveness among the people, companies, governments that from different countries. Is Globalization ultimately positive or negative, or somewhere in between? This has ensured flow of capital and investments to and from China, encouraging economic developments in various sectors. When foreign firms came into China, they brought in new information and technology, which have enabled the country to further develop its infrastructures in various sectors of the economy. This process 909 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays The Impact Of Globalization In China Its effects can be felt throughout the world in industrialized and developing nations alike. (NASH, 2008). Through continued government involvement and strategic planning, however, it appears that China will continue to develop economically and establish itself as a major international economic player in the future to come. This process has make changes on many things, like: the environment, culture, economic development, political systems, societal problems All the things have two sides, globalization also has advantages and disadvantages. In little over a quarter of a decade, this immense country has emerged from the rim of economic insignificance to lead the world in respect of economic growth. As a result of globalization in China, many industries started coming up due to the increased investments. After carrying out the reform and opening up policy in 1978, China gradually involved in the flood of global market. Still today approximately 5 million deaths are caused by cancer, with the highest occurrence of death in China. This exceeds the EPA standard by 49.97 micrograms per cubic meter. 3 billion consumers for every conceivable product and service. The benefits of globalization are apparent to organizations and nations such as reduction in poverty and benefits to consumers. Private property has. I can help you save hours on your homework. Gilley names a number of examples of the authoritarian character of the Chinese approach to environmental challenges, among them, typical command-and-control approaches such as excluding polluting enterprises from receiving state bank loans, directly shutting installations down, and enacting intentional power cuts to achieve energy reduction targets (Gilley, 2012; Balding, 2017). However, scholars have also emphasized that environmental policy in China has switched to a combination of many different approaches (Young et al., 2015), including the introduction of market-like instruments such as emissions trading (Engels/Wang et al., 2018). Many houses decided to spread out their concern outside their states, using peoples internationally. As the global economy shifts its focus towards China, new opportunities for businesses to enter the Chinese market are emerging. 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It is an uncomfortable situation for any country to be in, this rock and a hard place position between favourable economic development powered by fossil fuel use, and alarmingly high levels of pollution harming her citizens physical/mental well-being and polluting the physical countryside itself. Globalization leads to much mutual awareness and interdependence. Globalization's great reboot. Overall about 30.8 million people in China have died from air pollution. Click the button, and we will write you a custom essay from scratch for only $13.00 $11.05/page 322 academic experts available Learn more Social effect //= $post_title J, 2002). During the past 20 years, the world economy has become increasingly connected and integrated, We could find that our times has already entered globalisation era, as the degree of the. Relinquishing a concept that hasn't worked entirely well is not the answer. Rather, the solution is to fine-tune it for today's world. For January, the average recorded temperature was -8.9 C and average rainfall was 10.2 mm. Particulate matter having a diameter of 2.5 microns or less is commonly referred to as PM2.5. China 's integration into the global economic system has been a multifaceted and complex process, and one that China appears exceptionally eager to embrace. The two non- Western cultures impacted by globalization are the economic culture of the Chinese and the Indian culture . 7% to deflation in 2002 of 0. Much of China's recent economic success from globalization can be credited to responsible government policy and long-term strategic planning. Over the past 30 years, the sea level and sea surface temperature have increased 90 millimeters (mm) and 0.9 degree Celsius, respectively. Sample Business Paper on Farewell Apparel Inc. 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Air pollution causes diseases such as cancer. Strategic management: creating competitive advantages(6th ed. Globalization related issues. Order custom essay The Effect of Globalization on the Chinese Economy The data sets above were produced by the University of East Anglia (UEA) Climate Research Unit (CRU). and technology internationally. ?>. August had an average recorded temperature of 18.8 C and an average rainfall of 96.6 mm. chron. The reduction of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution in China would, on average, cause about 20,?000 fewer deaths per year in 2030, and about 370, 000 fewer annual deaths in 2050. Over the past 4 decades China has benefited greatly from globalisation and its current size would not have been achievable if it wasn't for globalisation, however China has also been negatively impacted through globalisation. Globalization provides good conditions for expanding international exchanges and strengthening mutual communication between different countries. One is the dramatic rise in household debt from 2000 to 2007.1 1 See Mian and Sufi (), Mian and Sufi (), among others. The other is an unprecedented increase in import competition triggered by the expansion of China and other low-wage countries in global markets, with substantial labor market consequences.2 2 . This not only exploits the labor force but also impacts the neglect of health and safety standards in an effort to produce cheap goods. Smog over China has doubled in recent years, enveloping large areas of the populated east. 3 Yuan, thus, increasing the competitiveness of domestic export-oriented industries allowing an expansionary effect upon the domestic economy(Amsden, 2004). China, with the implementation of economic reforms in 1978, has had a growing number of interactions with other countries in different capacities, ranging from economic and political to environmental and cultural. Disclaimer: This essay has been written and submitted by students and is not an example of our work. The three most common metallic toxins found in around 40% of polluted soil, in and around industrial areas and farmland are: lead, arsenic, and cadmium.Wastewater and industrial wastewater are increasingly used because there is not enough fresh water available. Monthly average historical rainfall and temperature data can be plotted to show the baseline climate and seasonality for each month, year, and rainfall and temperature. Globalization eliminates geographical barriers between countries. Life expectancy of the Chinese people rose from 35 years in 1949 to 71 years in 2001. (2022, Feb 04). A Market Economy And In A Command Economy Economics Essay. It also shows the union of the trade cycles among the economies. Web. Future research needs to provide ways to adapt to climate change and assess the implementation of adaptation measures; improve the characteristics of climate-health relationships (especially at the regional level); identify thresholds, especially vulnerable groups; and collect and strengthen health issues that may be of concern Long-term monitoring data (including extreme temperatures, vector-borne diseases, air quality, pollen and mold numbers, foodborne and waterborne diseases, and the effects of extreme weather on mental health). However, it should be noted that globalization has also hurt a fraction of the population to some extent. The Impact Of Globalization In China Economics Essay Economics Over the past 30 old ages, international trade and investing are really fast- growth and expand faster than the universe economic system. TNC's also account for over half of total exports, worth an annual $50 billion dollars (Nolan, 2004). This process comes with major pros and some major cons. Although the rapid growth of economy brings out a lot of benefits to citizens, it has not reached all elements of the population. This phenomenon is a result of globalization. China's economy has experienced a period of rapid economic growth from the 1980's, surpassing all other world economies. The Chinese economic reform is widely regarded as a success. China's WTO membership in 2001 has also resulted in the dismantling of many protective trade barriers, such as the gradual phasing out of tariffs, which now averages 12% (Amsden, 2004). Moreover, it is reinforcing growth of the rapidly globalizing Chinese economy, increasing FDI into exports and domestic production; upgrading management skills and technology. Globalization has enabled China to look at trade from a different perspective and enhance a liberal environment. It is needless to mention that globalization influences politics in a range of ways. say Made in China this is a big deal because Chinas name is spread worldwide making them globally important, the start of a super power., Foreign trade between them, both imports and exports, accounted for just under 600 million dollars in 2014, making China the largest import trader of the US and the third largest for exports [7]. Almost the same thing happens on Earth, and on a global scale, this higher evaporation rate leads to more extreme rain and drought events. html. As the world warms, the oceans evaporation rate is increasing. Adopting a low-carbon development strategy promises a number of win-win-outcomes, including energy security, improved health conditions, and industrial and technological modernization. Globalization also calls for increased production of goods which has lead to more factories being built, which also causes a significant amount of air pollution. If China starts to slow down their industrial development and economic growth at all, the effects would be social instability, the potential to lose foreign business and trading partners, and takes away China's hard-earned reputation. This kind of outlook is five years above the average world rate. Another negative effect of globalisation in china is when people move from developed to developing countries they would be faced with a low wage income and the working conditions and standard of living would not be the same with that of the developed countries. In short, globalization is the progressive incorporation of national economies through the breaking down of global trade barriers. Let us help you get a good grade on your paper. There are several factors contributing to this decline in their economy. Brazil has shown a vast amount of improvement in its economy via social and economic globalization. The effects of globalization have been experienced since 1970s as the structural adjustments that are sought so as to attain the economic benefits. And with a low tax rate for export-oriented industries in some cases of mere 10%, has continued to attract a disproportionate share of FDI coming into Asia (Amsden, 2004). Another useful effect of globalization on education is that it made English an international language and a medium of learning process and exchange of idea and views. On the other hand, energy-saving and clean energy technologies, two examples of the efforts promoted to evolve a low-carbon economy, will provide technological support for Chinas initiatives to save energy and reduce carbon. Please click this link to view samples of our professional work witten by our professional essay writers. Since then, China successfully transformed its economy from heavy central planning to a more capitalist system. The Effects of Globalization on Air Pollution in Chinas Largest Cities. What are the effects of globalization? Did you know that we have over 70,000 essays on 3,000 topics in our Click on the ORDER NOW button to learn more about our services and choose from a wide range of pricing. This process comes with major pros and some major cons. Besides, Yue (2012) Reports that China has be a part of the, Considering the growing boundaries between urban and rural areas, China remains a very rural economy even after few decades of rapid growth. Some imports from Globalization to China such as coal, oil, and natural gas have had an effect on China. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. It is less than one-third of the people who are living in urban area. China also increases the direct use of renewables in end-use sectors, via bioenergy in industry, solar thermal for heating and biofuels for transport. For January, the average recorded temperature was -7.9 C and average rainfall was 12 mm, this is a full degree lower than its 1901-1930 temperature counterpart, and approximately 1.8 mm more rainfall than in previous years. Copyright 2009-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Authors Global Group. Also, since the 1980's the population increased by 200 million, despite a 'one child policy' implemented by the government, coupled with the increased level of economic activity, this has placed a huge strain on China's infrastructure, with growing housing shortages and traffic congestion (Amsden, 2004).