The girlfriend getaway market brings in over $200 million a year. Bucket list destinations: Italy takes the top spot across nationalities except for Europeans, followed by Greece, Australia, Iceland and Japan. One in three single American women took five trips during the year. Sources: Skift, FlightNetwork, TravelDailyNews, Trekksoft, NationalGeographic, CNTraveler. 69% of women travel as a source of inspiration. 62 percent of female British travelersbetween 25 and 45 years of age usedsocial media to keep in touch with home. And salaries for women who graduated. *This stat is pre-pandemic, recent statistics show a difference of attitude when it comes to pandemic travel. A 2019 non-gender specific study found that 76% of travelers had gone on a solo trip or were considering going. The authors do not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption due to use (or misuse) of information, conclusions and insights. Europe is often high on the list and Japan was at the top. Women are also increasingly bilingual which makes travelling easier and safer, it also allows for more cultural opportunities and a chance for women to feel intellectually stimulated. 34% of the adventure travel in the US is done by women. It means you should pay attention to two very important customer groups: Women AND The Affluent Traveler! 75% of women use social media to help them find the best places to eat and the best activities to do. We price all our group tours on a per person basis and pair travelers so they dont have to upgrade to a single room if they dont want to and more travel companies should follow suit. $125 billion is the expected spend made by women on travel this year. Yet, the destination that male and female solo travelers choose tends to vary. Top countries on Solo Female Travelers bucket lists include, The travelers nationality determines the bucket list, with most respondents favoring, 58% of respondents said they care about a. Required fields are marked *. 60% say it gives them the freedom they want. Women over 50 represent the biggest growth area for solo travel. 74% of women surveyed in 2015 have traveled alone or are planning to travel alone this year. Before we dive deep, below are the key findings from the 2021 survey: 1. On the other hand, 25% of all tourists consider having a solo getaway in 2020; however, it declined to 21% in the first half of 2021. The fastest-growing female-friendly destinations are then followed by Italy, then Sri Lanka. Women enjoy travelling with friends as seeing the world is often more fun with others as it is a chance for them to enjoy common interests together. I have lugged enormous canvas duffel bags through the streets of Paris and have lost luggage by the airlines more times than I can count. That issue is the publication of articles such as "top destinations for solo female travellers." The girlfriend getaway market constitutes over $200 million a year and is evidently popular amongst women travellers. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries There are 500 million active users sharing on Instagram and around 80 million photos being uploaded a day which is why many females look for travelling inspiration on Instagram. 74% of women surveyed in 2015 have traveled alone or are planning to travel alone this year. It is easy to get around, has an excellent tourism infrastructure, and has consistently ranked as the world's second most visited country. We earn from qualifying purchases on Amazon, and also from other retailers you may find on the site. In the UK, solo female travel statistics reported that 54% of females find pleasure in flying alone. On this page, you will find the most updated results from 2021. Greece appeared on the bucket list in 2020 as a result of opening earlier than any other country in Europe after the COVID lockdowns, and remains on it in 2021. Learn how to adapt and enhance your product to perfectly suit the type of solo female traveler you want to target. Friends, family members or a partner? Women make up a huge percentage of the travelers out there and are a powerful decision-making force. Beyond price, women really care about a business, A business ownership is a relevant decision factor for solo female travelers and 37% said they find, Reasons for traveling solo by Age, Nationality (grouped by continent) and Relationship status, Worries when traveling solo by level of solo travel experience, Level of trustworthiness of travel advice by Age, and for those who have not traveled solo yet, Decision factors when choosing a travel provider by Age and Nationality (grouped by continent), Decision factors when choosing a destination by Age, Activities women like to do when traveling solo by Age and Nationality (grouped by continent). Other complaints include women-only hostel rooms being priced higher than mixed dorms, and other pricing approaches that penalise solo travelers. All rights reserved. 13% of solo female travelers are between 35-44 years of age 6% of solo female travelers are between 25-34 years of age 1% of solo female travelers are 18-24 years of age 27% of women have said they would consider taking a holiday by themselves. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I wasnt always obsessed with packing lite. Often it is more expensive to stay in the female only room. Why do you travel solo: Freedom and flexibility (90%),Get away from routine and responsibilities (86%, not among top reasons in 2020), Challenge themselves (84%), Relax, self-care and enjoy me-time (83%) are top reasons for solo travel. Regular travel partners dont want to take the trip, Meet like-minded women when traveling solo in a group trip, 56.1% of females state Fear of Safety as a reason not to solo travel, 25.7% of men state Fear of Safety as a reason not to solo travel, 35.7% of women state that eating alone is the worst part of solo travel, 27.6% of women state that single supplements are a barrier to solo travel, 19.6% of men state that the single supplement is a barrier to traveling solo. 4% of women report traveling just as much, just not by air. Spain is the safest country on Earth for women traveling alone and it's the 2nd most visited destination (just behind France). 81% of solo female travellers are over 45 years old. ), 30 Must-Have Travel Essentials for Women Who Love to Travel, 15 Best Lightweight Luggage Pieces: Travel with Style in 2022, What to Wear in Japan in April: How to Pack for Spring Travel (2022), How to Wear a Blanket Scarf: The Perfect Travel Accessory, How To Pack Your Quart Size Bag With TSA Approved Liquids (2022), 25 Packing Essentials for Your Grand Canyon Camping Trip, 25 Items For Your Maui Packing List: What to Wear in 2022, Solo women spent $3,000 per week on accommodations pre-pandemic, The search term solo travel increased by 761.15% in the UK during the pandemic. In communication campaigns, the travel narrative is mostly focused on couples and families and does not speak to the solo traveler, let alone the solo female traveler. When planning a solo trip as a woman, getting trustworthy and relevant advice is critical and can make or break a trip, especially when it comes to safety tips and recommendations for things to do or places to stay. Solo travel is not niche, it is mainstream, the travel industry marketing materials need to catch up with the reality and start showing realistic solo travelers as much as they show couples and families to encourage more solo travelers and make them feel that they dont need to wait for a travel partner to set off. Sources:GutsyTraveler, Forbes, MappingMegan. Further, women look to travel for inspiration and find that the experience makes them strong. Whether you look at the demographics of our Solo Travel Society on Facebook, the people who respond to our annual reader survey, or what Google tells us in terms of who visits Solo Traveler, women outnumber men almost two to one. It is also worth noting that, while there are some universally recommended options for the ideal destination a first time solo traveler should start with, there isnt a one-size-fits-all choice and each traveler should consider their own personal circumstances when deciding. Are you looking to better tailor your offer to Solo Female Travelers? 20% of female travelers and 20% of male travelers in the US intend to take a solo trip as of July 2021. According to Intrepid Travel, 63% were female (this is on par with the global figure of 64%). All goods and services are required to be declared under law and must be manifested as such. Respondents were split between women who had traveled solo (approximately 4,000 responses) and those who had not traveled solo yet (approximately 1,000 responses), and each was asked to fill a unique list of questions, with the objective to: Details of the participants in the survey for solo female travelers can be found below. A quarter of solo female travelers have also been on trips with their partner, their girlfriends and their family, The pandemic has made independent travel much more complicated and requiring the need to stay up to date with border controls and COVID restrictions. Solo female travelers also outnumbered their male counterparts by almost two to one, the study showed. In a search for the safest country, thetop 10 safest destinationsfor women in 2019 were New Zealand, Uruguay, Canada, Finland, Belgium, Switzerland, Iceland, Japan, Chile, and Austria. 72% of American women like to take trips solo. In a search for the most popular destinations, thetop 10 countriesfor US female solo travellers were Cuba, Macedonia, UAE, Nepal, Egypt, Albania, Finland, Mexico, Guatemala, and Luxembourg. *This stat is pre-pandemic, recent statistics show a difference of attitude when it comes to pandemic travel. Safety information is usually for white able-bodied cis-women. The figures on content creators are more polarising than in 2020. The termfemale solo travelincreased in search volume by 62%across all search engines over the past few years. Read the 2020 Solo Female Travel Survey results here. 131% increase in the number of Google searches online for 'solo travel' between 2016 and 2019. 8% of females who book trips with other females are travelling with relatives. Having opportunities for Instagram shots, spending time at the spa or shopping are not important. It has been found that 75% of those who take adventure, cultural or nature trips are women. And this part of the market spends money. Traveling solo as a woman faces a lot of stigma and is subject to the opinions of many. 81%of solo female travelers are over 45 years old. However, changing border restrictions is now the most important concern for women traveling solo. TORONTO, Feb. 13, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Women dominate solo travel in a 63/36 split. For lengths over 7m please call 0345 609 1024 to book. Whose recommendations do you trust: Women traveling solotrustthe advice from solo female travel Facebook groups (76%), more than they trust their friends and familys (73%) and blogs (67%). How much is the womens travel industry worth? This presents an enormous opportunity for savvy players to get to know us better and to offer products that understand our challenges. Research shows that women enjoy adventure travel and like to immerse themselves in a foreign culture more so than men. Contact I Privacy I Disclaimer I Values I Tours T&C, *Womxn is a term we use in the spirit of inclusion, to welcome all women, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, beliefs, sexuality, or other minority. Travel companions: 80% of solo travelers also travel with others; solo travel isnt a lifestyle but a travel style suitable for some trips. Japan is the top country to visit when solo women travelers consider culture, safety, scenery,womens rights and adventure. Women who have not traveled solo yet also worry about safety (65%), but there are also a range of other barriers stopping them from booking their first solo trip. Social media has become a vital source of information for female travelers, with Instagram and Pinterest becoming the main destination for travel inspiration. and over 1Mio. Click here to view a list of our variables. 62% says it makes them feel independent and more confident in themselves. Single women aged 35 and above is increasing and now totals 28 million according to the Census Bureau. Female travelers spent $125 billion in 2014. Womens travel behavior changed on every question. Within the travel community, female solo travelers were mainly interested in cultural sightseeing in 2021. Experience traveling solo reduces this fear, however it still remains alarmingly high at 52% for those who have traveled solo more than 10 times. Solo female travel companies increased by 230% in recent years. 68% would be more likely to book a solo trip if joining a women-only tour. Traveling solo was so satisfying that 34% said it was in "the top five trips that they have already been on and would like to go on again.". The pandemic has rocked our world for the past year or two. Women taking vacations has recently become synonymous with self-care, it is an opportunity for wellness, freedom and empowerment. Safety concerns should be at the forefront of any travelers mind, and women especially can be targeted on the road. A sticking point for any solo traveler is the travel industrys historical pricing that quotes trips, rooms and cruise ship cabins on a per person sharing basis and charges solo travelers a single supplement. 59% of female solo travelers said they'd do it again. 29% distrust influencers, more than the travel brands who hire them (17%). 2015 marked the trend of women quitting their jobs to travel around the world. 39%of American women were planning a girlfriend getaway within three years (As of 2019,). If you are looking for more statistics on travel, find more here: The number of women who control consumer spending is staggering. Why do women vacation solo? 84% of solo travellers are women. This can be very excluding for many women (WOC/Black women, trans women, women with disabilities etc.).. facts. 80+ Solo Travel Statistics and Trends | 2022. Solo trip bookings have grown45%in the last few years in this market. The data are sparse, but there are some articles online that speculate that the solo travel market will be the first to recover out of the pandemic. Spain is one of the best options for first-time solo female travelers to visit. Max length of motorhome 7m. Solo Female Travel: What ages of women are Traveling Solo? 72% of American women are taking solo vacations. Sources: GutsyTraveler, GirlPowerMarketing, MappingMegan, TravelDailyNews, LonelyPlanet, Vox, BostonGlobe, Squeezepod, Forbes, Solotraveler, Trekksoft, Telegraph. Solo female travel statistics demonstrate traveling alone as a womangives them the opportunity to explore new places whilst following their own schedule and ensuing specific interests. 27% of travel agents believe that sightseeing and shopping are the most popular activities when women are booking travel. The hashtag #solotravel has over 7.5M posts on Instagram. It has been found that Japan is the best place to visit for solo woman travelers when considering a variety of different factors. They make up 80% of all travel decisions and book tours & activities 67% of the time. The TrekkSoft company has found that women account for 69% of webpage visits when booking a hotel website. 6 Solo Female Travel Trends for 2020. 27%of women have said they would consider taking aholidayby themselves. Women continue to travel solo more than men (2020) "47% of travelers with Overseas Adventure Travel are registered as 'solo'. Younger Generations often lack the money or have family obligations that prevent them from being able to travel as much as women who are empty nesters and beyond. Solo female travel returns more than218, Pinterest searches for solo female travel increased by 600% in 2018. Women appreciate the feeling of independence they get from solo travel and report feeling energized by it afterward. For 22% of respondents, solo travel is a lifestyle and the. Female travel companions range from bachelorette parties, trips with female relatives or even a big group getaway with their female friends. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Shopping or IG photo opportunities are not relevant to the vast majority of women when deciding where to go. Women taking a solo trip spans across the generations but is heavily skewed to women over 50. The travel industry is just waking up to the economic power of women. Required fields are marked *. Recommendations and advice from Influencers are mostly distrusted, especially by Millennials and Gen Z. A survey conducted by the International Currency Exchange (ICE) found that women are more likely to spend when they travel in comparison to men. Women taking a solo trip spans across the generations but is heavily skewed to women over 50. Many find the benefits of solo travel to be freedom to do what they want, meet new people, solitude after the pandemic. The topic of safety is a very complex topic but helping women stay safe when they travel starts with providing accurate data on the risks so they can prepare with tools such as our Solo Female Travel Safety Index or our Safety Tips. Women are still interested in luxury vacations and spa. A third of solo female travellers also travel with their spouses, 24% travel with their families and 18% also travel with a group of friends. The platforms act as a destination image library, a safety net, an inspiration guide and a place for recommendations. 67 million women will make travel decisions this year. Women make the overwhelming majority of travel bookings, for themselves, for their families, for their parents, for their colleagues and for their friends, and represent 70% of the hotel website visits. Evidently, women over 50 enjoy travelling alone because they are often divorced, single or widowed. 65%of women in the US have vacationed without their partner. Female solo travelers Main motivation to travel solo worldwide See the world and don't want to wait for others Most representative generation of U.S. travelers intending to take a. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Tour operators report bookings for group trips have increased by 20% since the pandemic, with 29% of the participants solo travelers. Industry data has shown that Europe is the most popular destination for female travellers, this could be due to the low European crime rate. Solo travel for women is a growing trend and with that, the types of women traveling solo have also expanded to include women from all walks of life, all age groups, all backgrounds, all nationalities and all ethnicities. 24%of American women took a girlfriend getaway trip from 2016-2019. People think that you are on a solo trip because you dont have anyone to go with you, but most of the time you do it because you dont care if someone else wants to go with you.. 7. Female travel has become a major phenomenon over the past few years with travel companies dedicated to woman-only clientele increasing by 230%. At least 67 millionwomen will make travel decisions this year. They are the real travel influencers. This text provides general information. 13% of females like to travel on cruises. It is also understood that safety comes in numbers when travelling, especially when visiting somewhere known to have a higher crime rate. In order to complement our research, we also drew a sample of 1,000 responses from women who have yet to travel solo and we asked them what is stopping them. Without a seat at the table, decisions are made about us, not with us.. We recognize that there are many different ways to be a womxn, and we welcome everyone , Safety is also a barrier for women to go on a solo trip. The most important key figures provide you with a compact summary of the topic of "Solo travelers" and take you straight to the corresponding statistics. 74% of women say travel has made them stronger. Social media has everything a female traveller needs! Solo female travel returns more than218. 43.5% of female business travelers worried they might become infected with Covid 19 during travel, despite safety measures. To quote or reference the survey results, it must be accompanied by a link back to this page as the original source. 23% of women will travel by air only if they have to. 85% of all consumer purchases are made by women. Be more intersectional. Data on those over 50 reveal that older women are leading the way for travel in the UK and is the biggest growth area, as 57 is the average age for women travellers. Lastly, it requires institutional support with initiatives such as Costa Ricas Sofia Network. Sources:,, Condor Ferries,TravelGuard-1,TravelGuard-2. 32 million single American women went traveling at least once over the past year and 1 in 3 travelled 5 times or more. 45% of travel agents surveyed say Europeis themost popular destinationfor female travelers. The female travel market has increased by 88% in the last few years demonstrating a massive cultural shift as there has been an increasing desire for females to discover the world alone. Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, this site contains affiliate links. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Solo travel #1 trend for 2019 according to Klook. Border closures, last minute changes in costs or travel arrangements, being forced to change or cancel a trip, getting stuck abroad or the stress of last minute test requirements are top of mind. 54% of British females are more likely to take trips alone than they were five years ago. But research is hard to find for more exotic travel. Women in relationships explain why they travel solo. An overarching theme though is that experiences are important. Choose your hotel / B&B location wisely. 72% of women in the US have traveled alone. As travelers consider solo trips, personal safety is a primary concern. 63% of women surveyed from US traveled alone or plan to travel alone in 2015. 54% of affluent travelers (those that make more than $250,000 annually) are women. Use generic location tags. 81% of women surveyed from Australia and UK traveled alone or plan to travel alone in 2015. Women are more likely to go solo: 65% of American women travel . Solo travel for women is focused on freedom, impulsivity as well a chance to meet new people. Sometimes, solo travel is a personal choice over traveling with . The termfemale solo travelincreased in search volume by 62%across all search engines over the past few years. Make it known that its a normal every day thing that women do.. Sources:The Cashlorette,Condor Ferries,Lonely Planet. 10. How do women use social media when travelling. With solo travel on the rise and women at the forefront of this trend, it pays to capture the opportunity early on by focusing on the needs and wants of this segment and their pain points. Search for jobs related to Solo female travel statistics or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 20m+ jobs. Your email address will not be published. An astounding 85% of these solo travelers are women." Source; Searches for "Solo Women Travel" surge in 2019. Regardless of what is going on in the world, it has been found that 86% of women state that they are not afraid to travel. Women do consider safety measures around travel, and the considerations vary based on if they are preparing for, or actually traveling.